Title of Project or Research Theme / Designing of Next-Generation Robust Water Distribution Networks
Project sponsor(s) / Organisation / Anglian Water Services Ltd
Name / Barrie Holden
Academic supervisor / University / University of Sheffield
Name / Prof Joby Boxall


Project Description
Background / rationale
The purpose of a drinking water distribution network is to efficiently deliver clean safe drinking water to the public. Since original installation in the industrial revolution, water distribution networks have been continuously expanding to meet the needs of an ever growing and more demanding population. In addition sections of the network have been replaced or renovated to meet regulatory standards. This piecemeal evolution of the network means that current asset ‘legacy’ consists of water main of variable age and condition. Current and future sociological, political and environmental drivers including climate change mean the delivery of water and associated service provided by water companies is also coming under increasing pressure. There is a continued drive to provide more detailed information on such areas as asset condition and operation of the distribution systems to make informed decisions for their future management of the infrastructure. Therefore there is a need to derive innovative approaches to make the step change to deliver high standard of potable water with minimal impact to the customer or environment at the lowest cost.
Research challenge / questions
To derive where appropriate plus evaluate known tools and techniques to provide a more robust and controlled distribution network for the future.
Provide a technical guidance document that addresses the short, medium and long term perspective of how Anglian Water can achieve is co-ordinated goal of an Optimised Water Network that matches with its 25yr Innovation Strategy Plan.
Develop a strategy and evaluation procedure to test and where appropriate implement relevant tools and techniques to create the next generation of water distribution networks for Anglian Water. The research will focus on specific area/s following an initial review and evaluation of current and potential opportunities and subsequent gap analysis by the student in combination with the industrial and academic supervisors.
This will involve working with various departments within Anglian Water including Innovation, Operation, Asset Management and Alliance partners to deliver the outcomes. The deliverables will judged by the financial and non financial benefits delivered to the business.
Anticipated outcomes & benefits for the sponsoring organisation and other stakeholders
Cost effective engineering tools and techniques providing improved Serviceabilty and SIM scores to Anglian Water and a direction for future investment to match the long term strategy and goals for its distribution network.
Business or management element that is to be tackled in the research.
The student will gain an insight and assist with the asset management and operation of Anglian Water critical assets. Develop and manage cross process networking and relationship to enable the delivery of the objectives. Understand budgetary control and cost benefit analysis to highlight viability of various tools and techniques suggested from the practical outcomes of the EngD research. Be part of a close knit Innovation team working under various time and resource constraints with defined deliverables giving an opportunity to work as an individual as well as part of a team.