National Institute of Oceanography (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)
Dona Paula Goa. 403 004


Sealed tenders in two bid systems are invited on behalf of Director, NIO, Dona Paula, Goa from experienced contractors/manufacturers etc for the “Construction of cold storage and clean rooms at NIO, Dona Paula ,Goa” on TURNKEY BASIS .The estimated cost of work is approximately Rs 1,16,10,800/- and completion time will be three months.The scope of work includes construction of -23°C and 4°C cold rooms and clean rooms of class 1,000

Interested parties who have successfully carried out similar works of cold storage or clean rooms valuing at least a single work of Rs 93lakhs or two works of Rs 70 lakhs or three works of Rs 46lakhs and above during last seven years for Govt./ Semi Govt./ Public sector undertaking/ Multinational private companies or CSIR and its laboratories may submit with the following technical information and attested copies of supporting documents

a)  Name and style of the firm with their constitution/proprietorship/partnership details etc with date of establishment/registration

b)  Organizational structure, technical and other staff with their qualification indicating details of workshop /factory etc

c)  Enlistment status with CPWD/MES/Railways or other organization as above

d)  List of T & P available with the firm ,which can be spared for above project

e)  List of work successfully completed in the last seven years as above, testimonials and completion certificates from department concerned

f)  Details of work in hand with value and likely date of completion

g)  Should have an average annual financial turnover of Rs 35 lakhs during the last three years

h)  Details of Arbitration cases ongoing/settled / Name of work / Estimated Cost (Rs) / Contract Period / Value of EMD (Rs) / Value of Tender Paper (Rs)
1 / Construction of Cold storage and clean rooms at NIO, Dona Paula, Goa / 1,16,10,800/- / Three
months / 2,32,216/- / 1000/-
(non refundable)

Sale of tenders :0930hrs -1530hrs from 14/06/2010 to 25/06/2010

Pre bid meeting:28/06/2010

Last date for submission of tenders:1500hrs on 05/07/2010

Tender will be issued and received by: S.Supr.Engr.,NIO,Dona Paula,Goa

Date and time of opening of tender: 1530hrs on 05/07/2010

Presentation by the firm:12/07/2010

Project Leader

(Estate Management)

Offers are invited for total turnkey project solutions of Design and Build basis for Cold storage Facility and clean room facilities at NIO, Dona Paula, GOA. Vendors who specialize in such work with relevant experience in such jobs of similar magnitude are invited to submit their proposals.

The proposal shall be a detailed Techno- Commercial submission, which shall be on the design parameters attached herein. Shortlisted vendors will be required to make a detailed presentation at our office in Goa.

Schematic drawings are enclosed herein for reference .However vendors are free to suggest their own details for achieving the design parameters.


1.  Temperatures to be achieved in cold storage are +4 degrees and – 20 degrees as shown in layout.

2.  Appropriate insulation treatment must be provided to walls, floor, beams, columns and ceiling to minimize heat loss and also to take care of condensed water.

3.  Product to be stored in cold storage will be of inorganic nature and shall be brought to site in chilled condition. Loading unloading will take place through specified opening with the help of scissor lift within the cold storage. The capacity of the lift is 250 Kgs and its dead weight is about 300 Kgs Max. The total weight of the lift would be about 550Kgs at Maximum. Detail of scissor lift is as shown below:

4.  Product will be stored in cylindrical containers stacked in SS racks of 1.5 mx2mx2.7m.Detail of rack is as follows.

5.  Proposed floor design must be able to withstand load of storage racks (approximately 1.5 tonne, SS rack 450kg + core samples) as well as movement of scissor lift.

6.  Suggested insulation is:

1- Insulation for area of minus 20 degrees - 125 mm PUF Density 40 kg / m 3

[Wall / ceiling / base]

2- Insulation of area of 4 degrees - 100 mm PUF Density 40 kg / m3

7.  Layout of cold storage showing areas with respective temperatures.

Floor ht =3.79 m .beam depth 840 mm slab thick 130 mm.

8.  Present condition

External walls – 23 cm thick brick walls

Internal plaster – 12mm thick

External walls up to ground level- Cudappaha stones are laid vertically for avoiding

water leakage and 18 mm thick plaster

Floor - Laterite stone soling of 23cm thick

-  PCC 100mm thick

9.  Making a room of size 3.00M X 5.20 M (Room A as shown in the drawing)including partition wall of Marine ply wood with corian 3 mm thick on both the sides of the wall including door shutter with the same materials. The work tables as shown in the drawing to be made out of Stainless steel pipe 40mm and 20 mm square SS supports on top and bottom. The top to be in 25mm marine ply with corian 3mm thick covering on all sides, top & bottom. The edges to be rounded, The colour of the corian to be as approved by the Architect. The sizes of the table are as follows. 1.70m x 1.2m x 0.75m ht .

The racks in room A (4 deg C) as per the drawing, to be made out of Stainless steel pipe of minimum 40mm and necessary sides and supports with 20mm SS square bars at an equal distance, over that 25mm marine ply with corian 3mm thick covering on all sides, top & bottom to keep samples up to 100kg in each shelves, construction of shelves in stainless steel at 0.6m c/c. The depth of the rack to be 0.8m & the height to be 3m. Construction of racks in three sides as shown in the drawing, complete.

10.  The racks in the cold storage (-20 deg C) as marked on the drawing to be made out of Stainless steel pipe of minimum 40mm and necessary sides and supports with 20mm SS square bars at an equal distance, over that 25mm marine plywood with corian 3mm thick covering on all sides, top & bottom to keep samples up to 100kg in each shelves, construction with shelves in stainless steel at 0.6m c/c. The depth of the rack to be 0.8m & the height to be 3m. Construction of rack in three sides as shown in the drawing .

The work tables as shown in the drawing to be made out of Stainless steel pipe 40mm and sides and supports with 40mm square bars at equal distance. The top to be in 25mm marine ply wood with corian 3mm thick covering on all sides, top & bottom. The edges to be rounded, The colour of the corian to be as approved by the Architect. The size of the table is as follows:1.80m x 1.2m x 0.75m ht.

A.  Design parameters of clean rooms in the 1st floor

Specifications for clean room Class 1000 for Trace metal measurements in water samples

Clean room in the 1st floor

This area has to be partitioned into two so that one compartment/room can accommodate two units of fume hoods that we already have with us. The other compartment will be utilized for keeping instruments for trace metal analysis. In addition to these there should be an entrance room. The construction should be fully of PP/FRP material (PP is polypropylene and FRP is fiberglass reinforced plastic material).

The clean room should be underpositive air pressure. The filters used should be HEPA filters with efficiency to remove particles down to 0.3 micron from air/gas streams with efficiency exceeding 99.97%. The filter media should comprise of specially treated glass fiber of high quality cellulose and cellulose-glass fiber with varying degree of dust extraction. The return air should be picked up from the floor level through air risers; surface mounted on the clean room walls.

The blower used for the exhaust should be preferably non-metallic or epoxy coated. Provision of service doors in blowers and mixing box section wherever required and the doors and panels should be sealed with food grade rubber gasket in order to avoid air leakage. The inner part of the unit should be installed with 100% PPG stripes.

The paint wherever used should be epoxy.

There should be air cooling system in the room.

The clean room ceiling should have rigid structural support and suspension system in FRP sheets construction, supported by ‘T’ shape grid. Silicon caulking of joints should be provided to prevent induction of particles into the clean room and loss of design pressure temperature.

The other things we need in the clean room are clean benches, sink and shelf or rack. The sink should be non-metallic preferably PP material that can withstand strong acids. The clean benches are also preferred with same material.

The room should have inlet for gases: two each in both compartments/rooms. We would also like to put one Ultra filtration water system in the room where fume hoods will be placed. Depending upon the design of the room we can purchase the system. It would be advisable to keep gas cylinders mounted in the entrance room with good clamping system.

The door should be PP FRP double door glaze finish.

Entranceinto the trace metal clean room should be through a staging room or an ante area where researchers get suited up (bodysuits, gloves, boots,and face masks). This area is provided as a processing area for personnel, materials and equipment. The area should be able to store an adequate amount of gowning supplies. Also, if possible, the ante room/area should not be part of a high traffic area or corridor.

Finished surfaces, such as walls, floors, fixtures and ceilings, should be durable and smooth.

The best way to envision a well designed controlled environment is, with the exception of the air supply and exhaust, a room that is "waterproof." Any materials used in the construction of the controlled environment should have technical data available to verify their serviceability and whether they are appropriate for a specific application.

Air Showers should be an integral component of the modern clean room

Shoe Cleaners: House exhaust systems and stand-alone recirculating HEPA filtered units.

Sticky Mats: Disposable and washable mats.

Clean room Telephone: Flush or Surface mounted hands-free Class 1000 compatible telephone.

Clean room Vacuum: The portable vacuum system is specifically designed and packaged for use in clean rooms. It should have a four-stage filtration system.

Schematic drawings are enclosed herein for reference .However vendors are free to suggest their own details for achieving the design parameters.

Clean room facility to be provided is located in the newly constructed extension to biological oceanographic department distributed on two floors i.e. first and second floor.




• On both floors slab to slab height is 3.9m with beam depth as 800 .

• The clean room dimensions on second floor are 5.0 m x 5.10 m .This area has to be partitioned into two. The rough layout of the clean room is presented here but this may be modified in consultation with the architect.

• The taps sinks and drainage pipes should be strictly non-metallic. It should be of polypropylene plastic/ FRP. The clean bench should be of plastic polypropylene material which is extremely durable and non- corrosive thermoplastic, highly resistant to most acids, solvents, and other corrosives, polypropylene offers nonconductive properties and easy cleaning as well.

• The cabinets should also be polypropylene material and should be modular.

• The height from ground is approx. 0.85 m and table width 0.8m.

• Rack for storing bottles should be plastic

• The wall mounted racks can be wooden with non-metallic hinges and angles.

• The places identified for instruments should have drawers. I.e. drawers at both sides

with some space in centre as leg space.

• A provision may be kept for MilIi-Q system to be mounted on wall if possible.

• Four wooden chairs may be provided in clean room.

·  Laminar Flow Bench Unit Horizontal
Size: 2' x 2' x 2'
MS CRCA Powder coated

·  The Laminar Flow Fume hoodis 48"x57"x33" (WxHxD) and the combo laminar flow- fumehood is 30" wide

·  The type of gases incorporated in gas lineis Nitrogen gas

·  The instrument will be used in the room. In room-1 Laminar flow-hood 2.Fume hood 3. Milli-Q water purification system

·  In room II t-- 1. Polar graph(CSV analyzer)2. Flume (chemiluminiscence detector) 3. Three bench mounted laminar flow 4. some more instruments in near future.

Milli-Q system is a water purification system that generates trace clean water that includes RO

and Milli-Q (ultra) sytem

·  The Room Temperature and %RH to be maintained in clean-room should be cold

·  Materials such as AHU, Workbenches, Panels, Clean room light fittings etc may be imported

Additional Conditions

•FRP ducts and paneling only to be considered for air conditioning and partitions of clean rooms.FRP to be used for ducts and paneling made of FRB.If possible colour choice of panels may please be included

•Any statutory approvals if required for cold rooms and clean rooms such as pollution control boards etc is to be applied for and obtained by the contractor. NIO will provide required document for the purpose. The statutory fees if any towards the same will be reimbursed by the client