Nether Stowey Parish Council


HELD ON MONDAY 14th October 2002 AT 7.00pm


Present: Parish Councillors Joyce Standring (Chair)

Lorraine Clark

Alan Corkett

Liz Dean

Teresa Youe

In attendance:

District Councillor Lillian Cartwright

District Councillor David Joslin

District Councillor Ken Dyer

County Councillor John Edney

Parish Council Clerk Ainslie Ensor

2 parishioners

Apologies: Parish Councillor Mark Fitzmaurice

Parish Councillor Gill Bennett

Parish Councillor Shirley Watters

The meeting was closed and opened to the public.

Topics raised by the attending public:

·  Speed of traffic in the village & lack of Police locally – it was commented that the Police appear to concentrate their resources in Bristol and it was agreed that the Parish Council would raise it at the next Quantock Cluster meeting

·  A member of the public queried the number of Quantock Rangers – the Chairman commented that they undertook valuable work

·  Condition of Lime Street bank following recent works – WS Atkins to be asked to tidy up the area

·  Obstruction of traffic by parked vehicles in the village centre and at entrance to Mill Close

The Parish Council meeting was reconvened.

2624 Approval of Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th September 2002

Proposed by Cllr Corkett, Seconded by Cllr Dean

The minutes were approved.

2625 Matters Arising

Minute 2611 – The Clerk reported that the proposal to prepare a Parish Plan had been acknowledged by the Countryside Agency and that he understood the Community Council would soon be meeting Nether Stowey 2020 to begin preparing the detailed proposal for the preparation of the Plan.

Minute 2615(i) – The Clerk reported that the Parish Council submission regarding the Goldfinch appeal had been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol.

2626 Cemetery

The Chairman reported that the interim maintenance arrangements were now operating and that she had received had a number of positive comments regarding the condition of the cemetery.

2627 Playing Field

The Chairman reported that the new skateboard ramp was officially opened on 28th September. There was a good attendance and an impressive display by the youngsters, who considered the new facility the best in the area; one person was coming from Westonzoyland to use the ramp. The Chairman extended the sincere thanks of the Parish Council to the former Clerk, Mrs Jenny Tyndall, who saw the project through to completion. One part of the project was, however, not yet complete, the footpath from the portacabin to the ramp. Approximately £800 was needed to complete the path. In response to questions the Clerk explained that the path had not yet been completed due to cost overruns on other elements following the withdrawal of Sedgemoor Commercial Services part way through the project.

Proposed by Cllr Standring, seconded by Cllr Corkett it was agreed that up to £500 be made available to the Playing Field Committee to complete the path.

2628 Highways

(i) Rural Transport Interchange - The Chairman reported that a proposal for a Rural Transport Interchange had been received from County Highways. This related to a questionnaire completed by the Parish Council in May 2001. The Parish Council had suggested that the best place would be in Banneson Road adjacent to the fire station and health centre. However, this suggestion had been ignored and the proposal was for new bus stops at the Cross (outside Xanadu and opposite The George). The proposal included the provision of new conservation style streetlights on the Cross, a waste bin and a cycle rack. This initial proposal was considered to be wholly unacceptable and a meeting with WS Atkins had been held on 26 September to discuss the matter. As a result WS Atkins are looking at a number of possible alternatives. These are:

·  Utilising the existing bus stop in Castle Street and putting another on the opposite side of the road.

·  Re examining the site on Banneson Road

·  Removing the nose off the Cross

·  Removing the trees and creating a bus lane across the Cross

Wherever the bus stops are eventually located they would include raised kerbs to facilitate ease of access to and from the buses. It was pointed out that these raised kerbs could cause difficulty for pedestrians crossing the road at the bus stop.

The Chairman reported that WS Atkins had indicated that they hoped to complete the works in the current financial year and they had been informed that the Parish Council would require them to attend a public meeting to explain their proposals to the community.

(ii) Abandoned Vehicles – The Chairman reported that a car had been abandoned in Banneson Road. It was reported to the police and was removed after about 3 weeks. Another vehicle had also been abandoned in Plainsfield Road.

2629 Reports

(i)  Playing Field – Cllr Youe reported that the portacabin had been vandalised last weekend and the door damaged. The Youth Management Committee was looking into the incident.

(ii)  Nether Stowey 2020 – The Chairman read a report from Councillor Watters. The last meeting of NS2020 was on 17th September. Topics discussed included (a) the History of the Village – the meeting with Ken Lee had not yet been arranged (b) Environment – the next letter pick would be 16th November, (c) Parking – a general discussion (d) Village Appraisal – Liz Dean had met Saveria Moss (Community Council) on 6th August and is attending the five Appraisal action days at North Petherton. Saveria Moss will meet the NS2020 on either 30th October or 5th November to discuss the Appraisal developing into a Parish Plan and possibly a Village Design Statement. The next meeting of NS2020 will be the meeting with Saveria Moss.

(iii)  Footpaths – Councillor Dean reported that she had met Richard Ince who dealt with footpaths for Over Stowey PC and he had put forward a proposal for a Village link project. This would be discussed at the Parish Council meeting in November. The project would involve carrying out a survey of all footpaths in the parish; this would be over and above the 20% sample survey being carried out by the County Council.

(iv)  Hinkley Point – Councillor Corkett reported that he was attending a liaison meeting on the coming Friday.

(v)  Village Hall – Councillor Dean reported that Ken Wheat had now retired as Treasurer

2630 Planning

(i)  Appeal Decision 3 Stogursey Lane – it was reported that the Inspector had dismissed the appeal and it was now up to Sedgemoor District Council to take enforcement action to ensure the wall in question was removed.

(ii)  Responses to Planning Applications – The following responses were approved

(a) Address: 14 St Michaels Close

Proposal: erection of single storey extension, replacement of flat garage roof with pitch roof

Response: No objections

(b) Address 21 Castle Street

Proposal: retention of side access door

Response: The Parish Council has strong objections to the retention of the roller shutter entrance door. It considers that the new metal door is not in keeping with either the building or the conservation area. The Parish Council does not believe the applicants’ supporting statement is relevant to the planning principles involved and in any event would refute entirely the statements made by the applicant as regards the village. The Parish Council requests (a) that the District Council requires the applicant to reinstate the traditional timber doors (b) that if there is any question of permission being granted, the case is considered by the Committee and a site visit arranged

(c) Address: 14 Lime Street

Proposal: demolition of courtyard pantiled roof and erection of conservatory in rear courtyard

Response: No objections

2631 Liaison

Councillor Joslin reported that the District Council’s Planning Department was undergoing a reorganisation following a fundamental review of its operations. The changes were designed to improve the service provided.

Councillor Edney indicated that he would be chasing up the traffic safety scheme for the A39.

2632 Village Maintenance

The following items were reported as requiring attention.

Hedge etc of 1 Coleridge Road blocking the pathway, path adjacent to the school, streetlights in Palmers Path and Lime Street still obscured by vegetation, top end of Lime Street/Coleridge Road bank requires finishing (stumps and cuttings need removing), bush blocking pathway to Oak Road by Gullifords Garage, pile of conifer cuttings blocking path at 37 Banneson Road.

It was reported that there was flooding at the bottom of Castle Street and in St Mary Street and Meadow Close as a result of the recent heavy rain.

2633 Finance

(i)  The Clerk presented an expenditure report for the first half of the current fiscal year. He indicated that overall the Council’s expenditure was within the budget set. A full copy of the first half-year report is attached to these minutes

(ii)  The following were presented for ratification, being payments for the previous month:

Payee / Amount / Details
SALC / £6.00 / Revised Model Standing Orders
Sedgemoor District Council / £50.00 / Wasp treatment cemetery
Sedgemoor CVS Community Transport / £21.90 / Aug shopping trip
A Ensor / £719.10 / Salary Sept £358.54, back pay (Apr – Aug) £59.61, Mileage £64.81, Postage £11.14, SLCC Conference Fee (training) £225.00
Garden Maids / £108.00 / Cemetery Maintenance
J Standring / £5.00 / Telephone
Total / £910.00

(iv) Grants: the Clerk reported that the balance of the grants previously agreed were now due for payment. Proposed by Cllr Youe, seconded by Cllr Corkett the following grant payments were approved.

Nether Stowey Cubs £ 75.00

Stowey Bears £ 75.00

Nether Stowey Good Neighbours £ 75.00

Nether Stowey Youth Club £200.00

Nether Stowey Village Hall £375.00

Nether Stowey Playing Field £375.00

(iii)  Clerks Salary – The Chairman reported that details of the 2002 national pay award had now been received from NALC. This was for a 3% increase with effect from 1st April 2002 with a further 1% increase with effect from 1st October 2002. The pay award was within the amount budgeted for in the 2002/3 estimates.

2634 Correspondence

Correspondence received included:

From / Subject
Information Commissioner / Freedom of Information Act 2000
Somerset CC / Local Transport Plan Progress Report
Sedgemoor DC / Sedgemoor News
Somerset CC / Somerset Minerals Local Plan
Somerset CC / Somerset waste Local Plan Consultation
Sedgemoor DC / Planning applications List 11/9/02-17/9/02
P Earnshaw / Share a mile exhibition
Sedgemoor DC / What’s happening in Sedgemoor
Sage / Transport exhibition & data entry sheet
Sedgemoor DC / Planning applications 25/9 to 1/10
Somerset CC / Quantock JAC dates
Sedgemoor DC / Sedgemoor pro business news
Over Stowey PC / Minutes meeting of 16 September 2002
Sedgemoor DC / Proposals re Dogs By-Laws
Sedgemoor DC / Applications decided 26/9 to 2/10

2635 Matters for Information

The Chairman reported that the Council had been notified that the opening hours for Nether Stowey Library were being increased by 6.5 hours per week with effect from 1st December 2002. The new opening hours will be:

Day / Morning / Afternoon
Monday / 10.00 am to 12.30 pm / 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Wednesday / 10.00 am to 12.30 pm / 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Friday / 10.00 am to 12.30 pm / 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Saturday / 10.00 am to 1.00 pm / 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm

Forthcoming Meeting Thursday 31st October 2002 at 7.30pm - Quantock Parish Cluster Group, (Enmore Village Hall)

Conference Clerk attending Annual Conference of SLCC 19 to 21 October 2002

2636 Date of Next Meeting

This will be held on Monday 11th November 2002 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm

Income and Expenditure

1st April 2002 to 30th September 2002

Account Code / Budget / Expenditure / Income / Net Expenditure For Period
1001 / Caretakers Salary / 801.00
1002 / Petrol / 3.14
1003 / Equipment Maintenance / 3.40
1004 / Rates / 141.28
9003 / Fees & Income Rec’d / 484.90
Net Expenditure / 463.92
2001 / Clerks Salary / 2,088.24
2002 / Telephone / 70.00
2005 / Councillors/Clerks Expenses / 697.50
2006 / Audit Fees / 297.00
2009 / Stationery, photocopying, printing / 159.01
2010 / Chairman's Honorarium / 100.00
2013 / Postage / 47.40
Net Expenditure / 3,459.15
General Expenses
3001 / Village Maintenance / 1,678.20
3002 / Training / 10.00
3003 / Insurance / 321.36
3005 / Clock Tower Electricity / 41.28
3008/9008 / Playing Field / 1,400.46 / 1,025.46
3009 / Village Hall / 507.00
3010 / Subscriptions / 232.90
3015/9005 / Community Transport / 131.40 / 48.00
4001/9007 / Miscellaneous Grants / 525.00 / 250.00
4002/9009 / Golden Jubilee Celebrations / 5,403.94 / 4,249.00
Net Expenditure / 4,679.08
9001 / Precept Received / 17,500.00
Vat Paid In Period / 916.90
Total Expenditure for Period / 15,576.41
Total Income for Period / 23,557.36
Net Expenditure (Income) For Period / (7,980.95)
14 October 2002 / Page 2 of 6