Please join me in creating a collective consciousness with men and women all over the world whose focus is on creating the energy for breast health!
The Universal law, ‘like energy always attracts more energy just like itself’ , is the foundation for the work that we are doing here. This law also states that whatever you place your focus on will expands. There is truth to these principles and they can be utilized to enhance your well-being and even help you to create your health! In fact, you canco-create an incredible energy of unlimited healing potential if you share and actively engage your Intentions to support breast health!
Breast health affects each and every one of us. Are you interested in enjoying the possibility of a healthier life and reducing the impact of disease in your life and the lives of your loved ones?
Health, including breast health, is your natural state of well-being. Will you join together with other powerful hearts and minds and focused intentions and claim what is naturally yours? I have created a short list of daily affirmations that will enhance the creation and maintenance of breast health individually and collectively as you incorporate them into your everyday lives.
Remember - Your every thought and emotion affects the cells of your body and creates the framework of your lives by influencing what is created from that impact! Think, Act, Attract, Create and Support your health!
Men may adapt these affirmations by a simple exchange of wording.
To be repeated every morning and every evening! Breathe deeply, smile, and say:
Today: I choose to be happy, healthy and whole.
Today: I AM grateful for my breasts.
Today: I love both of my breasts equally.
Today: I love the smooth, soft skin on my breasts.
Today: I love my mammary glands, their ductile systems and how they carry love.
Today: I love my lymph system and glands, and am grateful for how they carry love throughout my entire body.
Today: I love the nourishment and nurturing that my breasts can provide. (May omit for men)
Today: I love being a woman/man.
Today: I love my CELLpH (Self) and all of the cells that make up every level of my well-being.
Today: I intend to ‘Let Go’ of the toxins of my negative thinking and believing.
Today: I AM safe and protected.
Today: I AM loved and celebrated.
Today:I love and celebrate my life.
Today: I love and celebrate my health.
Today: I AM happy, healthy and whole.
Thank you for joining me in creating a collective energy of consciousness that supports Breast Health.
“Like minded’ and ‘like hearted’ people, are joined together by their commonality, namely, the outpourings of their hearts and thoughts. Depending on the amount and fervor of the joining of these like minds and hearts, the potential creation of a very powerful energy exists. We’ve experienced so many facets of our lives where we have put this principle to work for us, and perhaps have also experienced as that principle has adversely affected us as well. Let us now join together in one heart, one mind, one focused intention and utilize this energy to create our health and well-being.
Please share this information with every man and woman and together, create a powerful energy of renewal and health.
Marcy, The HeartShift Coach