London – Activity overview

Reception activity overview

London / PSED
Children play co-operatively, taking turns with others. Children talk about their own and others feelings. They work as part of a group and adjust their behaviour to different situations. They are confident to try new activities and select resources for their chosen activity. / -If you were the Queen how would you feel if you saw Katie and the lion walk past?
Imaginary writing- If I was Queen for the day.
Set up a tea party- tea cups, plates, sandwich- encourage sharing and taking turns.
Children express themselves effectively showing the awareness of listeners. They use past, present and future forms correctly. Listen attentively in a range of situations. Children can follow instructions involving several actions. Respond to how and why questions appropriately. / -Look at Buckingham Palace, who live there? Look and discuss the Royal family.
-Imagine you are the king/queen for the day. What would you do? Go? See?
Make king/queen props
Information books about London / Literacy
Children to read and understand simple sentences. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.
They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and phonically plausible. / -Where would you like to go in London? What would you like to see?
-Take an imaginary journey into central London- model how to write a postcard.
-Model writing a simple diary entry from trip to London.
Set table up in red, white and blue. Children to make their own flags, postcards, diary entries.
Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity and time. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shape.
They add and subtract two-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. / -Shapes- recap 2d shapes. Look at 3d shapes- what shapes can you see in London- London eye, canary wharf, gherkin, big ben
2d and 3d shapes- variety of London pictures with different shapes. How many shapes can you see? Go on a shape hunt around the school? / UW
They select and use technology for particular purpose.
Children talk about past and present events in their own lives. They know similarities sand difference between themselves, celebrations, places, animals and plants. / -What do you know about London? Brain storm ideas. Look at a variety of London postcards/pictures- talk about settings and discuss similarities and differences.
-Look at London on a map- are we near?
Maps of London, tube maps, children to make their own maps.
Books about London
Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a rage of ways.
They know the importance of good health, physical exercise, a healthy diet and ways to keep safe. / -How do people travel around London- bike, boat, tube, train, bus, walk- look at tube video and discuss.
Set up a tea party- tea cups, plates, sandwiches
Train set out
Outside- Tourist bikes/bus / EAD
Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways thinking about the use and purpose.
Children sing songs, make music and dance. / -Make a poster to encourage people to visit London.
-Sing the grand old duke of York
Make 3D model of a famous London Landmark
Make poster to encourage people to visit London