West Broadway Community Organization Board Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2014
1. Preliminary matters
In attendance: Angus Cruikshank, Todd Donohue, Sam Hagenlocher, Choi Ho, Audrey Logan, Greg MacPherson (Executive Director), Brent Mitchell, Fiona Plett,Gillian Roy, Joff Schmidt, Andrea Shalay, Bruce Spielman, Ian Sunabacka, Will Tarleton
Regrets: Marshall Wiebe
Guests: Zorya Arrow (Gardens Coordinator)
Quorum is eight and was achieved. Meeting called to order at 5:40 p.m.
1) a) and b) Welcome and check-in. Volunteers: Sam (timekeeping); Angus, Choi (dishes).
c) Approval of minutes of Nov. 12, 2014 meeting: it was noted the minutes should have reflected that Leah McCormick left the meeting prior to the in camera session. Minutes approved as amended.
e) Agenda revisions/approval: added item 2) a) viii (re: letter of support) and item 3) b) ii (re: Board meeting charing). Agenda approved as amended.
2. Strategic Review:
a) Respecting and supporting West Broadway’s livability and diversity.
i)WBCO staff introduction: Zorya Arrow, Gardens Coordinator. Zorya introduced herself. She was hired in May, and had previously worked with the WBCO Green Team. She provided highlights of a busy summer (working mainly on improvements to garden spaces, e.g. the leaf bin at Spirit Park) and is now focused on grant writing. Greg noted the focus of the gardens program shifted this year to training and skills development for gardeners. Zorya has stepped in to do a lot of that work, and Greg says feedback from gardeners has been very positive. A question was raised about the availability of garden plots - Zorya says we have a waiting list of about 20 for a plot. A question was raised about plots planted but not harvested, particularly at 130 Langside. Greg notes gardeners are informed of their responsibilities at the start of the season, and Zorya is in touch with gardeners to make sure plots are utilized. A question was raised about gardening grants - Zorya and Greg says they are mostly focused on on-going projects, and revitalization of existing spaces. A question was raised about supports and partnerships with other community organizations - Zorya notes she’d like to work with community partners on development of green spaces at places like the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, which have a lot of potential. Greg noted it might be worth forming a Board greenspace committee, and says anyone interested should contact him.
ii) Executive director’s report: Greg presented. Highlights: lots of grant applications, and working a lot this month with Spatch at BNC - Greg notes very positive meetings there, and lots of good work happening at the BNC. WBCO is applying this week for $26,000 from the Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative for the Rooming House Initiative. Also a lot of work this month with Westminster Housing Society on the development at 198 Sherbrook.
iii) Update on 198 Sherbrook development: Greg updated. Met this month with Westminster Housing Society. Worked with the city’s director of planning, and signs have been posted at the site regarding the variance requested for the development. A hearing on the variance is scheduled for Dec. 9 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. It was noted attendance in support can make a big difference in the outcome of the request for the variance, so Board members are encouraged to attend if possible. WBCO is still working with a possible retail tenant for the main floor of the development. Greg notes the best-case scenario for 198 Sherbrook is for construction to being in April.
iv) Human rights complaint update: Greg updated on the Board on an existing human rights complaint against WBCO. The complaint has now been settled in favour of WBCO.
v) Twelve Tribes: Greg reported. No update at this point from BNC. Brent spoke with staff at Art City about the possibility of re-painting the mural, which they were receptive to.
vi) Balmoral Hall: Angus updated. He’s still working on contacting Balmoral Hall, as is Greg.
vii) Snow removal: Greg asks that Board members notify the City of Winnipeg via 311 when snow removal in the neighbourhood is inadequate. He notes the more concerns lodged with the City, the higher priority snow removal becomes. It was noted it’s also worth talking with neighbours about contact 311 as well.
viii) Rooming House project letter of support: Greg presented. He notes we have a Property Improvement Project available to property owners for exterior repairs, but noting for interior repairs, and most financial institutions won’t offer loans to rooming house owners. WBCO is working on a PIP-style grant, with matching from from the City, for interior rooming house improvements (e.g. electrical, heating improvements, etc.), called the Rooming House Interior Improvement Fund (RHIIF). Greg has secured a recommendation for the project from the Housing Stakeholders Committee. The project would be administered by WBCO’s housing coordinator, and WBCO would be putting forward about $4,000 in kind to manage the project. Greg is working with city and provincial officials on language around making sure funded rooming houses remain affordable rental properties. Greg requested approval from the Board to file the proposal to the City, with the Board’s recommendation (and a letter of support to that effect).
Decision: The request to file the proposal with the Board’s recommendation was approved.
3. Board business:
a)Committee Report:
i)Town Hall preparation: The committee met, and has secured a space in All Saints Church as a venue for Dec. 15 at 6:30 p.m. Posters will be going up soon. The format will involve asking people to identify three things they’d like to discuss with their neighbours. Participants will split into groups to discuss, and then present back to the full group. Greg with send an e-mail about any help needed for the town hall meeting.
ii) Big Ideas: Todd presented. Committee met Nov. 21 - meeting was well-attended. Discussions centredaround snow removal and safety. Brent noted one particular challenge, in that an attendee at the meeting reported two serious crimes which we can’t verify happened. Greg notes the WBCO five-year safety plan has a lot of strategies for dealing with safety issues.
b) Chairing committees: Committees are reminded they should have a chair to help keep track of scheduling meetings, etc. Andrea will chair the WBCO Board meetings for January and February; Todd will chair March and April; and Gillian will chair May and June.
c) Dates to note: The hearing on the 198 Sherbrook zoning variance request is Dec. 9. The WBCO Board/staff holiday event is scheduled for Dec. 11, with dinner at Bella Vista at 6:00, followed by bowling. Board members’ partners are welcome to attend the bowling. The WBCO Town Hall is scheduled for Dec. 15, 6:30 at All Saints Church.
(Note: Fiona left the meeting at this point.)
d) In camera session.
Note: Following the in camera session, it was announced the Board had approved a new two-year contract with Greg MacPherson as WBCO’s executive director. The contract covers the period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2016.
4. New business: Nil.
5. Next meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 7 @ 5:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7:15.