IES Scholarship
Summer: March 1st
Fall: April 1st
Spring: November 15th
Please submit the following to the International Education Office before the appropriate deadlines:
- Complete Application Form
- 1 page, 12 font, double spaced essay (requirements explained on application form)
- 2 letters of Recommendation
If you have any questions, please email the Study Abroad Coordinator at . Applications must be sentto:
IES Scholarship Committee
Texas Woman’s University
Office of International Education
P.O. Box 425827
Denton, TX 76204
Fax: 940-898-2048
- A student must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with TWU.
- A student must not have any outstanding financial liabilities with TWU.
- A student must meet all exchange, faculty-led, or affiliated program requirements.
- All applicants for IES support must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Students with less than a 2.75 GPA will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
- Applicants to any of TWU’s approved exchange, faculty-led, or affiliated programs abroad, must be enrolled at TWU at least one term within twelve months of the commencement of the program
- TWU students participating in a program abroad who are suffering unexpected financial difficulty arising from medical or other emergencies occurring during the program may apply for emergency grants from the portion of the IEF Scholarship fund reserve for that purpose.
- Students must undertake and complete the TWU exchange, faculty-led, or affiliated program abroadduring the specified program dates to remain eligible for IEF Scholarship funding.
- Participants in non-TWU programs, including non-credit cultural exchange programs, are not eligible for IES support. All applicants for IES support must be degree-seeking students at TWU.
- TWU international students who intend to pursue studies in their country of origin are not eligible for IES support.
- Applicants who apply later then the predetermined deadline set by the IES Committee are will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
General Policies
- The minimum amount of the IES scholarship granted per student for Spring/Summer/Fall is $300. The final amount will depend on the applicants’ qualifications and program costs.
- International Education Fee Scholarship funds are disbursed either directly to the program account (for some faculty-led programs) or to the student’s individual account (for exchange, affiliated, and some faculty-led programs). No award payments are made directly to students, to faculty, or to any administrative unit at TWU.
- Each recipient is required to participate in the program listed on their Study Abroad Application and during the dates listed. Any change will require IES Awards Committee approval or reapplication.
- Recipients wishing to extend their stay abroad beyond their original approved term of study to earn academic credit hours are required to reapply for the IES scholarship.
- The student must submit an official transcript for credit transfer within 60 days after completing a TWU affiliated program; otherwise, the IEFS scholarship will be revoked and repayment required.
- Students who do not engage in or complete their study abroad must return the funds to the IES account. Any student, who changes programs as listed on the application, must reapply.
- The IES Awards Committee may revoke an award if the information on the application or in an interview is found to be intentionally false.
- In case of non-compliance with the rules and operating procedures, the IES Awards Committee may place a block on the student’s records to ensure repayment of the scholarship.
- The IES Awards Committee has the responsibility to announce the availability of the award and the deadline for the applications.
- The guidelines and procedures will be reviewed annually by the International Education Committee and its Scholarship Subcommittee.
- Appeals for any exceptions of the general policies must be addressed to the IES Awards Committee in writing.
IES Awards Committee Membership
The IES Awards Committee will consist of a minimum of five persons who are students, faculty, or staff at TWU. The Director of the TWU Office on International Education appoints the members of the committee. The Director also appoints at least one past recipient of the IES grant to be included in the committee after the first year. One person will be designated as committee chair.
Priorities for Awards
- Students studying abroad for the first time shall have priority.
- Students who receive major financial support specifically for the purpose of study abroad from other sources will receive minimum priority for IEFS support.
- Full-time students are given preference over part-time students.
- Students with higher GPAs are given priority over students with lower GPAs.
- Graduate students, seniors, and juniors are given preference over sophomore students.
- TWU programs are given preference over non-TWU programs.
Texas Woman’s University
Please print:
Name:Last / First / M.I.ColleagueIDNo.:
City: / State: / ZipCode:
TelephoneNumber(cellpreferred): / EmailAddress:
EnrollmentStatus: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate
Current Cumulative GPA(at time of you Study Abroad Program): Expected Graduation Date:
Major: Term to which you are applying:
Program: Harlaxton College / Academic Program International
American Institute for Foreign Study / International Studies Abroad
Other (Name of Program):
DepartureDate: ReturnDate:
Are you currently on disciplinary probation? Yes No
Is your financial record with the university clear (without any financial blocks on registration)?
Yes No
List all current financial aid and amount awarded
Financial Aid / Award AmountList additional amount and source of funding to support your study abroad program
Name of Program: Dates:
Estimated Program Costs
Tuition and Fees / $
Housing / $
Meals / $
Insurance / $
Passport/ Visa/Immigration / $
Airfare / $
Books & Supplies / $
Transportation in host city / $
Personal expenses / $
Independent Travel / $
Other costs / $
Total / $
List co-curricular, extracurricular and/or community involvement
List honors and awards
In ONE sentence, why did you choose this particular study abroad program?
Please attach a one page well written, inspiring essay answering the following questions. Remember to check for spelling and grammatical errors.
Question / Point Value- What is your intended international program of study and why did you select this program?
20 Points
- How will your studying abroad impact your academic and personal growth?
20 Points
- How would you integrate the impact of your experiences abroad at TWU?
15 Points
Total / 55 Points
This scholarship application will be thoroughly reviewed by a committee of TWU faculty, staff, and students. The committee will be checking for accurate spelling and grammar, as well as thoughtful answers to essay questions. The scholarship amount awarded will be impacted by these following criteria.
Rating Criteria / Point ValueEssay / 55 Points
Extracurricular and Community Involvement / 15 Points
2 Letters of Recommendation / 10 Points (5 Points each)
GPA / 10 Points
Honors and Awards / 15 Points
Maximum Rating Total / 100 Points
Name:Last / First / M.I.
TelephoneNumber(cellpreferred): / EmailAddress:
Program: Harlaxton College / Academic Program International
American Institute for Foreign Study / International Studies Abroad
Other (Name of Program):
DepartureDate: ReturnDate:
Statement of Acceptance:
I understand that scholarship recipients must commit to a minimum of 3 international education related events (e.g. Study Abroad Fairs) upon return or during the following academic year to describe the experience or to inform other TWU students about study abroad opportunities.
I understand that by accepting this IES scholarship, I am agreeing to participate in full-time study abroad on the designated program during the stated period.
Non-compliance with any of these scholarship regulations will invoke sanctions from Texas Woman’s University, including cancellation of any undisbursed award and/or required payment of scholarship funds to be enforced by an administrative and registration block on student records.
I have read and understand the guidelines and eligibility requirements for the International Education Scholarship.
Applicant Signature Date
Revised 11/19/2012