Minutes of Meeting

Wednesday 13 January 2016

People who were there: Rita and Albert kinsey, Jon Piper, Ibby Biles, Tania Clayton, Hayley Dean, Jill Honeybun, Bev Smith, Jacquie Mooney, Ana Felstead, Richard, Madeleine Durie, Becky Hamilton, Martin Lenaerts, Robert White, Carrie Voyle, Esther Higgins, Tim, Teresa Faris, Jan Mills, Jay Koria and Florence Garland.

Apologies: Mary Bergin, Kym Anderson. Emma Denton, Ophelia Matthias, Lizzie Meager, Peter Hindmarsh, Jay Dixon and Shelley Mc Cubbin

Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

Tim is due to meet with Michelle Stickland at PALS Southampton general Hospital (hospital liaison).

The next topic is the right place to live.

Tanya and Tim thought that a reps meeting was needed. Flo was quite sure that it had already been sorted. Confirmed with Ophelia after meeting.

Healthwatch Hampshire – Jon Piper

The link to the website is below:


Local Healthwatch has taken on the work of the Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and also:

·  represents the views and experiences of people who use services, carers and the public on the Health and Wellbeing Boards set up by local authorities

·  provides information and signposting to people about local health and care services, how to access them and how to find their way round the system

·  reports concerns about the quality of health and social care services to Healthwatch England, which can then recommend that the Care Quality Commission take action

Whether it's improving the service today or helping to shape them for tomorrow. Local Healthwatch is all about local voices being able to influence the delivery and design of local services. Not just people who use them, but anyone who might need to in future.

They work closely with Citizens Advice Bureau too and Action Hampshire (Flo has invited Madeline Close to come and talk to us on 9th March).

You might want to register and become a member (it is free). You will get some information: http://actionhampshire.org/

Jon would like to hear of good and bad stories from health and social care. He gave some forms for people to fill in but you can also ring the office and they will happily listen to your stories and make notes. There is no version in braille of the leaflet and Tanya thought it was important to have some in braille. You can also use this form below:


Healthwatch Hampshire can make recommendations and HCC and health services have 20 days to respond.

Some gaps/issues:

·  Jill thought there were gaps in dentistry (root filling for LD).

·  Best interest meetings when the service user cannot speak.

·  Financial abuse: record issue, little support.

·  Day to day support: support is important but no real regulations.

·  Dom Care needs to be properly regulated (not just for personal care).

Direct payment update – Ibby and Jay

For general queries, you can email or

The team is currently reviewing direct payment cases.

They are looking at pre-loaded payment cards (a bit like bank account – audit trail from statement)

Support from Independent Lives for people with learning disabilities. Flo has asked for them to come and see us. (May time; unfortunately busy til then)

Eligibility needed (highlighted in personal plan. A copy should be given to the person).

Personal plan (or care plan) should be more concise.

No way of finding anything. There is nothing available currently (or not much). A blue folder (from 2007) was available but there is nothing in it. No hand book.

Concerns when parents are no longer there. Where will my son/daughter live? what will happen?

Safe and sound service. Not just signposting people.

Flo to invite Independent Lives. Done and awaiting response.

VAT problems: some costings have no VAT and some others have. Review?

Richard is awaiting for an assessment. He has been waiting for 7 or 8 months.

Robert talked about his bank and his support.

Martin mentioned housing. It needs to be done sensitively. Transport can be an issue. Choosing the right address is important.

Hayley said that a direct payment advisor can be requested.

Partnership Board matters

None today.

We will work on our housing topic next month.

Anything else:

Independent support: see Carrie (transition). Sorted.

Tanya would like more easy read documents.

Bev will be leaving next month so we will say our goodbyes.

You Trust supported employment update:

It has been a quiet time for us as employers/organisations were either busy over Christmas or they were finishing up for the break. We had no referrals in December but there are potential placements for clients which we are looking into at the moment so hopefully more to update next month.

One of my clients has completed a work experience placement at Double H Nurseries in New Milton and another client is attending a volunteer induction at Forest Arts Centre in New Milton this month. I will be leaving the Supported Employment team on 5th February and my colleague, Jude Shaw, is going to take over the role of Yellow LIG job coach so we are in the process of handover with current clients. Ana Felstead

Next meetings in 2016:

10 February

9 March

13 April

25 May (Independent Lives coming to us) - Totton

29 June

20 July

None in August

21 September

26 October

23 November

14 December (amended)

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