Library Lesson Plan Grade: First #5 Date (Week of): Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2010
Unit / Lesson: Parts of a Book
Behavioral Objective:
SWBAT exhibit proper library behavior.
*Walking Feet *Quiet Voices *Turning Pages
Academic Objective:
SWBAT tell that front cover protects the pages.
SWBAT tell that title is the book’s name.
Library Lil by Suzanne Williams
Book Care Rules – LiBeary pg. 45’ sheet
Title poster
Pocket Chart, words & definitions
Shelf Markers
Lesson Procedure:
As students enter the library they will each stop at the circulation desk to have their book checked in by the librarian. Students will then place their returned book on the cart across from the desk. Students will then be directed to find a seat on the first or second step in the library’s story corner.
Using the Title poster and the pocket chart, review the parts of a book studied so far: front cover & title. Show students the book Library Lil. Ask them to ‘turn and talk’ and tell someone what they think the story might be about. Ask for volunteers to share some of their partner’s responses. While reading, the story, stop and ask students what they think about the librarian and how she influences those around her. (She promotes reading to those around her). Ask questions and lead students to understand the role of a librarian – to help students find and choose good books to read for fun and for practice.
Show students the ‘3 Sounds’ sign. Ask for volunteers to explain each sound. Explain each sound if necessary.
Distribute clipboards, activity sheets and crayons. Begin circulation procedures.
Book Check Out Procedure:
1. Each student will be given an activity sheet, a
clipboard and some crayons.
2. Students who did NOT return their books
from the previous week will color quietly.
3. Students who are allowed to get a new book,
will use a shelf marker to find an appropriate
book in the EASY section.
4. Students will bring chosen book and shelf marker to the circulation desk to have it checked out.
5. Students will return to the story corner to read their book or color their activity sheet.
6. Students will line up as a class at the library door to be dismissed when their teacher arrives.
7. The class will be rewarded 0-5 pom poms depending on overall class behavior (0-worst behavior; 5 best behavior).
Assessment / Evaluation:
Student observation and attending to task.