Written by Dottie Billington (401) 647-2262
The newsletter is being sent only to the members who said they prefer a paper newsletter.
We do hope you will renew your membership.
It is my hope that we can get the RIDC back on track. At the last meeting, the RIDC nominated a slate of officers, Dottie Billington, President / Don Allaire, Vice President / Cat Luce, Secretary / Bev Willard, Treasurer / Pat Hubbell, Membership Coordinator / Board Members at Large, Don Bradbury, Janice Meszoely and John Frost.
It was also decided that the club will meet the second Friday of each month for a General Meeting. The locations will vary and sometimes they may even be on a Saturday. Several drives are in the works also for this year. John St Cyr will be the show organizer for the Rhode Island Carriage Days Pleasure Driving Show which will be held on the weekend of August 30, 2008.
The club has a new web site On that site members are now able to pay their dues on line and purchase club lapel pins and sweatshirts. There is an interactive calendar page. The calendar page lists the events both with the RIDC and in surrounding areas. Clicking on a listing will take the viewer to the page with the details for that event such as direction and what to bring, etc. Even if you do not want an e-mail newsletter, if you have web access please take a look at the site. Using that site can give you up to the minute details of the clubs activities.
January 6, 2008 will be our Holiday Party at the home of Charles & Janice Meszoely, 158 South Main Street, Mansfield, MA (508) 339-3628. Please RSVP Janice if you plan to attend. It is requested that you bring an item for the Dutch auction and a dish for the pot luck supper.
Rhode Island Driving Club Calendar for 2008
(the entire calendar is on the website)
January 6 (Sunday) 6:00 PM RIDC Holiday Party & Business Meeting
Janice Meszoly, 135 So. Main St, Mansfield, MA (508) 339-3628
February 8 7:00 General Meeting, Andy Marcoux's "Coachman's Delight" shop, (508) 782-1720, 206 East Main Street, Milford, MA Business Meeting 7:30, Program 9:00: Andy Marcoux, RSVP Janice Meszoely (508) 339-3628
March 14 7:00 PM General Meeting, 312 High Street Uxbridge, MA, Business Meeting 7:30, Program TBA, RSVP Pat Musser (508) 278-6278
April 11 7:00 PM General Meeting,36 Union Street, Norfolk, MA, Business Meeting 7:30, Program TBA, RSVP Ginger or Henry Tinkham (508) 528-4386
May 9 7:00 PM General Meeting,,279 Bozrah Street, Bozrah, CT Business Meeting 7:30, Program: New England Carriage Imports Carriages, RSVP Peter von Halem (860) 889-6467
June 14 ( Saturday)10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Harnessing, Ground Driving, Carriage Fit and General Driving Questions Clinic 7B Shippee Schoolhouse Road, Foster, RI RSVP Dottie Billington
NOON General Meeting & Cookout Lunch (401) 647-2262
July 12(Saturday)2 Phase Driving Event- 798 Quaker Street, Northbridge, MA,details later (508) 234-3234
July 12 (Saturday)5:00 PM General Meeting- 798 Quaker Street, Northbridge, MA, Program: social evening
cookout by "Burger Bob" Koopman, RSVP Diane Koopman (508) 234-3234
August 87:00 PM General Meeting- location TBA, Business Meeting 7:30, Program TBA, RSVP\
August TBA Goddard Park Drive, Warwick, RI
We also have several other events in the works for 2008. Please come and drive with the RIDC!!