The Fitness Trainer Academy CPT/AFNS : [Final Project]


Please answer each using the entirety of information you have learned from the course and your personal experience. Each of your (3) responses to each case study should be a minimum of (200) total words. Spelling, grammar and sentence structure are considered in your score as it is part of becoming a professional in the fitness industry.

Case Study (1)

Female training prospect contacts you on Facebook for personal training. You gather that she is 27 years old and pregnant, but is gaining weight too rapidly. How would you go about designing a nutrition and exercise program?

Client Stats: Female, 27 years old, total weight 146 lbs., 29% body fat, sedentary, end of 2nd trimester

Note: Women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy typically require approximately (300) extra Calories, as we are not dietitians, we can only recommend this and do not want to override what her doctor or dietitian might have recommended.

(Please describe the entire process from consultation, to diet and exercise program design)


Macro & Caloric Recommendation:

Exercise Programming

  • Special Considerations:
  • Initial Programming Framework
  • Phase:
  • Reps:
  • Sets:
  • Tempo:
  • Rest:
  • Describe how the program will be progressed and some of the specific exercises that would be important to incorporate:

Case Study (2)

Male training prospect approaches you in the gym you work at. He tells you that he is 37 years old and has hit a plateau in regards to loosing fat and increasing strength in all his lifts. He feels he's just getting old, but want to see if you have any tweaks to help him progress forward with his fat loss and strength gains. You ask him to briefly describe his workout program. He states that he doesn't really worry about nutrition because he works out most days of the week. He does a full body weight workout (5) days a week and performs cardio before his weight workout for (2) hrs on a treadmill or elliptical. How would you go about designing a nutrition and exercise program?

Client Stats: Male, 37 years old, total weight 189 lbs., 22% body fat, very active

(Please describe the entire process from consultation, to diet and exercise program design)


Macro & Caloric Recommendation:

Exercise Programming

  • Special Considerations:
  • Initial Programming Framework
  • Phase:
  • Reps:
  • Sets:
  • Tempo:
  • Rest:
  • Describe how the program will be progressed and some of the specific exercises that would be important to incorporate:

Case Study (3)

You are training a 43 year old female weight loss client and she has had great success on your weight loss plan. She voices interest in participating in a figure competition in the future. Considering she is currently utilizing your weight loss nutrition and exercise program how would you adjust her program to align with your client's new goal?

Client Stats: Female, 43 years old, total weight 128 lbs., 18% body fat, moderately active

(Please describe the entire process from consultation, to diet and exercise program design)


Macro & Caloric Recommendation:

Exercise Programming

  • Special Considerations:
  • Initial Programming Framework
  • Phase:
  • Reps:
  • Sets:
  • Tempo:
  • Rest:
  • Describe how the program will be progressed and some of the specific exercises that would be important to incorporate:

For questions regarding the final project, please contact us| Phone: 512.626.2371