Overview -PeruVine/PeruDigital site

  1. Summary The long-term, collaborative project titled “PeruVine/PeruDigital" was started and directed by Dr. Natalie Underberg and Dr. Elayne Zorn, of UCF’s Digital Ethnography Lab. The goal of the project is to build a pilot interactive and immersive website about Peruvian festivals, based on the ethnographic materials archived in Peru’s Institute of Ethnomusicology (Instituto de Etnomusicología or IDE) at the Catholic University of Lima (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-Lima). Those materials include hundreds of hours of sound recordings, videotapes, and DVDs, and tens of thousands of photographs and slides of festivals studied throughout Peru.
  1. Site Goals(constantly expanding!)

A)Create an immersive interactive story environment that will allow viewers to explore the people, culture and heritage of Peru.

  • To enable the user to experience Peruvian traditional culture from three perspectives: Sponsor, Participant and Ethnographer

B)Documenting the PV research process to share with the Academic community.

C)First-phase user group will be reasonably educated member of the general public (US)- American and Latino American audience

  1. Look and Feel (mockups)Fonts, color schemes and image selections

Body Copy Style: Font-Family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif, 13pt/ 24pt, #333333(charcoal)

Beginning of body Paragraph has drop cap: text style: Perpetua @ 70pt/24pt

Navigation text styles: Arial Narrow, white background, 15/19pt, #878787 (less charcoal)

Nav Mouse-over: colored background (#??????) when mouse-over text

Head-Line Style:Georgia, 42pt/15pt, (#??????)

Background: page background – Adapted skyline image. Toned down blue, green, earthtones.

Content Background: # F5EED5, rounded edges and faded shadow at the bottom (papyrus scroll area, centered on page.)

Picture Selections:Graphic elements selected from equal mix of both Piura and Puno regions.

Color Schemes: 3 accent (vivid) colors and a range of supporting earth tones

A)functional requirements

Fonts, Iconography, and repeated styles; breakdown of all content areas by tech needed. Language pages are in English and Spanish.

Content areas: 7 main pages

  1. Content Requirements for intro page: Introductory paragraph in multiple languages. Graphic element below paragraph allows entry into English/Spanish site. HTML/CSS.
  2. Homepage (explore Piura): Layout based on Mockup1. Includes body content+ navigation. This page will house our interactive content (immersive story module.) HTML, CSS, Flash
  3. Project description: Static Page. Text content describes project (currently project summary) HTML/CSS
  4. Research page: Static Page. Text content describes areas of research. HTML/CSS
  5. Support/funding: Page pulls text content from embedded blog software to ensure accurate and recent content and ease of update for Dr. Zorn and Dr. Underberg. 3rd party blog (API), JavaScript, PHP, HTML and CSS
  6. Project Progress: Page pulls text content from embedded blog software to ensure accurate and recent content and ease of update for Dr. Zorn and Dr. Underberg. 3rd party blog (API), JavaScript, PHP, HTML and CSS
  7. Share your story: Contact page; form where user can give us feedback. PHP/HTML/CSS. Possible creation of database depending on response rate.

B)Additional content : floating content pages; image galleries, embedded video and content upload areas. Technologies for these areas: HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Flash, FlashVideo

C)Required Elements: The following elements are required on all Digital/printed materials:
PV Logo elements, UCF logo, IDE logo, DEL logo…

  1. User Experience of interactive environment

User profile will be provided for each language - English and Spanish.

Splash Page:Setting is at the Plaza Francia in downtown Lima, Peru. A cathedral and two buildings, along with a central plaza space where there are benches. People are sitting a walking around in the area. A newspaper kiosk will be created and placed into the environment.

Characters: 3 avatars/3 environments

  1. Catholic University student (PUCP) - in sweatshirt with PUCP logo. Androgynous college student can be selected, which takes the user to the interior of the Ethnographer’s office – at the IDE.

Ethnographer’s office- desk, laptop, camcorder, projector, screen, bookshelf, a book and a steno pad. Peruvian art is on the walls: Poster of Peru, diablada mask, arpillera (brings to one of our cultural consultants who is Flora Zárate), and a retablo. The retablo leads to our

Camcorder-animation of tape inserted into camcorder. Tape turns on to project on the screen. One tape to choose is the Sarahuas in Bernal. A other consultant who is, Nicario Jimenéz. Second tape is of the Sarahuas in Morropon.

  1. Guy from Puno at newspaper kiosk- He is the sponsor of the festival and hands the user a newspaper, headlined “La Mamita Candelaria, viene pronto!” along with an image of her on the paper. A thought bubble appears with the picture of the adorned sponsor car

(Image: d-1992-1-306-05380 and d-1994-1-416-07659).

  1. Woman from Piura seated on beach with guitar: selected her will display a thought bubble, which is a video clip of a tondero of “Mi Burritto”. She then says, “I miss my Morropon! Mi abuelita used to sing Mi Burritto to me when I was younger. But now being so far away on my own, ahora lo entiendo”. Text of song with English translation asks “what is she singing about?” “I want to know more about this type of music (Tondero). “ I want to know more about Asela’s homeland”.

Piura’s festival environment A- during the Capilla for the Lord of Agony. A black composition book

Piura’s festival environment B- Begins with a still; when you click onto it, a video clip pops up of the festival- modeling surprise. At the end of the video, the static screen contains the option of which festival figures you would want to learn about? One arrow takes you to the Serrano, the other arrow, taking you to the Tamalera. Scrolling over the Serrano, a video clip will pop of him asking, “Donde esta mi compadre?” We then learn about this person, a stereotype from highland culture. This can bring us to the Puno portal, to meet a ‘real’ highlander/ Serrano. The Tamalera is holding a basket, selling tamales. Selecting her, prompts her to say in a falsetto voice “Tamales!” Pop screen displays where you can choose to: “I want to know about this woman; the Tamalera”, “I want to know about this region”, “Tell me more about what you are selling, these tamales”.

(insert video clip references)

Festival environment C : Young girl preparing for Sarahuas @ her house- Interior of her room . She is getting ready by mentally rehearsing playing a video of last year’s Sarahuas performance. Option: you can choose which Queen the girl becomes and pick her outfit (Crown & Cape). If she chooses the Moor Queen, a video of that performance plays. If she decides on being the Christian Queen, a segment of video of that performance plays. Afterwards, you can play the performance between both Queens. At the end of the clip, the girl says “It’s time for the Sarahuas, follow me!”

Sarahuas Dance–A video clip will play in terms of her thinking in visual layout.

(insert video clip references)

Festival environment D: Morropon portal- A man sitting on a chair in front of his house while the festival is going on get inspired by the festivities and starts playing music with his chair- like the musical instrument the cajón (a wooden box).

  1. Delivery Requirements

In response to client requirements for this site. Consider usability requirements, accessibility requirements, look and feel, functional requirements, web browser capability, operating system compatibility, minimum screen resolution of your website.

  1. Flow Charts/Diagram

  1. Competitive analysis

3 sites from list:

  1. Hispanicgroup.net
  2. Los PreColumbinos.cl
  3. Coraline.com

Site 1 / Site 2 / Site 3
Scale: 1(poor) - 10(excellent) / Hispanicgroup.net / losprecolumbinos.cl / Coraline.com
Site Design (1-10) / 8- 1024x768- complete interactive flash environment / 9- 800x600 cartoon; well targeted / 10- rocks
Navigation (1-10) / 10-Navigation is perfectly integrated into environment and allows the user to find any area quickly / 5- (+) originality
(-) navigability / 8- important links; always accessible
Layout (1-10) / 10-Navigation is perfectly integrated into environment and allows the user to find any area quickly / 8- (+) good, cute, interactive, animated; pulls you in
(-) all in Flash; cuts many users / 10- rebuilds the virtual space of the movie
Look and feel (1-10) / 9 – everything moves under the mouse and the experience is entirely interactive for the user / 9- consistent, original; warm and friendly / 10- fully immersive
Searchable (1-10) / 0- not at all searchable / 0-Not at all / 5- visual sitemap, not searchable
Download time / 6- takes a few minutes on loading screen / 10- fast / 8
  1. Resources

Copyright/ watermarks over all photos/images, CD, Flicker catalogue, Dr. Zorn’s images from IDE, Dr. Zorn, Dr. Underberg.

For complete list of resources, visit:

Give complete Credit -video, photo, text, Flicker (disc of Piura)

  1. Deliverables

Main Deliveries: (For short-term deliverables please refer to group PV Wiki)

  1. Site “shell” and content (meta-research portion of site)- March 23, 2009.
  2. PeruVine/PeruDigital interactive environment, with links to Ethnographer’s office, Piura and Puno perspectives.

C. Interactive module 1 (Piura) - by the end of the semester March 30, 2009.