Norfolk Record Office ref WLS LXVI/191/5
My fathers l[ett]re to pay money for my bro: Rich: Frankland
To his verie lovinge sonn
Mr Will[ia]m Franckeland
these be.
Sonne Will[ia]m,
I commend my love hartilie unto you, hoapinge of your p[re]sent health.
Theise are to let you understand that your brother Richarde is verie soerowfull about the bargaine that showlde be betwixt [“betwext” repeated] you & him Consederinge that the landes shall goe from his posteritie w[i]thout any manner of Condic[i]on at all, not givinge leave unto his wife soe much as for her wedowhoode;
This he Consed[er]inge, as also the strickte Covenantes w[hi]ch he thinketh that you have tyed him unto, maiketh him verie heve [?heavy].
Theirfore I intreat you not to be myscontent though the bairgaine p[ro]ceed not, as allsoe the stey of the surrender for this tyme, and as for your mony, you shall have it honistlie paid backe againe;
Thus, not dowttinge of your willingenes hearein, as allsoe desireinge you to write your mynd backe w[i]th this bearer, I Commend you to the protection of allmyghtie God, to whom I prey to blesse you both now and ever,
Your lovinge Father to his power,
Raiphe Franckeland
Cragge this .24. of September ./.
Norfolk Record Office ref WLS LXVI/191/7
Francis Day his l[ett]re about a surrender
To the Right worshipful
my verie Lovinge frend
Mr Will[ia]m Frankland
at Punsebrough or elsewhere
give thes[e], or at Mr Tabors[?] Esqu[ire]s
Mr Frankland,
My Dutie Remembred unto yow, hopinge that yow be in good health,
Your Father, Moth[er] Brother and Sist[er] are all unwillinge that your Surrend[er] should p[ro]ceede, As they say, because yow have not estated you[r] sister in the Crage for hir widdowhead.
I tould my M[aste]r what you[r] agreem[en]t was at your last beinge togeth[er], But you[r] broth[er] & Sister Came upon the Court Day & Sheariffurne Day to Certefie him that yow had not p[er]formed you[r] bargain, therefore the Surrend[er] might not p[ro]ceede, & So the surrend[er] Ristes in my M[aster]es handes, & the Condic[i]on uncut[?] of,
But the truth is, for any thinge that I Cane p[er]ceive, that they have p[er]swaded you[r] fath[er] to pay yow you[r] money backe againe w[hi]ch yow have paid, & to estate the Land upon Richard Daught[er].
Therefore if yow thinke good to Comaunde me any service in the busines for Caulinge you[r] bondes backe againe, And for Callinge for you[r] money for any oth[er] thinge Concerninge this busines, or any oth[er] matt[er] w[hi]ch Ristes in my power, you shall Comaunde me,
And So w[i]th my kinde Comendac[i]ons unto yow, I Comitt yow to Go this p[re]sent Eight of October 1622.
You[rs] to Comaund to his pow[er]
Francis Day
Norfolk Record Office ref WLS LXVI / 191/6
My brother Richard Franklandes l[ett]re to
pay 10£ part of the money for ye bargaine
To his [v]erie loveing Brother Brother Will:
Franklande Esq at his howse at Pundsebrough
deliv[e]r theise
Mr. Tho: Pickeringe, I pray yow deliv[e]r this
letter to my Brother Mr Will: Frankland
Most loveinge Brother,
O[ur] harty loves & Co[m]mendac[i]ons be Reme[m]bred unto yo[ur] good Bedfellowe my Sister & to all you[r] Children, prayinge that all health & happiness may be unto yow.
Brother both my wife & myselfe were present at my Father’s when my mother did deliv[e]r the Surrenders to Mr Pickeringe for ou[r] uses accordinge to ou[r] agreement, and we all desyer that my wife may have her widdowehoode in Cragge & loaneing by a surrender from yow, for if yow p[er]forme the Covena[u]ntes of Condic[i]ons amongst us the Inheritance lyes in yow soe my mother would not doe yt of herself in yo[ur] absence, thoughe Mr Pickeringe did say that she might lawfullie putten my wife’s name in the surrender dureinge her widdowe heade, so we Refer yt to yo[ur] honest Brotherly consyderac[i]on.
Good Brother I pray yow if yow Cane helpe me convenyently this Terme to the Threscore w[hi]ch is uppon o[ur] Bargaine, I pray yow doe yt, for that debt w[hi]ch I owe, I owe yt to many, and my debters comes earnestly uppon me because mony is soe scant in o[ur] Country,
And for that 10£ w[hi]ch my wif is to have out of yt, if yow thinke I will not give yt her, directe some other to deliv[er] yt her, but I am suer yow nede not feare yt.
Thus desyeringe yow loveingly to reme[m]ber theise p[re]misses, as I have all wayes fo[u]nd yo[ur] Brotherly Constancy verie much, Soe I Co[m]mend both yow & yo[urs] to the p[ro]tectione of Allmighty God,
Your loveinge Brother to
his utmost power assuredly,
Rich: Franklande.
Brother I pray yow pay 5£ to Mr Munckes
Atturny w[hi]ch I will
allowe of the threscore
w[hi]ch I doe owe to one Steve