If You Want to Walk on Water, You Need to Get Out of the Boat, John Ortberg
In the six sessions in this Silver Medallion award-winning curriculum based on the author's book, Ortberg teaches participants the skills essential to “water-walking” in faith with God: discerning God’s call, transcending fear, risking faith, managing failure, and trusting God. The curriculum kit includes a leader's guide, a participant's guide, a Closed Captioned DVD video and VHS video, and a hardcover edition of the book.
Based on John Ortberg’s award-winning best-seller. Peter may have been the first one out of the boat, but Jesus’ invitation to walk on water is for us all. But walk on water? What does that mean? Walking on water means ·facing our fears and choosing not to let fear have the last word ·discovering and embracing the unique calling of God on our lives ·experiencing the power of God to accomplish what we would not be capable of doing on our own
This ZondervanGroupware™ helps you and your group answer Christ’s call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of knowing him. Relating the story in Matthew 14 to life today, teacher and best-selling author John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zones. Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God. These six remarkable, interactive sessions will teach you how to discern God’s call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and trust God.
What dormant gifts and dreams does God want to revive? What new visions does he want to kindle? What practical acts of obedience does he want to challenge you with? Discover the possibilities! Get to know Jesus as only a water-walker can, aligning yourselves with God’s purposes for your lives. There’s just one requirement:
Sessions include: 1.What’s Water-Walking? 2.The Tragedy of the Unopened Gift 3.Find Your Calling and Get Your Feet Wet! 4.Facing Our Challenges, Conquering Our Fears 5.Good News for Cave Dwellers 6.Learning to Wait on Our Big God
If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat kit includes: 1 – 90-minute VHS & DVD—use either format 1 – Leader’s guide* 1 – Participant’s guide* 1 – If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat hardcover book* *Also sold separately
An Ordinary Day with Jesus, John Ortberg
The promise of this course is that it is possible for us to live every day with Jesus--one day at a time. 8 sessions Kit includes 1 Leader's Guide, 1 Participant's Guide, 1 video, 1 PowerPoint® CD, and a brochure.
This 8-session ready-to-teach curriculum guides and equips both leaders and participants in concrete ways to embrace the very real person of Jesus Christ in everyday life Christ entered our broken world to give us life in all its fullness. Not just in pinnacle experiences, but in every situation, every relationship, every activity. As you learn to recognize and welcome Christ's presence into every moment, ordinary days become filled with a tangible sense of God's presence.
Suddenly, you are experiencing all of life with God--not just Sundays or "quiet times." Even more, he is transforming you in the process. You begin to experience the kind of ongoing, close connection to God you've longed for. Take the first steps toward that kind of life today.
An Ordinary Day with Jesus is designed to show you how. The practices and teaching detailed here can literally change your life, one ordinary-extraordinary-day at a time. Experiencing God's presence in your everyday life doesn't necessarily mean doing new things. It means doing the things you already do in new ways—with him. An ordinary day with Jesus truly can be the greatest day you've ever had. Best of all, it can lead to an extraordinary life!
The complete kit includes: * Leader's Guide * Participant's Guide * 45-minute video cassette * PowerPoint® CD-ROM
The Bible in 90 Days
The Bible in 90 Days Curriculum kit is a 14-week DVD curriculum designed to help people attentively read every word of the Bible in 90 days. The advantage of reading through the Bible in 90 days is that it allows you to read the Scriptures as a story. Reading the Bible cover to cover gives people a sense of cohesiveness and connectedness to God and his unfolding purpose for humanity. This curriculum uses the NIV Thinline Large Print Bible and, in order to read the Bible cover to cover in 90 days, you only need to read 12 pages per day.
The Bible in 90 Days is both a Bible and a curriculum that allows individuals to complete what for many Christians is the goal of a lifetime—to read through the Bible completely, from “cover to cover,” in a manageable time frame. The basic plan consists of reading 12 pages a day of this specially prepared large-print Bible—a task that usually takes between 45 minutes and an hour—to help readers achieve their goals. Many people spend more time than that commuting back and forth to work every day! This Bible is part of a larger program, a 14-week curriculum kit designed to help people read through the entire text of the Bible with an opportunity to discuss their reading in a community setting. Developed, field-tested, and used by its creator, Ted Cooper, a Houston businessman, this curriculum has proven successful at many different churches and with a range of denominational affiliations.
Walking Where Jesus Walked, Ray Vander Laan
Continue to walk with Ray Vander Laan through the land that Jesus and his disciples walked, learn how the culture and politics of the first century influenced the imagery and stories of the Bible, and see the text through the eyes of God’s chosen people, the Jews. In the final two installments of this powerful series, Vander Laan leads us on a journey through Galilee and to Asia Minor, a region where the rabbinic practice of selecting disciples (talmidim) was well-known, and where disciples walked the walk Rabbi Jesus taught them. Filmed in Israel and Turkey, these five-session DVDs explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus, not only in the first century, but now in the twenty-first century. This is the DVD which includes a Leader's Guide for individuals leading group study.
As disciples of Jesus, we’ve discovered that following him demands a passion for the text and a complete devotion to Christian community. But there is more. A disciple is consumed with a passion to be like the Rabbi—Jesus. Come and discover the passion of our early Christian brothers and sisters. Follow in their footprints as they loved the Messiah with all their heart, all their soul, and all their might—every moment of every day.
In the Dust of the Rabbi, Ray Vander Lan
The Faith LessonsTM series takes your small group on a round trip to ancient times, places, and customs, and back again. Filmed in Israel and Turkey, these powerful DVD sessions explore what it meant to follow Jesus in the first century—and what it means to follow him today.
“Follow the rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of his feet,” says the ancient Jewish proverb. Disciples followed so closely that they would be covered with the dust kicked up by the rabbi’s feet. Come, discover how to follow Jesus as you walk with teacher and historian Ray Vander Lan through the breathtaking terrain of Israel and Turkey and explore what it really means to be a disciple.
Just a Walk Across the Room, Bill Hybels
The next era in personal evangelism has arrived! This transforming, four-week experience will guide your church through inspiring sermons, insight-packed small group sessions, and individual reading in the book Just Walk Across the Room: Simple Steps Pointing People to Faith. Discover how to follow the Holy Spirit’s promptings to “just walk across the room”—and into the lives of people living far from God.
In Just Walk Across the Room, Bill Hybels brings personal evangelism into the twenty-first century with a natural and empowering approach modeled after Jesus himself. When Christ “walked” clear across the cosmos more than 2,000 years ago, he had no forced formulas and no memorized script; rather, he came armed only with an offer of redemption for people like us, many of whom were neck-deep in pain of their own making.
Biblical Foundations, Saddleback
Foundations is a complete resource for teaching believers the essential doctrines of Christian faith, providing the theological basis for living a purpose-driven life. Ideal for Sunday Night or midweek series, Weekday Bible Studies, Sunday school classes and study groups of any size
The 24 sessions in Foundations will take you for thought-provoking, life-changing explorations of 11 core Christian truths: The Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Creation, Salvation, Sanctification, Good and Evil, the Afterlife, the Church, and the Second Coming.
Everything you need is provided, with tools, tips, and options to help you meet the unique needs of your group including teaching notes, tips, discussion questions, and even PowerPoint slides!
For the past ten years, Foundations, has been used as the doctrinal course at Saddleback Church, one of America's largest and best-known churches. Thousands of Saddleback members have benefited from this life-transforming experience. This course is explained in detail in Rick Warren's groundbreaking book, The Purpose Driven Church. Currently, Purpose Driven churches all around the world are using Foundations to raise up an army of mature believers equipped for ministry in the church and prepared for mission in the world.
Nooma: Rob Bell
Nooma is a revolutionary product that is changing the way people experience spirituality—a series of short films on DVD with a 32-page discussion guide. It's not a book or a cassette tape. And it's not a CD or a two-hour movie. It's a new format called NOOMA®—short films, between 10 and 14 minutes long, about God and our lives. Since its limited online release in November 2002, NOOMA has impacted millions of people. Because of this initial success and great potential, Zondervan has partnered with NOOMA to bring these films to the world. NOOMAs are appropriate for personal and small group settings, congregational meetings, and much more. Like parables, they use the experiences of our lives to teach about the fullness of life through Jesus, tackling issues like forgiveness, discipleship, and unconditional love. The study materials accompanying each NOOMA encourage meaningful discussion with relevant questions and biblical references. Rob Bell, a leading pastor and breakthrough communicator in the Christian community, is featured in the first series of NOOMAs.
I Love You More, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott
Relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott show how everyday problems, when handled correctly, can actually strengthen a marriage.
Even the Best Marriages Have Problems. The question isn’t whether struggles will arise, but how will husbands and wives handle them when they come. Surprisingly, the struggles can become the tipping point for a deeper love between a husband and wife. In fact, everyday problems can compel a couple to say “I love you more.”
1. Love is not enough 2. Tackle this problem first . . . and all others get easier 3. The subtle saboteurs of every marriage 4. How to solve any problem in five (not-so-easy) steps 5. Joining your spirits like never before 6. The good that comes from a problem-solving marriage
In this six-session small group edition DVD curriculum, authors Les and Leslie Parrott show you how the same forces that can chip away at marriage can become a catalyst for new relational depth and richness—provided you make wise choices. Whether the problem is major or mild, you’ll learn how to transform nettlesome issues into loving opportunities. After learning the invaluable principles the Parrotts reveal in this small group kit, you’ll never look at everyday problems in your marriage the same way again.
God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortberg
The story of the Bible is the story of God’s desire to be with his people. God is extending himself, stretching out to reach us and to fill our lives with his presence. Every moment of your life is like a page in a Where’s Waldo book. God is there, the Scriptures tell us, but the ease with which he may be found varies from one page to the next. God is closer than you think!
God Is Closer Than You Think Curriculum Kit includes Six Sessions on Experiencing the Presence of God. The story of the Bible is the story of God’s desire to be with people. God is extending himself, stretching out to reach us, to fill our lives with his presence. Every moment of your life is like a page in a Where’s Waldo? book. God is there, the Scriptures tell us—on every one of them. But the ease with which he may be found varies from one page to the next. In this six-session Zondervan Groupware™ video curriculum, award-winning author John Ortberg serves as guide and interpretive leader for experiencing the presence of God in everyday life. With his engaging and humorous style, Ortberg transforms our view of God’s presence from one that may seem hidden or distant to one that is closer than you think. The curriculum kit is designed for churches to use as a spiritual growth campaign.
The Kit includes a six-session small group participant’s guide, a six-session DVD (with a thirty-two–page leader’s guide) featuring John Ortberg teaching, a CD-ROM (with sermon resources and promotional materials), and one copy of the hardcover book. The participant’s guide, Small Group Edition DVD, and book are also sold separately.
Old Testament Challenge, 4 Volumes, John Ortberg
Old Testament Challengeis a turn-key program to help everyone in your church understand and apply the Old Testament to their lives. OTC Volume 1, “Creating New Community,” is 9-session and walks through the Pentateuch. Volume 2, “Stepping Out in Faith,” is seven sessions long and takes you through Joshua, Judges, Samuel, etc. Volume 3 is titled Developing a Heart for God: Life-Changing Lessons from the Wisdom Books. Volume 4 is called “Pursing Spiritual Authority” and deals with Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Isaiah, Hezekiah, Micah, and Jeremiah.
The goal of OTC is to discover the life-changing truths of the Old Testament and how we can apply them to our lives today. Based on Pastor John Ortberg’s OTC series at the New Community services of Willow Creek Community Church, this resource will enable churches to raise the level of biblical literacy and understanding among its congregation.
Discover the Life-Changing Relevance of the Old Testament. This dynamic program takes your church on an eye-opening, heart-searching journey through Scripture on three interlocking levels:
Developing a Heart for God: Life-Changing Lessons from the Wisdom Books
There are some things in this life that always seem to be in high demand but short supply. Wisdom is one of them. In our fast-paced world of sound bites and canned answers, we need a source of deep wisdom that does not change with each new fad and trend. The Wisdom Books of the Bible offer rivers of truth that will refresh thirsting hearts and souls.
These eight interweaving messages, small group studies, and personal study assignments search the Wisdom Books and reveal God’s insight and perspective on real life issues ranging from the heights of romance to the depths of suffering and everything in-between. Volume three of Old Testament Challenge educates through action, not just words. It’s an exciting new approach for helping the people in your church move closer to God and each other.
Old Testament Challenge Volume 3 kit includes: •Teaching Guide with materials for 8 OTC messages •8 messages by John Ortberg and others on audio CD.
Boundaries in Marriage, Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
This is a complete resource kit--containing 1 PAL video, 1 DVD, 1 Leader's Guide, 1 Participant's Guide and 1 softcover copy of Boundaries in Marriage--for groups of all sizes which will encourage the kind of spiritual and emotional growth and character development that enables marriage--within God’s boundaries--to be fun, spiritually fulfilling, and growth producing.