Woodbastwick Parish Council
Incorporating Ranworth and Panxworth
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 in Woodbastwick Village Hall at 7.30pm
Mike Deveson (MD)
Barbara Garrett (BG)
Stuart Goodall (SG)
Eileen Oliver (Clerk) (EO)
Sue Hitchcock (Chairman) (SH)
Roy Champion (RC)
Kit Cator (KC)
4 Residents attended. Also in attendance were Andy Ellson from the Broads Authority and two representatives from South Walsham Parish Council.
1. Apologies for Absence
Karen Sahlsberg (KS) sent her apologies.
2. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations
Mike Deveson – Cotenham Barn
Kit Cator – Panxworth to Ranworth footpath
3. Agree Minutes from previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting dated 07 July 2014 were agreed to be correct and a copy was signed by Sue Hitchcock as Chairman of the Parish Council.
4. Matters Arising from previous meeting
i Ranworth village sign
The work has been completed and an invoice for materials used received from Mr Malcolm Davey. The cheque will be processed after the meeting and SH will take this to Mr Davey together with a thank you note. The invoice to be retained by clerk as a record of when and how the work was done.
ii Millennium Fund
The balance of this account amounting to £1,682.09 will be transferred to the Parish Council’s Savings Account. Once the binding etc has been paid for a decision will be made as to how the balance should be divided.
iii Panxworth Tower
The builders have finished and the scaffolding removed. The available funds are £5,000 short of the sum required to complete the work required to repair the lower west window. A quotation of £300 has been received for a War Memorial plaque. There will be a coffee morning held on 27th September to hopefully raise the necessary funding to do this in this centenary year.
iv Panxworth signs
MD has cut the hedges around the signs.
v Woodbastwick notice board
The new board has been ordered and permission granted for it to be placed in the same position as the existing board.
vi Acle Community Volunteers
To be held over to the next meeting.
5. Correspondence
Clerk read announcements received since last meeting and these are available to view. These include:
Notification of the footpath public inquiry on 24th and 25th February 2015 at Woodbastwick village hall. This included a notice and a map to be displayed at both ends of the path and on the notice boards.
A letter received from a charitable trust regarding Christmas hampers. Councilors will give the necessary details to the Clerk for her to respond.
Request from Norfolk Accident Rescue Service – Clerk to reply telling them that the Parish Council no longer makes donations.
6. To receive the clerk’s financial report
i. The financial report was given and payments approved, with the addition of the invoice from Malcolm Davey, see 4 (i) above. The monies from the Millennium Fund are to be placed in the savings account and ring fenced.
7. To discuss Highway matters, including
i) Update on reduction of speed limit in Panxworth:
The order has been published in the local press.
Three residents who live on the Panxworth to Woodbastwick road expressed their concern that the order only applied to the South Walsham Road and did not include the rest of the village. There were daily problems with speeding on that stretch of road and photographs were provided of vehicles that had overturned as a result of taking the bend at the Hulver Road junction too fast. SH emphasised that the original request had been for 20mph over the narrow bridge and 30mph everywhere else. Now that the 30mph limit on the South Walsham Road had been achieved, the Parish Council will push to have this extended to cover the Salhouse Road.
It was agreed that the Clerk and Chairperson should write to Keith Boardman at the Highways Department and to Councillor Tom Garrod requesting an urgent meeting and asking them to attend the next meeting on 8th October.
SH also asked for volunteers to join Community Speed Watch. All three of the affected residents agreed to do this. (See item 10.)
ii Update on application for changing the definitive map:
The public inquiry will take place in Woodbastwick village hall on 24th and 25th February 2015. Councillors are preparing the Statement of Case, the deadline for which is 21st October 2014. An article will be placed in the Marshland Mardler to see if anyone could provide further useful information. A similar inquiry will be held on 5th and 6th November in Melton Constable and some of the councillors will attend to see how such an inquiry is run.
iii A resident had raised concerns about the condition of the road through the Shearwater bends. This will be added to the letter to Keith Boardman and Councillor Garrod.
iv A letter had been received from a resident concerning car park signage for the Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT) centre. SH will check to see if any response has been received from the NWT. If not, the Parish Council will contact them.
8. To discuss Planning matters, including
a) Change of use at Cotenham Barn
The Barn is now a venue for wedding receptions and there have been complaints about noise, parking and traffic problems. Clerk to write to Broadland District Council asking if this constituted a change of use.
9. To discuss Ranworth Staithe environmental and management matters
i) Management of Ranworth Staithe removal of boat waste.
A letter had been received (by email) to confirm that BDC will no longer collect boat rubbish from Ranworth Staithe because it was now designated as commercial waste. The existing bins will be removed on 1st October.
Andy Ellson reported that a meeting had taken place on 8th October between the Broads Authority, Broadland District Council, Norfolk County Council and the Hire Boat Federation, where the following was agreed.
a) An information sheet will be issued to all boat hirers telling them where waste disposal sites were located.
b) All boatyards hiring boats out will provide a waste disposal service.
c) The Broads Authority will sign waste disposal points on their existing river and Broads signage.
d) The Broads Authority was seeking prices for providing bins at Ranworth. These bins would have an opening large enough just to take filled bin bags to deter fly tipping. The expenditure is to be ratified at a meeting on 21st October and the bins hopefully installed after that. There will be an interim provision but details of this are not yet known. The BA has no specific budget for this provision.
The members of South Walsham Parish Council present told the meeting of the situation in their village. Whilst a solution appears to be forthcoming in Ranworth, the Council offered their help and support to South Walsham and Upton in their endeavours to obtain a satisfactory outcome.
Andy will arrange for SH to receive a copy of the report being put forward and will attend the next Parish Council meeting. He will be sent the agenda for future meetings.
ii Ranworth Staithe – management of moorings
Following the last meeting, the clerk emailed John Packman at the Broads Authority re boats overstaying, large boats using the dinghy dyke, lack of signage and generally poor mooring reducing the space available at the Staithe. He replied stating that the situation was monitored by the Wildlife Trust (NWT) staff who reported issues back to the Broads Authority. Andy reported that NWT staff are fully aware of this agreement. They use a check sheet to monitor overstaying and can advise boat crews, but are not forced to speak to them. It was noted that NWT staff had experienced a “poor attitude” from Broads Authority staff when telephoning through issues. This will be discussed at a staff meeting on 15th September. Andy reported that mooring problems had been caused by wherries on training and event days and this was being monitored. He considers the signage on the dinghy dyke to be more than adequate, but agreed that some signs needed refurbishment, which will be done over this winter.
10. Community Speed Watch
Six booklets have been received and the clerk has asked for details of the vetting process. All will read through and discussed by phone/email. SH will contact South Walsham PC re their volunteers.
11. Resolution to adjourn the meeting for public participation and District and County Councillor reports
No reports received from NCC or BDC Councillors. PC Bob Hall sent his report of two reported crimes in July and August.
Matters of public concern are covered under items 7 a and 9.
12. Any other business
MD – When he cut the hedges around the Panxworth signs, he noticed that all the hedges needed cutting. KC will discuss with the Woodbastwick Estate office.
SH – In future the Council will meet monthly, except for August and December when no meetings will take place. The dates of the next 3 meetings will be added to the minutes.
RC – Should public participation be moved to item 3? This was agreed.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday, 08 October 2014 at Woodbastwick Village Hall, 7.30pm. Subsequent meetings will be on the 12th November at Ranworth and 14th January at Woodbastwick.
All residents are very welcome to attend
Signed...... Chairman
Dated: …......
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