World Languages Pacing Guide

Level: Intermediate Low-Mid

Unit 1: Introduction – Part I

Content Expectations / Essential Questions / Assessments / Vocabulary / Resources /
Strand 5: Communities – Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
5.2 Personal Enrichment: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
5.2.M.c Investigate and present information to others about careers where skills in another language or cross-cultural understanding are needed. / Why is it important to learn another language?
Scaffolding Questions:
What are some professions in which you would need cross-cultural understanding?
How could a 2nd or 3rd language help you in a career?
How could knowledge of another language/culture affect your future?
Why would it be important to know cultural norms as it relates to daily behavior? / Formative
Students will complete a force-field analysis of different professions on whether or not knowledge of another language would be helpful in that particular profession.
In pairs, students will do a brief 2-minute presentation on a profession (each pair is assigned a different profession where another language is useful) giving specific examples of how another language is useful in that particular job.
Students write an essay about the importance of learning another language and use the different jobs discussed in the during activities and assessment to support this opinion. Essay will be in English. / Professions (teacher, doctor, lawyer, businessman, nurse, etc.)
career / Example: Why learn Spanish? Video from Pearson Education
Provide a list of professions to students and possible job opportunities if they know another language.
Video on language careers and importance of knowing another language or cultural differences in professions (Youtube or another source).
Internet sources for looking up cultural norms in different societies. Examples include:
–  In Egypt it is an insult to show the bottom of your show when crossing legs.
–  In some Asian cultures it is disrespectful to look someone of higher status in the eye when speaking
–  In some Asian cultures it is polite to burp while eating to show appreciation for the food
–  In some Muslim cultures the thumbs up sign isn’t appropriate
–  In some cultures it is necessary to stand when someone of authority enters the room

World Languages Pacing Guide

Level: Intermediate Low-Mid

Unit 2: Introduction – Part II

Content Expectations / Essential Questions / Assessments / Vocabulary / Resources /
Strand 4: Comparisons – Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
4.1 Comparing Languages: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studies and their own.
4.1.M.a Select vocabulary recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word-for-word translation from one’s own language to the target language.
4.1.M.b Select grammatical structures recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word-for-word translation from one’s own language to the target language.
4.1.M.d Select phonological features recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through equivalent application of the same features from one’s own language to the target language.
Strand 1: Communication – Communicate in Languages other than English
1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.2.M.R.b Understand main idea and supporting detail, and summarize accessible written materials on familiar topics in the target language, such as textbook content, magazine and newspaper articles/ads, websites/Internet, poetry, or stories.
1.3 Presentational Communication: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
1.3.M.S.a Present skits or short plays in the target language. / How does learning another language relate to your life?
Scaffolding Questions:
How does the target language relate to your native language?
How does learning another language enrich your vocabulary in your native language?
How does learning grammar in another language help your understanding of grammar structures in your native language?
Why isn’t direct translation sufficient? (Dictionaries, online translators- why don’t they work always?) / Formative:
1. Give each student 5 different words in the target language; choosing words that are commonly mispronounced due to the way the sounds the letters make in English (examples in Spanish: the –ge, lla, -gi, vowels, examples in French: vowels, “ll”)
2. Have students translate a variety of isolated words/ phrases from English to the target language using the dictionary. (It is fun, I have it, I like basketball, I love you, red shirt, give me that, My name is, I’m 16 years old) (*using phrases that have different structures in English than in target language)
1.  Students are given a short script and have to read/act out script with a partner in front of the class focusing on pronunciation
2.  Have students translate additional isolated words/phrases from the before assessment such as “I have it”, “My brother is 15 years old”, “I like cars”, “I love you”, “head straight”, “go back” etc. using the dictionary correctly. *Again using words/phrases that are difficult to translate directly
Students have to individually give a brief presentation on a news article (with basic vocabulary) where they read the article aloud to the class, focusing on pronunciation, and explain what it is about in English after reading the article (showing that they are able to use phonological & phonetic clues and cognates to understand the target language). They will be allowed to use a dictionary or online translator to help them with the meaning of the article to show they know how to properly use these resources. / Pronunciation
letters of the alphabet
other English words that have more than one meaning / News articles in the target language from online or a newspaper in the target language
Alphabet printout/poster for students to look at
News broadcast from BBC or other target language news outlet online or other online translator applications, target language dictionary

World Languages Pacing Guide

Level: Intermediate Low-Mid

Unit 3: Geography

Content Expectations / Essential Questions / Assessments / Vocabulary / Resources /
Strand 2: Cultures – Gain Knowledge and Understanding of other Cultures
2.2 Products and Perspectives: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2.M.G.a Identify and describe regions and their distinctive characteristics within the countries where the language is spoken.
2.2.M.G.b Identify and describe major geographic features (rivers, mountains, deserts, forests) of additional countries or regions in which the language is spoken.
2.2.M.G.c Identify and describe the neighboring countries and geographic features surrounding additional countries in which the language is spoken.
2.2.M.G.d Describe the climate and typical seasonal weather patterns in various regions in additional countries in which the language is spoken.
Strand 1: Communication – Communicate in Languages other than English
1.3 Presentational Communication: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
1.3.M.W.a Illustrate and present materials in the target language such as an informational brochure or instructions for accomplishing a task. / How do climate and geographical features affect daily life in the target country?
Scaffolding Questions:
If you were traveling to a country, how would you know what to pack?
What other countries could you visit while there?
What natural sites would you be able to visit?
What elements of a region affect its culture?
What are some common geographic features? / Formative:
1.  Students take a pre-test matching regions to the country (i.e. Basque country to Spain, Normandy to France)
2.  World map in which all countries that speak the target language and the surrounding countries are highlighted. Students identify the countries using a provided word bank.
3.  Live Internet weather broadcast – Following the broadcast, students will make 4-5 statements in English about the conditions that were described.
1.  Poster board presentation/ PowerPoint presentation describing a region where the target language is spoken (each student is given a different region within the country where the language is spoken or different countries if they are smaller) *this presentation will be in English.
2.  Relay race assessment. The teacher will prepare 2 sets of identical symbols used during the presentations about neighboring countries made in the learning activities (see Activity worksheet for 2.2.M.G.c ). Two new blank, large maps will be attached to the board. Students are divided into 2 teams. The symbols are placed on a table in front of each team. At the given signal, the first student of each team picks up a symbol and places on the map. If the symbol has been placed correctly, the next student in the team may advance, placing a 2nd symbol and so on until all the symbols have been located correctly. If the symbol has not been placed correctly, it is removed from board map and returned to the table pile. That student must go to the end of the line and the next student attempt to place another symbol correctly. Students may discuss among themselves the correct location. The team who correctly places all the symbols on their map first is declared winner. A grade may be assigned, at the discretion of the teacher.
3.  Students will create a 5-section weather board. In four of the sections, students will describe the weather for each of the four seasons, including at least three typical weather patterns (i.e. “In the spring it is rainy, It is sometimes cold and it is not snowing”) and the average temperature (“The temperature is 15 degrees Celsius”). At least two graphics depicting those conditions should be included. In the 5th section, students will tell the weather for today in that country and give the forecast for tomorrow. At least two graphics will be included.
1.  Quiz on the presentations with basic facts about the regions & neighboring countries (in the target language). Example: Fill in a blank map of Latin America with basic geographic features & color code based on climate.
2.  In groups, students will produce a brochure advertising a destination (country, city, or tourist attraction) from the target culture. This brochure must include a description of the climate during the different seasons and discussing what can be done during each season based on its geographic features. / regions,
names of places,
important vocabulary pertinent to the specific region (such as specific exports or customs)
Weather vocabulary: It is hot/ cold/fair weather, It is snowy/rainy/sunny/windy/foggy/ cloudy/ stormy/clear/freezing The temperature is __ degrees Celsius, It is snowing/ raining, It is going to be ___, In the spring/ summer/fall/winter…
vocabulary pertaining to geography of a country (mountains, rivers, capital, lake, ocean, sea, landscape, forests)
vocabulary pertaining to geography of a country (rivers, mountains, rainforest, plateau, ocean, names of these geographical features) / Live Internet broadcast of weather in the target country
Collection of pictures depicting weather conditions during different seasons (Internet, magazines, Teacher’s Discovery publishing)
Overhead projector (document cameras)
Overhead transparencies (Power Point presentation) showing the difference weather expressions, notes about idiomatic/cultural differences
Teacher-generated rubric sheet/research outline for presentations
True/false quiz handout
Teacher created pre-test
Teacher created matching worksheet
Computers for students to do PowerPoint project
World map/word bank
Teacher created PowerPoint with photos from the Internet or textbook resources/DVD YouTube video
Map of the target country & neighboring countries with names whited out
Internet/laptops or computer lab for research
A handout with the different geographical symbols for examples
Blank, large maps (projected or pull down)
Markers, pens & pencils & white paper
List of geographic vocabulary provided by teacher
PowerPoint or overheads with pictures of the geographical features and their names in the target language

World Languages Pacing Guide

Level: Intermediate Low-Mid

Unit 4: Greetings/Farewells

Content Expectations / Essential Questions / Assessments / Vocabulary / Resources /
Strand 1: Communication – Communicate in Languages other than English
1.1 Interpersonal Communication: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.1.M.RW.a Use the target language in email messages, text messages, blogs, webpages, letters, and notes to greet one another and write about everyday topics such as school and community events and activities.
1.1.M.SL.a Use the target language with culturally appropriate gestures to greet one another and engage in conversations about everyday topics such as school and community events and activities.
1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.2.M.R.b Understand main idea and supporting detail and summarize accessible written materials on familiar topics in the target language, such as textbook content, magazine and newspaper articles/ads, websites/Internet, poetry, or stories.
1.3 Presentational Communication: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
1.3.M.S.a Present skits or short plays in the target language. / Why is basic communication important in everyday life?
Scaffolding Questions:
Name vocabulary you would use in a basic conversation.
What are some gestures we use in greeting one another?
Are gestures the same in all cultures? Why not?
How do you start out an e-mail or text message to a friend? How do you end it? / Formative:
Show students an authentic yet basic e-mail to a friend and ask students to identify the key parts “hello”, “How are you?” “Goodbye”, etc.
Force-field analysis of American gestures and gestures in other countries (marking them as appropriate or inappropriate) .
Students receive a “text message” but it is scrambled and they have to organize it to recreate the original message (“text message” would be typed up and printed out for students on the background of a cell phone), students read about a student from another country & their extra-curricular activities and classes they are taking in the target language and complete a check list in English classifying activities as things he/she likes to do or not and categorizing the classes between classes he/she is taking & which ones he/she is not taking.
Students are given a scenario/a phrase in the target language. They have to use that to create a short dialogue with a partner.
Write an e-mail: You are about to receive an exchange student into your home and before he/she arrives you are to write to him via e-mail to explain what he is to expect about your home school, community events, and activities in your city.
Role play (create a dialogue): You are an exchange student and are meeting a student in another country and talking about the school and community events and activities in that region as well as sharing the same information about your home school while including appropriate gestures and greetings, and farewells. / community,
extra-curricular activities,
how are you,
see you later,
class subjects,
community, / Authentic e-mail in target language
Students’ individual schedules
Vocabulary notes
Reading about the extra-curricular activities & classes in other countries
See attached document for list of acceptable/unacceptable custom list
All of the parts of a conversation (basic greeting & farewell conversation) split up onto separate flashcards and posted on wall.
Teacher created phrases
Dialogue from textbook or online or teacher created
Example of a short play: El Delantal Blanco, excerpt from Les Miserable

World Languages Pacing Guide