‘Promoting Health & Well-Being to Children & Young People in Swindon’
Welcome to our first newsletter of Academic Year 2010/11. We hope you had a good summer and the new term is going well.
Please visit our website for latest news, resources and much more –
Angela Milliken
Healthy Schools Programme Manager
Healthy Schools Training
We are really keen to provide the training that you want. Due to budget cuts it is also important that funding is spent as effectively as possible.
Pleaseclickhereto tell us what you need. Please complete this and send it back to us so that we can ensure that were fulfilling your requirements.
Annual Review
As always Swindon schools are embracing the Healthy Schools Programme and many have begun or even completed the Annual Review. The Annual Review is an online tool that helps schools to show how they are maintaining the foundation of health and well-being which they have already achieved through the Healthy School Status. Read more.
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying week is 15th –19th November 2010. The Theme this year is ‘Taking Action Together’. The campaign extends the idea of the Bystander theme from the child who watches while bullying is happening, to include the adult who turns a blind eye, the parent who doesn’t know how to help, and the school and community that don’t take action to tackle bullying. Readmore.
The Life Education Centre – Update
The Life Education Centre is now running in a new way. You can book it through contacting Surbjit Gill email: ; tel: 01793 464675 or wait for us to contact you when the classroom is in your area.There is a charge of £150.00 per day but we will accommodate half days.
MPs Debate Statutory Sex and Relationships Education
On 8 September 2010MPs heard a Ten Minute Rule Motion that called for provision of statutory sex and relationships education (SRE) in all state-funded schools in England. Read more.
(Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It!)
Healthy Habits Quiz
MEND is a free, fun healthy lifestyle programme for children aged 5-13 years who are above their ideal weight for their height (please visit for more information). MEND Central have produced the HealthyHabits Quiz to help children and their families understand healthy habits as recommended by MEND and Change 4 Life.Read more.
Walk to School Month - October 2010
Walk to School Month is a national awareness raising month held in October every year where schools across the world join forces to promote walking to school. Because it is in October at the beginning of the academic year, it is the perfect time to start new travel habits or try something new.
Read more:
Swindon Half Marathon
There is still time to enter the 2 mile Family Fun Run which is part of the Nationwide Swindon Half Marathon taking place on Sunday 10th October.The two-mile Fun Run is great fun for all the family to do together, is runon pavements and roads soyou won't get muddyandand all finishers receive a medal, t-shirt and a goody bag! You can enter on-line up until Friday 1st October or wait and enter on the day. For more information visit:
Let’s Get Cooking
There are over 20 Let's Get Cooking clubs in Swindon. They are doing a great job of engaging their families and local communities helping them to learn basic cooking/life skills and encouraging them to cook easy healthy meals from scratch at home. Readmore.
Changes within Swindon Young Carers
Hello, my name is Trish Moroney and I am the newly appointed Young Carers Development Worker replacing Jo Hartley. I have a background in special education, and worked with children in the hospital setting. I am delighted to have this opportunity and am looking forward to working with everyone. The first couple of weeks have been a sharp learning curve as I get to grips with the new job. Read more.