Unified Team Sports Syllabus
> Contact Information
Coach Cutsail
Phone: 240.236-7472
Welcome to Unified Team Sports. The class is designed to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a variety of individual and team sports. The goal is through the participation of various physical activates that each student will improve toward their full potential.
> Course Objectives
- To improve fitness levels.
- To improve motor skills.
- To improve sports skills such as hand eye coordination.
- To foster an appreciation for lifetime participation in physical activity.
- To improve sportsmanship, respect for others, and cooperation.
> Grading Policy
Class activities70%
Fitness improvement10%
Sport skills improvement10%
Team work and team spirit10%
HAC Grades: Regularly monitor your progress online via our grading website. (
> Classroom Procedures
- Daily class warm up.
- Daily fitness oriented activities.
- Daily sports skills activities.
- Daily game/contest activities.
- Daily activities requiring teamwork and cooperation.
Student Expectations
Focused and alert | Bring required materials | Assigned work completed | be in your assigned seat when the bell rings
Observe classroom safety guidelines | Honor commonalities and celebrate differences | Support and encourage classmates | Use appropriate language at appropriate times
Complete all assignments on time and with integrity | Give your best effort | be open to feedback and capitalize on opportunities to improve
Please sign the attached agreement form and keep this syllabus document for your record
I have read and fully understand the course syllabus, including my responsibilities in regards to grading policies, checking grades online, course requirements, materials and classroom expectations.
Print NameSignature
Print NameSignature
Contact Information
Parent/Guardian 1
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.
Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.