Chapter 15: State Building and the Search for Order in the Seventeenth century
Social Crises, War, and Rebellions: 401-403
- What economic changes took places during the first half of the seventeenth century in Europe? Why?
- How did population trends differ from the sixteenth century? Why?
- Explain the background of the witchcraft crazy by the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. How did it differ from earlier centuries?
- What types of activities were supposed witches accused of doing?
- Identify and explain the contributing factors toward the witchcraft craze.
Social conditions
Elderly Women
- Why was it believed women were more susceptible to witchcraft during this time?
- Why did the witchcraft hysteria eventually wane?
Thirty Years War: 403-405
See your war chart – Already Done
A Military Revolution: 406-407
- How did warfare change from the medieval period, to the Renaissance to mid-16th through mid-17th centuries?
- What was the consequence of this change in warfare?
The Practice of Absolutism: Western Europe, 408-416
- What was Jean Bodin’s definition of sovereign power?
- How did Bishop Jacques Bossuet define the theory of divine-right?
- What actually limited a monarch’s absolute power?
- Why were the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV dependent on royal ministers?
- How did Cardinal Richelieu strengthen the power of the French monarchy in regard to the following?
Utilization of spies
Intendant system
Why was he less successful with financial matters?
- Define nobles of the robe.
- Define nobles of the sword.
- Explain the reasons for the Fronde, including the role of Cardinal Mazarin, the Parlement of Paris, and the nobility?
- Why did Louis XIV have difficulty truly implementing an absolute monarchy? Include the problem with France’s system of overlapping authorities.
- In what ways did Louis XIV attempt to centralize his power and how did he circumvent the high nobility? In what areas did he gain control?
- In what areas did Louis XIV have difficulty? Why?
- Identify the reason for the Edict of Fountainebleau, its terms, and results.
- What were specific ways that Louis XIV’s finance minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, increased the wealth of France? Why were Colbert’s efforts in the end all for naught?
- Why did Louis XIV require the nobility to live at Versailles and how were they implemented into the daily ceremonies that were staged?
- What changes occurred to France’s military under Louis XIV’s secretary of war?
- What were the four major wars of Louis XIV? Who were they against and why, and what was the outcome of each?
- Franco-Dutch Wars
- Ambitions against the Holy Roman Empire
- The War of the League of Augsburg (aka Nine Years’ War)
- War of the Spanish Succession
- Identify the terms and results of the Peace of Utrecht.
- What was Louis XIV’s legacy to France?
- How did the reigns of Philip II. Philip III, Philip IV, Charles II, and Thirty Years’ War contribute to the decline of Spain?
- Map 15.2: The wars of Louis XIV-Louis XIV made his territorial acquisitions primarily at the expense of what countries?
Absolutism in central, eastern, and Northern Europe: 416-424
- On individual flashcards identify the reign, characteristics, and significance of Frederick William the Great Elector and King Frederick I (the former Elector Frederick III). Attach to the back of your study guide.
- Map 15.3: Why was the acquisition of Pomerania and West Prussia important for the continued rise in power of Brandenburg-Prussia?
- Map 15.4: In which areas did the Austrian Empire have access to the Mediterranean Sea, and why would that potentially be important?
- How did the Austrian Hapsburg Empire change during the seventeenth century?
- What territories did Leopold I gain (when and from whom)?
- Why is Ivan IV/the Terrible important in Russian history?
- Why and how did Michael Romanov come to power?
- Describe Russian society during the seventeenth century.
- How did Peter the Great reorganize the Russian armed forces?
- In what ways did he reform the central government?
- Explain the Table of Ranks and its overall purpose.
- What type of economic principals did Peter attempt to use to fund his massive army and navy?
- How did Peter attempt to gain control of the Russian Orthodox Church?
- How did Peter alter Russian etiquette?
- How did the status of upper class women change under Peter’s rule?
- Explain how St. Petersburg was a “window on the west.” Why did he build it?
- Describe the Great Northern War.
- Use the document “Peter and the Streltsy” (pg. 420) to explain how Peter Romanov’s treatment of the rebellious Streltsy could be used to demonstrate Machiavelli’s notion that the effective ruler must act without consideration for the usual principles of morality (do not skip this).
- What was Peter’s legacy to Russia?
- Identify the victories of Suleiman I, the Magnificent.
- Explain the Ottoman Empire’s foreign policy after 1600.
- Who were the Janissaries?
- Map 15.6: In what region did the Ottomans make the greatest territorial gains in the sixteenth century?
- Explain the limits of absolutism.
Limited Monarch and Republics 424-426
- Identify the Sejm and the use of the liberum veto.
- How were Polish monarchs chosen and how did this result in the decentralization of Poland?
The Dutch Republic
- What enabled Dutch prominence in the 17th century and what led to its economic decline?
- What internal political conflict existed in the Dutch Republic?
- Describe the economic activities of Amsterdam.
- Describe the fluyt.
- What influence did the Calvinists play in Amsterdam?
- How did James I alienate himself from the Puritans?
- Who were the Puritans?
- What was the Petition of Right? How did it cause discord between Charles I and Parliament?
- How did Charles avoid calling Parliament for 11 years?
- What were Charles I’s poor religious decisions?
- What type of royal limitations did Parliament desire to enact between 1640-1641?
- Describe the New Model Army and explain why it was successful.
- Why was there a split between the parliamentarian forces after the first phase of the civil war and what led to the second phase?
- Why was Charles I executed in 1649?
- What were some republican reforms Oliver Cromwell instituted?
- What were some authoritarian measures he took as Lord Protector?
- How did the attitude of Parliament toward Charles II change from the beginning of his reign to the end of his reign and why?
- Identify the first two political parties in England and what initially differentiated them.
- What specific actions did James II take that resulted in the desire to overthrow him?
- Who were William and Mary? What did they have to agree to before becoming England’s new monarchs?
- How did the English Bill of Rights create a constitutional monarchy?
Hobbes and John Locke will be covered in Unit 4