RFP# 031-1112 Third Party Medicaid Claiming Management of Direct Therapy Services
ADDENDUM No. 2 – Bidder’s Conference Questions and Answers
Purchasing Department
801 North 11th Street
Saint Louis, Missouri 6301
RFP# 031-1112
Third Party Medicaid Claiming Management of Direct Therapy Services
1. Could we get a copy of the RFP document in an editable (Word) format?
Answer: Yes.
2. How does the District process/submit their Medicaid claims today?
Answer: Use of a third party provider
3. Does the District have a dedicated Medicaid staff? If so, how many members and what are their responsibilities?
Answer: No
4. Does the District have an existing Medicaid billing/consulting contract in place? If so:
a. With whom? Missouri School Boards Association
b. How long has the District used the services of this organization? 3 years
c. How does the District pay for these services? Percentage? Fixed annual fee? Per claim? Per transaction? Percent of revenue
d. How much did the District pay for these services in each of the last three (3) fiscal years?
5. Does the District use an existing computer-based Medicaid Management System? If so:
Which one? TherapyLog
When did the District install this system and begin using it in everyday use? 2009-2010
What are the reasons the District is looking for a replacement for this system?
Answer: Three year renewal cycle
6. Can you please complete the following table of Medicaid recovery? Not available
School Year Total # Total # of Total
Submitted Paid Claims Recovery
7. Are there any associated audit findings within the district’s Medicaid program the awarded vendor should be made aware of?
Answer: No
8. Can the District provide the following counts:
a. Total special education students as of last child-count report 3867
b. Special education students who are Medicaid eligible MER = 70.52%
9. 3.1-“Form of Submissions.” (pg 4 of 29). The requirement reads, “….shall include one (1) original, copies, and one (1) electronic…..”. It appears the number of copies was omitted. Does the District require any copies and if so, how many?
Answer: Five copies.
10. 3.14-“Purchasing Card (P-Card)” (pg 6 of 29) – Has the District determined if they will require P-card usage for this contract?
Answer: Not required
11. A.2 (pg 15 of 29) – “The system should allow the district to download real time data.”
a. What data does the District want to download? Multiple reports will be requested.
b. What District staff members will be downloading data? Special Education administration, Finance staff
c. How frequently does the District want/need to download data? Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
d. Are there any specific data formats (XML, CSV, XLS, etc.) the District requires? XLS
12. A.3 (pg 15 of 29) – “The contractor shall provide any programming necessary to permit interface between the district’s current database and that of the contractor.”
a. What is the District’s current database? Tyler SIS K-12
b. What District applications access this database? All teachers, administrators and central office support.
c. What data does the District desire to be interfaced between the new system and the District’s current database? The student demographic information (i.e. name, grade level, school, etc.)
d. What mechanisms (XML, SIF, transaction file – CSV, TXT, etc.) does the District support in interfaces with its current database? CSV, Txt, or excel would be our preference
13. A.10-“Training and Technical Support” (pg 17 of 29):
a. How many District staff require training?
i. Service providers 80-100
ii. Finance/accounting 3
iii. Medicaid administrators/coordinators 3
b. Are District staff members all currently familiar with and use an online service documentation system? Yes
c. What date does the District require that their staff be trained to use any new system in full production? October 1, 2012
d. Is it the District’s intention to go completely paperless in documenting services or will some services (such as transportation, personal care, etc.) be documented by service providers on paper log sheets? Undecided
14. A.12 (pg 17 of 29) – “The contractor shall define the options it will make available for the necessary data transfers between the district's other databases and that of the contractor.”
a. What other District databases will require interfacing to the new system? Possibly SAP (our financial system)
b. What data does the District desire to be interfaced between the new system and the District’s other database? It will be linked to the school and the budget.
c. What mechanisms (XML, SIF, transaction file – CSV, TXT, etc.) does the District support in interfaces with its other database? CSV, Txt, or excel would be our preference
15. A.13 (pg 17 of 29) – “The system should have the ability to transfer data as well as records to other schools. (The transferred records must include all data as well as archived records with signatures.)”
a. Does the District mean data should be transferred to schools within the District? Yes
b. What data transfer mechanisms does the District require to move data to other schools? Therapists must have the ability to view records for students immediately upon location reassignment within the district.
16. A.14 (pg 17 of 29) – “The system should allow the district to identify data elements that are required for completion of student identification including name, address, and school, and pre-fill these data elements on the required forms.”
a. What “forms” does the District require in this solution?
Answer: Forms required by the state for billing purposes.
17. B.2.15 (pg 20 of 29) – “The electronic FFS claims management system should allow for the automatic import of service frequency and duration information from an IEP system, and must also allow for the manual entry of frequency and duration information.”
a. What IEP system does the District currently use? SIS
b. Does the District currently document service scope/frequency/duration in their IEP system? Yes
c. Does the District’s IEP system support the export of this information and transmission to an electronic FFS system? Yes
18. B.2.16 (pg 20 of 29) – “The electronic FFS claims management system should allow for a multi-level administration process allowing each level to review service data before it is submitted as part of a claim.”
a. How many levels of review does the District currently have?
Answer: Two.
19. Please explain how changes in policies and/or procedures concerning special education would affect Medicaid billing with the exception of parental consent? (Page 15, ATTACHMENT A, Part A, #6)
Answer: It depends on the change being made.
20. If the contracted company is to provide the mobile app device, who is considered the contracted company? (Page 18, ATTACHMENT A, Part B, SECTION 2: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS, #8)
Answer: Related service vendor
21. Pleaseclarify "tracking of non-billable activities". To what specific non-billable activities are being referred?(Page 20, ATTACHMENT A, Part B, SECTION 2: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS, #27)
Answer: Services provided that are not eligible for Medicaid billing.
22. Please specify what is meant by district location assignment and how it relates to Medicaid billing (Page 20, ATTACHMENT A, Part B, SECTION 3: SYSTEM REPORT REQUIREMENTS, DISTRICT REPORTS, # e)
Answer: Therapists operate at multiple sites within the District.
23. What does “STATEWIDE” mean in reference to the content of the reports? (Page 21, ATTACHMENT A, Part B, SECTION 3:SYSTEM REPORT REQUIREMENTS, STATEWIDE/OTHER REPORTS Heading)
Answer: Undefined at this time.