Current Events in Spanish Class
Sra. Gonzalez/Noticias de Hoy
Each student will share one current event per week. The topics will be given and each students will submit a 2 minute recording in Spanish of the event. The students will be given each topic at the beginning of the week and will be due at the end of the week. These recordings are to me emailed to
Please use the following guidelines:
· Cut and paste the original article on a piece of unlined computer paper. No photocopies are accepted, since each presentation must be different. One presentation per topic!
· Put the newspaper or magazine name and issue date under the article. You may use credible Internet sites if you write the complete address at the bottom of your summary.
· Write a summary in Spanish of the article.
Do not read the article! I just want a brief summary.
· Turn in the article electronically with your report as an attachment.
This activity is a presentation grade worth 10 Test pts. Grading will include:
Original copy of the article includes issue name and date. /2ppt
Brief summary includes important information (location, event). /2pts.
Oral report includes significance of current event. /2pts.
Presenter speaks loudly and clearly. /2pts.
Student is prepared on scheduled day. /2pt.
Total points. /10pts.