Evans Youth Baseball & Softball
2015 Season
Believe it or not, the time to register your kids for another season of Evans Youth Baseball and Softball is right around the corner. This letter has the information you will need to get your child’s 2015 EYB season started smoothly
Register your child online! This is a safe and secure way to be sure your child is registered accurately and on time! Go to the EYB website at and click on the demosphere link listed under SITE PAGES.
OtherPlayer Registration Opportunities:
There will also be three opportunities to register players IN PERSON this year:
ThursdayJan 29st from 6-8pm
Saturday Jan 31st from 12-2pm
Tuesday Feb 10th from 6-8pm
at Evans Center Fire Hall
Bring the following with you to EYB Registration:
-Completed registration forms (if possible)
-Cash or check for appropriate registration fee
-Separate check for $50 dated August 1st for volunteer fee per family
-Birth certificate for new players (we do not keep it, we just need to see it)
All checks should be made payable to “Evans Youth Baseball” or “EYB.” Blank forms for all players may be downloaded from our web site .
There will be an additional $25 late fee for all players that register after March 1st. It will be strictly enforced. It is extremely important that we are able to complete registration in a timely fashion so rosters can be put together and uniforms ordered. There will be a $35 returned check fee that will also be strictly enforced.
Players registered after March 1st have no guarantee of uniforms or sizes if available
Registration Cost:
The EYB Board of Directors remains committed to keeping our league as affordable as possible for the families we serve while continuing to provide the quality experience our children deserve. The 2015 registration fees are per child:
$65 Tee- Ball/ Pee-Wee
$85 Baseball/ Softball (Rookie, Minor, Major)
$95 Babe Ruth/ Senior Babe Ruth
Volunteer Fee:
Like many other youth sports leagues, EYB collects a volunteer fee that encourages people to help out and gives us a pool of money we can use to pay for additional help with concessions and field maintenance duties. This year, the volunteer fee of $50 per family will also be expected at the time of registration. This fee can be provided either by check- in which case you will date your check for August 1st, 2015 and it can be returned to you uncashed—OR---the fee can be paid along with your online registration, in which case it will be returned to you in cash.All checks that are not “earned back” will be cashed by EYB on August1, 2015. A returned check fee of $35 will be strictly enforced.
Here’s a rundown of all divisions for this season.
Girls & Boys
- Tee Ball4 year olds and first-time 5 year olds
- Pee Wee5 year olds and 6 year olds (pitching machine)
- Rookie Girls Softball7-9 year olds (Coach Pitch, Player pitch possible Inter-league)
- Major Girls Softball10-12 year olds (possible Inter-league)
- Babe Ruth Girls Softball13-16 year olds (Possible Inter-league)
- Rookie Boys Baseball7-8 year olds (pitching machine)
- Minor Boys Baseball9-10 year olds(possible Inter-league)
- Major Boys Baseball11-12 year olds (possible Inter-league)
- Babe Ruth Boys Baseball13-15 year olds (possible Inter-league)
- Senior Babe Ruth Boys Baseball16-18 year olds (Details to be determined.)
Possible Inter-league play means that you may need to travel to other towns to play some games.
The girls divisions are determined by a December 31st birth date. Your daughter’s age on December 31, 2014 will determine which division she will play in. For example, if her 13th birthday is in February she will play in the Major Girls Softball Division, because on December 31, she was still 12.
The boys divisions are determined by a May 1st birth date. Your son’s age on May 1, 2015 will determine which division he will play in. For example, if his 11th birthday is in April he will play in the Major Boys Baseball Division because, as of May 1st, he is 11. If his 11th birthday is not until May 1st or later, he will play in the Minor Boys Division.
Parents wishing for their children to “play down” or “play up” into a lower/higher age division must submit their request in writing to the EYB Board of Directors. The board of directors will submit the request as well as supporting documentation that you provide, to the local commissioner for Babe Ruth. EYB reserves the right to structure divisions and assign players where appropriate in order to provide the best possible playing experience for all children involved in the league.
As weather permits, each team will generally play twice each week. Most divisions will play on Saturdays and on one weeknight. The regular season for our house league will begin on May2nd, 2015 and every attempt will be made to finish by the end of June. The seasons for Babe Ruth Boys and Girls and Senior Babe Ruth Boys Divisions run somewhat later. All players will receive a schedule well in advance.
Teams may begin their workouts as early as April 1st. Your manager will contact you with dates, times, and locations. Tee Ball and Pee Wee divisions will not begin until late April.
Uniforms & Equipment:
It is mandatory to wear the team’s shirt and hat and a pair of baseball pants. Shirts and hats are provided by EYB in addition to bats, helmets, balls, and catcher’s equipment. Players are expected to bring their own baseball gloves, pants, and any desired socks and undershirts. Non-metal cleats are recommended at all divisions above tee ball/pee wee. The only exception to this is if you were a late registrant and did not receive your shirt, in this case we ask that you wear a tee shirt the same color as the rest of your team.
Sign up will be at all registration times or any time on the board at the EYB concessions stand. If you know a child that is 13 or older that is interested in becoming an EYB umpire, please encourage him/her to sign up. The league needs many umpires throughout the season. This is a paid job and a great experience. Adults that are interested are also encouraged. Any interested candidates should call Chief Umpire, Tony Bartz713-5073 or email
This is one of the largest sources of revenue for EYB each year. Several packages are available for individuals and businesses that would like to help and could benefit from the visibility that EYB sponsorship provides. Please contact Al Hazard 364-7111 or email
Volunteers Needed:
Our league is made up of volunteers and is unable to run smoothly if we do not have enough to help. Even with the volunteer fee, people are always needed in several areas:
Concessions Stand: In addition to those who will report to get their volunteer fee check returned, we will also need volunteers who are willing to act as managers of weeknight and Saturday shifts on a regular basis throughout the season. Please email (This position is currently open if interested in running the concession stand please email us)
Grounds Workers: In addition to those who will report to dress fields just before and after games, we will really need some regulars who have some time a few hours per week on a weekday morning or afternoon to cut grass, rake, trim fences, or do other tasks. Please email (This position is currently open if interested in running the concession stand please email us)
Team Parents: Each team will need a designated team parent to help with the team photo, concession stand, fundraising, and special events efforts of the league.
Coaches: Every year, managers and coaches are needed. If you are good with children and know the game, please consider volunteering. Contact Jamey Persinger at 343-1167or email at for baseball, Glenn Barker 783-5937 or email for softball, orJon Neubauer 951-0708 or email for tee ball/pee wee if you can help.
EYB Clean Up Weekend: The off season takes its toll on our diamonds. We will be painting, making needed repairs, and doing grounds work to get ready for Opening Day during the weekend of April 25th & 26th. This is an excellent opportunity for a family to get its volunteer fee check returned. Please, make some time to help EYB.
Opening Day:
Opening ceremonies for the 2015 EYB Season will take place on the morning of Saturday, May 2rd. There will be a parade, ceremonial pitches, and more followed by a full schedule of games in the Rookie, Minor, and Major Divisions.
EYB on the Web:
Check out the activities of Evans Youth Baseball and Softball on our web site to get current information on the league.
Thanks for your support! Looking forward to a great season!
EYB Board of Directors 2015
President – Angel RosboroughSponsorships Chair – Al Hazard
Vice President – HaroldEschbergerEquipment Manager – Frank Pignone
Secretary – Tracy SwyersFundraising Chair – Michelle Persinger
Treasurer – Jim BurbigeConcessions Manager –
Baseball Director – Jamey PersingerHead Groundskeeper –
Softball Director – Glenn Barker Chief Umpire – TonyBartz
TeeBall/Pee Wee Director –Jon Neubauer Special Events Chair – DustiWilsom
Website Director - Tournament Director –
Boy’s Travel Director – Kevin SeniorBoard Member At Large – Jim Dier
Girl’s Travel Director—Al ButlakBoard Member At Large – Cody Ludwig
Board Member At Large –Matt Smith