Indian Trail Elementary School
Supply List
2018-2019School Year
Preschool – Book bag with first/last name in
permanent marker
New pair gym shoes (prefer Velcro)
1 box of tissues-Girls
1box of wipes-Boys
1 pkg. pencils and 1 pkg. colored pencils
1 pair Fiskars scissors
25 glue sticks
4 pink erasers
1 box gallon, quart,snack or sandwich size zipper baggies
1 pencil box (approx. 5x8)
4 boxes 24 ct. Crayola Crayons
Book bag that will hold a 9x12 folder/book
Please no bookbags on wheels
Please put child’s first/last name on bookbag
with permanent marker
2low odor dry erase markers
2nd Grade
New gym shoes
4 pocket folders without prongs
1 pair of Fiskarsscissors
15 glue sticks
1 bottle of glue
24 sharpened pencils-plain yellow
1 box of crayons
1 box of colored pencils
1 tool box for supplies (Crayons, scissors)
Book bag with name in permanent marker
2- 1” binders
2 boxes of tissue
1 box of Ziploc baggies-(Boys-Gallon, Girls-Quart)
8 pink erasers
4 black dry erase markers
2 spiral bound notebook
Set of earphones or ear buds
4th Grade
New gym shoes/with name or initials inside
Wide ruled paper (with margins)
Small box of crayons
Colored pencils (8 or 12)
Dry erase markers & eraser
3 x 5 index cards (pkg. of 100)
2 boxes of tissues
Glue sticks
6 pocket folders with prongs
Book bag w/first and last name in permanent marker
24 sharpened pencils, erasers
1 spiral bound notebook
Small toolbox or pouch
Crayola markers
1st Grade
New gym shoes
1 plastic 2 pocket folder
24 pencils (sharpened)
4pink erasers
1 wide ruled spiral notebook(1 subject, 70 sheets)
1 boxof tissues
1 box Ziploc bags –quart size
4large dry erase markers (Expo brand)
Pair of child’s Fiskars brand scissors
2 boxes 16 or 24 ct. crayons
10glue sticks
Pencil box (6x9 or smaller)
1 pkg. 200 count napkins
Book bag w/first and last name in permanent marker
No trapper keepers or 3 ring binders
3rd Grade
New gym shoes
2 box of tissues per semester
Crayons, ruler, highlighters
24 # 2 pencils (Ticonderoga), erasers
1 box dry erase markers dry erase erasers
colored pencils
1 Air-Dry clay
8glue sticks
2 - Pocket folders (plain)
Pencil box
Book bag w/first and last name in permanent marker
No trapper keepers, lg. binders, no pencil sharpeners
Shoebox -1 per semester
2 spiral bound notebooks
Quart sized Ziploc bags
5th Grade
New gym shoes
24 #2 pencils, sharpened
12 inch standard ruler
2 boxes of tissues
1 pkgs. loose leaf paper
Pencil box, small size
Crayons, colored pencils,and markers
2 red pens
2 folders with pockets (no prongs)
4 spiral notebook
Dry erase markers and eraser
2 pkgs. Lined index cards
Book bag w/first/last name in permanent marker
1 box Ziploc bags-quart
No trapper keepers or large binders
8 Glue sticks