Samuel Ogle Middle School
Rams Cheerleading
Practice Schedule:
Mondays (cheers) - Practice8:30-9:00am
Tuesdays (stunting) - Practice8:30-9:00am
Thursdays (competition routine) - Practice8:30-9:00am
Coach: Ms. Huryan ()
1. Long sleeve, white midriff (girls will need to wear shirts underneath their uniform)
3. Whitecheershoes
4. White no-showcheersocks
Team Expectations:
1. Practice- Practice is mandatory. Cheerleadingand Boys Basketball will share the gym occasionally for morning practices. Please refer to the monthly calendar for practice times. AM PRACTICE indicates practice before school, lasting from8:30am-9:00am. If you are registered in a morning class (Health, Spanish, or PE), you MUST attend your morning class, even if the team has practice scheduled. This is the only excused absence from practice.
2. Games- We willcheerat a total of 8 games this season (4 boys games/ 4 girls games). Some games will be home (played at Ogle) and some games will be away (at the other middle school). On game days, all cheerleaders will stay after school. Upon dismissal from 5th Mod, cheerleaders will report to the Girls Locker Room to get dressed, then immediately report to the cafeteria for our team meal before game time.
Away games- The girls will be given advance notice of our attending away games. In the event that we do travelto the game, all cheerleaders will ride the bus to the game. After the game, they may ride home with their parents if they chose. Parents MUST sign their athlete out before leaving (Ms. Huryan will have a sheet to sign).
Team Meals- Subway is offered to cheerleaders on all game days for $5 per meal. Please pay for the whole season by turning in $20 to Ms. Charlton, our Athletic Director. Forms will come home to sign up for this service, if you choose. Meals include 6' sub, chips, and a juice box.
3. Competitions – We will be participating in 1 or 2 county competitions after the basketball season has ended. To that end, we will begin now to prepare the girls for competition and put together a competitive routine.
4. Participation- Every athlete contributes to the team's success. All athletes willcheerat every game. At halftime, the girls will perform a short routine and switch ends of the court. Your placement in the lineup is directly proportional to your overall skill, attendance at practice, and attitude/behavior in school. All athletes should understand that game time roles are based on the discretion of the coaching staff.
4. Athlete Behavior Intervention- Being a member of this team means that you represent your school and what your school stands for. It means you represent your teammates and everything they are trying to achieve. Your behavior in school and during school activities matters. Status on the OgleCheerTeam can be adjusted or removed due to misbehavior. This misbehavior can cause reduced sidelinecheeringand/or removal from competition routine. Gross misbehavior in the form of a PS74 or suspension can cause removal from the team roster, at the discretion Ms. Taylor-Orr (Assistant Principal), Ms. Marshall (Principal), and/or the coaching staff.
5. Sportsmanship- If you are a member of our team, you will always model sportsmanship and respect to referees, other athletes, and other coaches, no matter what. No matter how the other team acts, no matter what call the referee makes. We cannot control other people's actions, we can only control ourselves. No excuses.