Columbia 3rd Grade Make-A-Splash
The YMCA and the Madison City Board of Education will again participate in the Make-A-Splash Program for third grade students. During the swim sessions, certified YMCA swim instructors will introduce 3rd grade students to the water, teach basic swim strokes, and train them in the use of basic rescue equipment and techniques during regular school hours.
The school will integrate literacy components into the activity to reduce out-of-class time and to maximize learning during travel. Classes will meet the daily state requirements for Physical Education and Health.
The mission of the Make-A-Splash Program is to decrease the number of water accidents, provide access to minority students, and support a healthy lifestyle of physical activities like swimming. Our vision is for all 3rd grade students to be safe in an aquatic environment.
Under the supervision of the third grade teachers and parent volunteers, classes will travel on a Madison City Schools’ bus to the Madison YMCA. One parent volunteer from each class will ride the bus and assist the teacher as a chaperone. YMCA instructors will supervise instruction during the swim classes. The classes are free of charge to all students. Each child will be required by the YMCA to wear a one-piece bathing suit for girls and swim shorts (with netting) or trunks for boys and a towel to participate in the Make-A-Splash Program. Optional items are flip-flops, goggles, and swim caps. We request for students to wear their swim attire to school under their clothes to save time. After the swim classes, students will have time to change out of the swim suits and into their regular school clothes. Encourage your child to bring a plastic bag to put wet items in after changing.
Flotation devices, jewelry, and any school prohibited devices are not allowed near the pool. All items will be taken from the student and given to the principal for pick up by the parent, guardian or other authorized adult. Students will be allowed to use the phone at the facility for emergencies only. Students are not allowed to swim with open sores, contagious skin conditions, or diarrhea. Students are expected to behave appropriately during the trip, listen to the staff, and follow all the rules. If disruptive behaviors occur, students may be at-risk of being suspended from the program. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these procedures, please feel free to contact the principal or the assistant principal at Rainbow.
Student Contact and Medical-Health Information:
Contact information will be printed from the computer system at Rainbow Elementary School. Please check with the school to update parent/guardian information before the swim classes begin. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure Rainbow Elementary School and the YMCA instructors are advised of any current medical conditions/problems that may restrict your child’s ability to participate in this program.
Columbia Schedule
Water Safety Time
Monday, 9/11/17
9:00-9:35: Clare, Dunkerly, Eckert
9:40-10:15: Jump, Johnson, Tanner
Tuesday, 9/12/17
9:00-9:35: Clare, Dunkerly, Eckert
9:40-10:15: Jump, Johnson, Tanner
Wednesday, 9/13/17
9:00-9:35: Clare, Dunkerly, Eckert
9:40-10:15: Jump, Johnson, Tanner
Student Registration, Permission, and Release Form
(Return this page by Thursday 9/31/17)
Student Name: ______Teacher:______
List any medications/allergies/medical problems that the instructional staff should be aware of: ______
Medical Insurance Carrier: ______
I do hereby give authority to the school staff to obtain necessary medical treatment for my child with the understanding that the family will be notified as soon as possible.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
Please advise the school if you DO NOT wish your child to be photographed during the swim classes. Throughout the sessions, the Madison City School District may choose to photograph/video classes for promotion/advertising or staff training and development. The pictures will be used in PowerPoint presentations to discuss the initiative with the community, school, or other school districts.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Yes______No ______
I (we) ______give my child,
______permission to participate in the Make a Splash Program. I understand serious injuries are not common in supervised school activities, only possible to minimize, and there may be some risk of injury. By signing this permission form, you acknowledge that your child must obey all safety rules of Rainbow Elementary and the YMCA instructors and behave in an appropriate manner. The Madison City School District, Rainbow Elementary School, and the YMCA do not assume liability or responsibility for any injury sustained during this swimming program.
Parent Signature ______Date______