Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Old Lyme Rowing Association
April 9, 2010
Board members in attendance: Melissa Bennett, L. Louise Brown, Austin Hack, Greg Hack, John Laundon, Cat Mezes, Chris McCawley, Melanie McConkey, Theresa Stadnick, Heather Stone, Chris Steiger
The meeting opened at 7:25pm. The minutes from the February 23, 2010 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Current Citizens Bank balance: $20,739.33
- “Special Funds” balances:
a) Men’s accident fund: $ 287.50
b) Women’s accident fund: $ 292.52
c) Stotesbury overpayment balance: $ 1,104.45
- Payments Pending:
a) Launch drivers $ 36.00
Total Usable Balance: $19,018.88
- Income/Expenses 2010
March 2010
- Town of Old Lyme Park & Rec $ 5,818.01
- 1X Boat Repair $ 600.00
- Postage $ 61.60
- New Treasurer Account Checks $ 29.47
- Payment Responsibility: Town
Seasonal Launch engine Tune-up $ 361.62
- Registrar: Melanie McConkey reported that approximately half the dues have been paid to date.
- Mens/Womens Captains: Not in attendance.
- Webmasters: Chris McCawley has been looking at “Compete Star At”, a program that will facilitate registration, payments, surveys, regatta organization, etc. After discussion of the applicability to OLRA, Chris, Melanie McConkey and L. Louise Brown agreed to discuss and review the functions/benefits further. John Laundon reminded everyone to look at the OLRA website for information and updates.
- Summer Program: Don Bugbee is currently gathering information to post on the website. The program dates will most likely be June 21 – August 6, with 4 Adult Learn to Row Sessions and 3 Middle School sessions. High School rowing will also start June 21.
Further discussion occurred regarding the Canadian Henley (August 3-8) and the Masters Worlds (Sept. 2-5). Board members agreed that interest in participation in these events should be explored further.
Equipment Managers/Boat Repairs: The red Hudson 2x is currently being touched up. Damage to boats needs to be reported immediately. The log book at the boat house should be utilized regularly whenever a boat is taken out, with appropriate comments recorded. Any equipment issues can also be reported to Chris McCawley, Chris Steiger, and Julie Harrigan. Post-Meeting Note: The following note was posted on the website to encourage reporting of needed repairs/parts:
All BSS rowers,
We are making an effort this year to be more deliberate about boat maintenance and parts replacement. To that end, we need your help. If you go to row a boat and there is a missing seat or a broken footstretcher or something else wrong, please email us right away! Let us know which boat and what you noticed is wrong. Even if you are able to rectify the situation and still use the boat, we want to know about it. Ideally, we'd like to get to the point where all of the boats are rowable without cannibalizing parts from another shell. This applies to all problems, large or small. Thanks and please let us know if you have questions! Don Schoener () Heather Stone ()
Review of Dues for 2010 Season: Melanie McConkey reported that good progress is being made in payment of dues. The Board agreed to extend the May 1 deadline (for payment of dues without incurring an additional $50.00 fee) to June 1 to facilitate full payment.
The Board discussed dues for Associate Members (members in good standing at another club who row with BSS). The Board agreed to set the Associate Members dues at 40% of the regular dues, which is $175. Dues for college students are $50 for residents and $55 for non-residents. Dues for adult students are $320.
Opening of Spring Season: Reminder to everyone (Masters) to review the safety video (the women have reviewed it twice). Also, if you are rowing without a launch, PFDs must be in the boat. According to the Connecticut DEP regulations pertaining to racing shells, all rowers who are not in the line of sight of a safety launch (maximum 3 boats per launch) must wear a PFD from October 1 – May 31. From June 1 – September 30, PFD’s must be in the boats but do not have to be worn .
A reminder was also made to use orange or red stern flags when transporting shells on car tops.
High School Season Report: Louis Zubek was not in attendance. John Laundon reported that the girls and the Valley team are doing very well. LOLHS practices until 5:00 M-F, with Valley practicing afterwards. John encouraged open communication regarding any issues/concerns with boat usage by HS students/Masters. Valley practices will end a bit earlier on Tues/Thurs to accommodate the masters women, who begin practice at 6 PM.
Stotesbury Plans: This event will take place May 13-15. Greg Hack has reserved rooms at the downtown (Philadelphia) Marriott Courtyard for the 32 students and 2 coaches. Not all rowers will be going to this very competitive race. The roster is still being developed by the coaches and Greg will resend an e-mail regarding accommodations to the parents. Much more information will be forthcoming.
Recent Flood: The Hains Park parking lot was under water during our recent “100 year flood". Things appear to be back to normal. Thanks to all who assisted with re-securing docks, etc.
Responsibility for Damage to Boats:
The Board discussed liability issues regarding accidental damage to boats. OLRA liability insurance carries a $250.00 deductible. Last season saw an increase in “incidents”. If damage occurs during a non-school or non-club race or practice (for example, an OLRA boat taken off Rogers Lake to practice elsewhere), it is the responsibility of the individual(s) using the boat to cover the deductible. Greg Hack and Chris McCawley will meet to review any clarifications to this policy. A suggestion was made to post reminders in the boathouse.
A motion was made to increase the accident fund by collecting an additional $10 from the Women Masters and $20 from the Men.
Fundraising Plans:
- Masters Women: The Women will be sponsoring a tag sale on May 1 to raise money for the Boat Fund. They also have had discussions with Ashlawn Farms to sell “Blood Street Brew” signature coffee.
- Erg-A-Thon: This fundraiser will take place on Sunday, May 23. The location will be in front of the Bowerbird. High School rowers will be responsible for raising a specific $ amount through sponsorship and commit to “erg” for a specific amount of time. John suggested involving the Valley Team as well. A meeting will be held in early May to discuss details for this event, along with a letter to parents and Masters.
- Other fundraising ideas discussed included a “Parents Appeal” letter to support OLRA.
Gift from Boosters Club: The LOL Boosters Club has made a generous donation of $1200. The High School will be using this money to purchase speed coaches. Many thanks to the Boosters for this gift.
Replacement for Damaged Tent: As discussed at the February meeting, one of our 10’ x 10’ tents was damaged at the Head of the Fish last fall and needs to be replaced. Greg Hack reported that the same tent which was $375 a few years ago is now $625. He will look into a different model for $359.
Update on Boathouse/Hains Park: There is a new roof on the boathouse, paid for by the Town. Greg Hack has not heard any further information from Tim Griswold regarding application for a Small Town Grant.
Other Business: The Board agreed to host the U.S. Junior National Team Women’s Development Camp in Old Lyme again this summer, June 20 – July 10. This event was very successful last year with positive feedback received from the Camp. The team brings its own boats. Last year they paid $1,000 to rent the launches.
The Board also approved the purchase of several BSS rain jackets to have some on hand for members to purchase.
Next Meeting: The next Board meeting will be held on Monday, May 10. This primary focus of this meeting will be to plan for the Erg-A-Thon.
Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Stadnick
Secretary, OLRA Board