Board of Aldermen
June 23, 2015
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CITY HALL 127 S.W. 2nd Ave.
June 23, 2015
5:00 P.M.
Draft: Closed session minutes will not be official until approved at the next
regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Aldermen.
PRESENT: Present members were: Mayor David Norman, Alderman Burrely Loftin, Alderman Keith Jones, Alderman Leon Harris, City Clerk Suzanne Welsh, Administrative Director Peggy Porter, & Corporal Tim Stewart. City Attorney Larry Tyrrell, Alderman Stan Lovan, and Police Chief Reggie Johnson were absent.
GUESTS: An attendance register was provided for guests to sign.
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting on June 23, 2015 of the City of Ava Board of Aldermen was called to order by Mayor David Norman
II. ROLL CALL OF ALDERMEN: Aldermen present were: Burrely Loftin, Leon Harris, Keith Jones.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of June 09, 2015 Board of Aldermen meeting were sent to the aldermen for review prior to the meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor 3-0.
IV. APPROVAL OR AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA: Motion was made to approve the agenda by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Leon Harris. Motion carried. All were in favor 3-0.
V. PUBLIC ADDRESS TO THE BOARD- Teresa Tost wanted to invite the council to the Field Day
event at the Lions Club starting June 27, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. and ending on June 28, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. The event is free to the public and is an opportunity to show how DCAR helps supports agencies in the community and surrounding communities during a disaster or event if all means of communications are down.
A. Unfinished business: None
B. Reports of special boards, committees & city officers
1. Administrative Director Peggy Porter- The new FY2016 budget amount of $10,991,318.00 was presented to the aldermen prior to the meeting. A public hearing was held on June 17, 2015. A resolution to approve the budget will be read by City Clerk Suzanne Welsh.
2. City Clerk Suzanne Welsh- Reading of Ordinance and Resolution.
C. Reading of Bills (proposed ordinances) and Resolutions-
A Resolution #2015.06.10 a resolution adopting an annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and appropriating funds pursuant thereto. The resolution was read by title once by the city clerk. A motion was made by Leon Harris and seconded by Burrely Loftin. Motion carried. All were in favor 3-0.
Ordinance #990 An ordinance to amend the “Ava code of Ordinance” Section 98-13 thru 98-30 reserved to read Section 98-14 thru 98-30 reserved; using section 98-13 adding a new section which new section shall be designated as Section 98-13 of Chapter 98, Article 1, Utility service required for occupied structure. The ordinance was read by title twice by the city clerk. For the first reading, a motion was made by Leon Harris and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor 3-0. For the second reading, a motion was made by Keith Jones and seconded by Burrely Loftin. Motion carried. All were in favor 3-0.
DOCO board will meet with the city on Friday, June 26th at 5:00 P.M. It will be an open to the public meeting. The city will have a list of questions to discuss with the board.
There will be a Tire Pick up scheduled and advertised for the citizens of Ava and Douglas County. It will be open to the public for 10 days for them to dispose of old tires, truck tires and tractor tires. There will be someone there to manage the drop off and a time will be set when they can dispose of the tires.
The Mayor and City Clerk went to two separate meetings in West Plains last week. The SCOCOG meeting was on Tuesday, June 16th. It was a TAC meeting with MODOT where they gave important information regarding upcoming projects and financial status.
The SWSWM meeting was on Thursday, June 18th was a board meeting open to city and county officials. They went over grants and requested funds for solid waste needs.
The city will have an unannounced city wide clean-up day where they will pick up left over brush piles, old furniture and rubbish that have been left at the curbside. It will help clean up areas within the city.
Maintenance building roof repair started on Monday, June 22. They are replacing the awnings on both sides of the building and then will put metal siding on the roof and awnings. After the roof is done, the maintenance building will need to have work done on the inside to get rid of the mold issue. Repairs will be needed to replace sheet rock where mold is present.
At the Bill Martin Memorial Airport, due to the heavy amount of rainfall, tree removal has been postponed until the ground dries out.
The bid process is starting for the new city hall. A pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, July 2nd and bids will be open on Thursday July 23rd at 3:00 P.M. Bid plans will be available on June 25th. Approval of bids will be July 28th at the regular council meeting.
The city has had sewage issues at the Ladies First Nail Salon located on E. Washington Ave.
Part of the building in the back has a metal storage area built over the city sewer main and gutters from Guthery’s building also drain in the same sewer lineof the building. The city will work on getting it cleaned up but it may require removal of the metal building. The museum and Guthery’s building may need to be hooked into another sewer main on S.E. 5th Street if they are not already tied into it.
The Planning and Zoning commission met on Tuesday, June 16th. The only business on the agenda was the quit claim deed issue with First Home Savings Bank north parking lot. There is no ordinance pertaining to what the Bank has asked of the city. They would like a quit claim deed for 25 feet of the south side of the street allowing easement rights but the city is neither vacating nor abandoning the street. The commission does not see the need in meeting the banks request at this time.
VII. Court Dockets- None
VIII. CLOSED SESSION UNDER RSMo 610.021 (3) Personnel. A motion to go into closed session was made by Leon Harris and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor.
IX. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: A motion to return to open session was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Keith Jones. Motion carried. All were in favor.
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Leon Harris. Motion
carried. All were in favor.
Minutes submitted by:
Suzanne Welsh, City Clerk ______
______Approved by Board of Aldermen
______Amended or corrected by Board of Aldermen
Mayor David Norman