English Of Mice and Men Study Guide
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How to Study:
*Review Character Chart
*Review Class Notes (extra copies on MHS Gabel website)
*Review Chapter Questions
*Connect this novella to the American Dream
*What is the setting and historical implication?
Also review the following:
George and Lennie:
- Why did they leave Weed? Lennie touched a girl’s velvet dress because it was soft. Lennie likes soft, comforting things. The girl thought Lennie was trying to rape her.
- What is their dream? To own their own land and to “live off the fatta the lan’” while Lennie takes care of the rabbits
- Why does George continue to care for Lennie?George is Lennie’s companion. George feels an obligation to Aunt Clara. He cares about Lennie as seen through his actions.
- What does George do to Lennie and why? George shoots Lennie after the murder of Curley’s wife. He knows that if Curley and the other men got to Lennie before he did that they would hurt him far worse.George protects Lennie by killing him without pain.
- Importance on the ranch—Respected by the other man, the leader of the men in the bunkhouse, seen as a role model who is looked up to, not afraid of Curley or his wife, acts as a protector
- His dog has puppies—Why is this important to Lennie? To Candy? This is important to Lennie since Lennie likes soft things. The death of the puppy in the hay upsets Lennie. Slim offers Candy a puppy after Carlson wants to shoot Candy’s old dog.
- Leadership role—How do others see him? (See first bullet point)
- What does he say to Curley at the end of the fight scene?
He tells Curley to say that his hand got caught in a machine. He wanted to protect Lennie. Curley agrees to this because he doesn’t want others to find out that Lennie, a slow man, beat him up.
Curley’s Wife:
- What is her dream? She wants to be an actress in Hollywood
- How is she viewed? As a tart, tramp, troublemaker, jailbait
- Why is she nameless? She is Curley’s property and has no identity. She is not seen as significant. This reflects on her role as a woman.
- Why is she always seeking attention? Curley doesn’t give her attention. She married to get away from her mother. She is making up for the attention she would get in Hollywood as a movie star.
- What power does she have over others?She can get Crooks in trouble because she is a white woman and because she is married to Curley.
- Review the fight scene with Lennie
Curley, upset over what the other men were saying, sees Lennie laughing. He starts beating Lennie. George tells Lennie to fight back. Lennie crushes Curley’s hand. Slim tells Curley to say that his hand got caught in a machine.
- What is his reaction to his wife’s death?
Curley wants revenge for his wife’s death. He doesn’t have remorse. It is an excuse to go after Lennie.
- How does he treat the others on the ranch?
As they are below him, threatens them, always looks for his wife
- How is he characterized? What is he known for?
He is known as a boxer and is a prize fighter.
- His gun, how it is used in both shootings
The gun kills Candy’s dog and Lennie (both shot in the back of the head and mercy killings)
- His comments about Candy’s dog
He complains that it is old, useless, smelly and that it should be put out of its misery.
- His last line in the novel—In his ignorance he says,
“Now what suppose is eating those two guys?” (The two guys, George and Slim, are reacting over the death of Lennie. Carlson, who is heartless, doesn’t have compassion.)
- What is his dream?
To own the farm with George and Lennie
- What happens to his dog? Why? Who is involved?
It is shot by Carlson. Candy wanted to shoot it himself.
- His involvement in finding Curley’s Wife’s body
He saw Curley’s Wife’s dead body first. He comes up with plan with George to notify the others. He believes it is all Curley’s Wife’s fault that his dream won’t come true.
- What is his job on the ranch?
He is a swamper. He sweeps the bunk house.
- What is in his room?
Books, medicine for his back, medicine for the horses, it is messy since he is isolated and doesn’t expect company
- What does he spend his free time doing?
Reading (dictionary, law books, to pass the time)
- Why is he isolated?
Because of his race (he is black)
- George tells Lennie to come back to the brush if he gets in trouble
- George tells Lennie to stay away from Curley and Curley’s Wife
American Dream:
- Having your own land, family, to eventually retire and enjoy life, to have shelter, food, clothing, stability