Master in
International Public Administration
Decision Making and Mediation
Ilias Kouskouvelis, Professor
t: @kouskouvelis
The main purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the micro-theories of decision making which, in combination with the macro-level theories of International Relations, may improve the students' analytical ability and bolster their skills in decision making, crisis management and negotiation. Initially, the course examines the parameters affecting decision making, in general, and international politics, in particular. Accordingly, theories of rational decision making, of conventional and non-conventional logic, as well as subjective aspects of decision making are analyzed. The theoretical discussion is further enhanced by references to the Hellenic classical bibliography (Thucydides and Xenophon), world history and politics. In such a theoretical background of decision making analysis, certain crises and their management, as well as negotiation practices are investigated.
- Introduction
- Decisions, Decisionmaking: concepts, interest of subject, relation with crisis management and negotiations,theories
- Decisionmaking: actors and factors of decision making
- Explaining Decisionmaking: from mythology to theory
- Theories of Decision making: bureaucratic, organizational, satisficing
- Theories of Decision making: psychological, misperception, groupthink, cybernetics.
- GametheoryΙ: concepts, assumptions, rationalism, “chicken”
- GametheoryΙΙ: prisoners’ dilemma, war of attrition
- GametheoryΙΙΙ: applications
- Crisis and Crisis Management
- Diplomacy and negotiations in the United Nations
- Negotiations
- Negotiations
-Ilias Kouskouvelis, Decision making, Crisis management, Negotiations, (Papazissis, 1997), in Greek.
-IliasKouskouvelis, DecisionmakinginThucydides (University of Macedonia Press, 2015), in Greek.
at the University’s Library
in Greek
BruceBuenodeMesquita, Το παιχνίδι της πρόβλεψης (Ποιότητα, 2011).
Claude, Roland, Η τέχνη της λήψεως αποφάσεων, T57.95.C3716 1972
Coffin, Royce A., Estrada, Ric, Η τέχνη και η τεχνική των διαπραγματεύσεων, HD58.6.C72416 1987
Georges, D. Patrick, κ.ά., Τέχνη και τεχνική των διαπραγματεύσεων, HD58.6.G46 1997
Harvard Business Review on negotiation and conflict resolution HD58.6.H38316 2004
Keenan, Kate, Διαπραγμάτευση, HD58.6.K44616 1998
Salacuse, JeswaldW., Κλείνοντας διεθνείς συμφωνίες, HD62.4.S2616 2002
Kennedy, G., Εγχειρίδιο διαπραγμάτευσης, HD58.6.K4716 2003
Lewicki, Roy J., Saunders, David M., Minton, John W., Η φύση των διαπραγματεύσεων, HD58.6.L4916 2004
March, James G., Πώς λαμβάνονται οι αποφάσεις, HD30.23.M36816 2007
Ury, William, Πως να ξεπερνάτε την άρνηση: από την αντιπαλότητα στη συνεργασία
BF637.N4U7916 2001
in English
- Crisis management in a complex world,Gilpin, Dawn R; Murphy, Priscilla J
- Essence of decision: explaining the Cuban missile crisis,Allison, Graham T
Predictably irrational: the hidden forces that shape our decisions,Ariely, Dan
Crisis management: planning for the inevitable, Fink, Steven
The politics of crisis management: public leadership under pressure,Boin, Arjen
Crisis leadership: planning for the unthinkable, Mitroff, Ian I
Crisis in organizations: managing and communicating in the heat of chaos, Barton, Laurence
Negotiations: six steps to success,Walker, Michael A; Harris, George L
The negotiation process and the resolution of international conflicts, Hopmann, P. Terrence
The art and science of negotiation,Raiffa, Howard
The practical negotiator, Zartman, I. William; Berman, Maureen R
Political decision-making processes: studies in national, comparative, and international politics, Sidjanski, Dusan
Decision making using game theory: an introduction for managers, Kelly, Anthony
Negotiation basics: concepts, skills, and exercises,Johnson, Ralph A
- Negotiation: readings, exercises, and cases, Lewicki, Roy J; Saunders, David M; Minton, John W
Essentials of negotiation, Lewicki, Roy J; Saunders, David M; Minton, John W