Dear Parents and Students:This handbook is intended to serve as a reference to the day-to-day policies, procedures and programs at District Heights Elementary School. Please take time to become familiar with the information, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call. The success of our students depends upon a strong partnership between home and school. The staff encourages your active participation.

“When parents and teachers collaborate on behalf of children they create windows of light for generations to follow.” Author Unknown

We look forward to a very productive year.


Marlowe Blount-Rich, Principal


The mission of the Prince George’s County Public Schools is to ensure that all students acquire knowledge and develop skills and understandings that will enable them to become productive citizens and lifelong learners. This mission is best accomplished through a structure of communities that are committed to children and that are characterized by strong instructional leadership, high expectations for success for all students, an emphasis on teaching for learning, a safe and orderly school environment, frequent monitoring of students’ progress with appropriate instructional adjustments to student’s programs, high levels of accountability, responsive supporting services, and extensive and meaningful parent/community involvement.


All students are serviced between the hours of 7:45 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.

Students should NOT arrive at school before 7:25 a.m. Students will be allowed to enter the building and go to their classrooms at 7:30 a.m. to participate in the Breakfast Program.


Each student may bring a lunch or buy a hot lunch, which includes milk. Applications for the Federal Free or Reduced Lunch program will be sent home the first week of school. Any student wishing to pay for lunch should go to the cafeteria before school to put their money in their account. Parents may wish to put money in their child’s account in advance or pre-pay meals on line through .

Students who lose or forget their lunch or lunch money will receive a cheese sandwich and milk with an account balance and note reminding parent/guardian to place money on the student account. It is very important that students have lunch or lunch money in their accounts each day as lunch funds are not available.


Upon returning to school after an absence, each student is required to bring a written note to the teacher stating the reason for the absence. If, because of an unexcused absence, a student misses a class exercise, or test for which a grade is given, a failing grade can be recorded. The County Board of Education defines an unexcused absence as indifference of parents or students, uncertified illness, family illness, and vacations.


At 7:25 a.m., all students lineup outside the building to prepare for entry to the building. Prekindergarten studentsmust be accompanied by their parents and deposited with the teacher at the table near the stage. Kindergarten throughsecond grade students line upoutside of the cafeteria door. Students in grades 3-6, lineup up infront of the main entrance. When the 7:30 entry bell rings all students enter the building. Kindergarten through2 proceed along the wall of the cafeteria and exitstaying to the right downtheprimary hallway until they reach their classrooms. Grades 3-6proceed straight ahead staying to

Any student arriving after the 7:50 a.m. bell sounds is late. Student must report to the tardy table located outside the cafeteria door to receive a late pass. Any student arriving after 8:15 a.m. must report to the office to receive a late pass.


Students are dismissed at 1:55 p.m. following the afternoon announcements. Please meet your child at the destination agreed upon at the beginning of the year. There are two departure areas: Front door and back door. The walkers leave through the front or back doors depending on their shortest route home. Siblings and friends should wait for each other outside the building. Bus riders are escorted from the classrooms to the bus area by their teachers. All students should go directly home. If a student is going to change dismissal plans, a note must be written to the teacher on that specific day.


Parents picking up students should establish a pre-arranged location on the side of the school. Only buses will be allowed to park in the front of the school. Students will not walk to the cars unattended. Parents must meet their children on the sidewalk and escort them to their cars. Parents must use extra caution when pulling out into the street and parking lot. LATE Pick-up is not the responsibility of the school. Please make alternative arrangements for your child’s pick-up in the event of your delay.


When an early departure is planned, please send a note indicating the time of departure that will enable the student to get his/her class and homework assignments from the teacher. When a parent arrives to pick up his/her child; please report to the MainOffice first. A school secretary will notify the classroom teacher over the intercom. This enables the student to remain in class as long as possible. If someone other than a parent is picking up a student, this should be specified in the note. If there is a custody arrangement for a student, please notify the office and the teacher. As a reminder, early departures end at 1:30 p.m. for all students. It is also advised that these departures are reserved for emergencies only, as they do affect your child’s attendance record and the instructional program.


The student accident brochures will be sent home the first week of school. Students entering the school system during the year may enroll within 30 days of school entry. Please read the brochure for exact details.


Changes due to emergency conditions are announced on Washington radio and television stations. These public service announcements will be broadcast before 6:30 A.M. and at other times during the day should an emergency occur. The announcements will refer to a one-hour or two-hour delay. One hour delay: Buses run one hour later; school opens one hour later. Two-hour delay: School begins two hours later than normal. Buses run two hours later. Early Closing: School closing before the regular closing time will be announced on Washington Metropolitan Area radio and television stations. School buses will run. An Emergency School Closing Information Form will be sent home the first week of school. Please be sure to complete and return this form so that the school is aware of your plans for your child.


During the school year, parents may have questions or problems. In order to resolve a school related problem the following steps are suggested:

Talk with the appropriate teacher/staff member. If unresolved, report to the main office to complete an Administrative Request Form to set up an immediate conference.

If there is a conflict with a student, a parent/guardian may NOT address the student. It is the responsibility of an approved personnel worker to address the issue at hand.


A safe and orderly environment is the highest priority at District Heights Elementary School. A sequence chain outlining the disciplinary procedures will be provided at the beginning of the school year. This chain provides many opportunities for staff, students and parents to remedy a behavior before a suspension occurs. Communication and support for the process for all involved are extremely important.


The Prince George’s County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct is published each fall in the Parents Information Brochure. Parents are expected to become active participants in their child’s learning by encouraging positive attitudes toward work and school. The Code of Student Conduct is based on the idea that a positive learning environment in schools, and a good state of discipline, starts with those involved – students, parents, and staff – having knowledge and understanding of the basic standards of acceptable conduct and the procedures for dealing with disciplinary problems. It is hoped that the following information will help develop that knowledge and understanding. Students should be able to learn in a positive learning environment.

The Code of Student Conduct:

  • Describes that positive environment.
  • Specifies conduct, which is disruptive of such an environment.
  • Standardizes and makes uniform those procedures to be used in responding to conduct problems.
  • Assumes equally the rights of students in disciplinary situations.

Note: Principal may order a short or long term suspension, pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct.


If a child is involved in an accident or becomes ill at school, he/she should report it to the teacher who will then send him/her to the health room. The school will contact the parents. Sick students are not allowed to leave school without parent of adult supervision. The school must have an emergency number for each student, and it should be noted on the School Emergency Care Information form. The form is kept in the school office. When a student is absent, a note from the parent is necessary upon the student’s return to school.


The medical care of the individual student is, of course, considered the primary responsibility of the parents, therefore, specific regulations limit the school’s treatment of students who are ill or injured at school.

1.Only first aid is administered to the injured student. In case of cuts and abrasions, the injury is cleaned and covered, if necessary. No other treatment for wounds is allowed.

2.No medications may be given at any time. This includes aspirin and cough drops. This medication must be kept in the school health room and must be accompanied by a Physician’s Medication Form. Prescribed medication as well as non-prescribed must be accompanied by the appropriate form. (These forms are available in the school health office). It is important that the classroom teacher and the school office be notified if your child has an allergy reaction to insect bites, bee stings, spiders, etc.

3.In case of illness or accident, parents will be notified as soon as possible. The parent may pick up the student or make arrangements for the student to go home. Parents will be notified by the school, if the student is too ill to remain in school. Students who are ill should not be sent to school. Primary symptoms of many serious communicable diseases include sore throat and fever. Children with these symptoms should not be sent to school.

In case of either injury or illness the school must be able to reach the parent of the affected student; it is very important that the school have current telephone numbers. Exceptions need Board Attorney Agreement.


District Heights Elementary School has a mandatory school uniform policy. There are many benefits to wearing school uniforms:

  1. To focus students’ attention on schoolwork and to alleviate the peer pressure associated with the latest fashions.
  2. To build a sense of school community and school spirit.
  3. To instill self-discipline and reduce conflict among students.
  4. To save money instead of purchasing more expensive clothing.
  5. To help moms, dads and children enjoy a hassle-free decision on what to wear that is appropriate for school.


All students are expected to wear school uniforms to school every day. Please note that students will be expected to come to school with attention given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness of dress. For consistent violations of the school uniform, the Prince George’s County Board has outlined seven (7) steps to be taken for consistent violations. These violations range from parent conferences to being reassigned to a school that does not have a mandatory school uniform policy. Below you will find the Official Uniform Dress Code for our school:

The personal appearance of any school determines, to a great extent, the character of the school. The manner of dress should reflect pride in our school and be appropriate for an academic setting. We do not permit extremes in dress/hair that interfere with the educational setting of the school. The Board of Education of Prince George’s county has provided a student dress code that is consistent with learning being a priority. The following System-wide code for students is in effect for days when students are permitted to wear regular clothing:


  • Hats and headbands are not to be worn in the building. Constant reminding will result in hats being taken and held for parents to retrieve.
  • Headdresses can be worn indoors for religious or health reasons only.

Shirts and Blouses

  • Shirts and blouses should be continuous from neckline to waists. The entire mid-section should not show. No tank tops and muscle shirts.
  • No clothing with vulgar language, obscene pictures, weapons, drugs/alcohol or drug paraphernalia and tobacco products.

Skirts, Dresses and Shorts

  • Skirts, dresses, shorts, and spandex skirts should be approximately six (6) inches below the buttocks, or no shorter than fingertip level.


  • Pants should be secured at waist: no sagging below the waist to expose undergarments.
  • Tights, stretch pants leggings, and spandex body suits must be worn with clothing long enough to cover the buttocks.
  • No gang/crew clothing or paraphernalia.
  • No see-through clothing.


  • Shoes must be worn. NO open toe shoes or sandals are permissible.

Navy blue skirts, jumpers, skorts, shorts, pants / Navy blue pants/shorts
Shirts: white or light blue shirts/blouses (short/long sleeve); / Shirts: white or light blue shirts (short or long sleeve)
Shoes (black or white with black soles) white socks / Shoes (black or white with black soles) white socks
Belts (black/brown/blue) (no logos) / Belts (black/brown/blue) (no logos)
White socks or white or blue tights (opaque) / White socks (no logos)
Black or brown soft sole shoes (no logos) / Black or brown soft sole shoes (no logos)
Navy blue tie (optional) / Navy blue tie (optional)
Navy sweaters or vest (optional) (no logos) / Navy sweaters or vest (optional) (no logos)


Students are not permitted to bring personal items such as iPods, iPads, Androids, computer tablets, tape recorders, electronic games, toys or extra money to school. The school provides play equipment so there is no need for students to bring these items from home. Articles such as water pistols, baseballs, bats, footballs, etc., are also not to be brought to school. The staff asks your cooperation in seeing that such items are not brought to school. Any of these items brought to school will be taken from the student, held by the teacher or administrator and returned at the end of the school year to the parent upon request (in person). CELL PHONE POLICY: Students may bring cell phones to school. However, phones MUST be turned totally off (not on silent or vibrate mode) and kept out of sight during the school day. If a phone is seen or turned on during the school day, it will be confiscated and turned in to administration or security until a parent picks it up. If you allow your child to bring a cell phone to school, you do so at your own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.


All books taken home must be covered to ensure their good condition for the several years they will be in service. The staff appreciates the parents’ concerns and help in seeing that books and other materials are cared for properly. All damaged or lost books will be assessed during the school year and a book bill will be issued for restitution and replacement.


Gum chewing is not permitted at any place or time on school property or during field trips. Sometimes students are prone to dispose of it improperly in the classroom (on furniture) and on the playground or sidewalks where others might step on it.


Each year there are many unclaimed articles of clothing and belongings. In order to facilitate returning these items to their rightful owners, it is recommended that all belongings be clearly marked with the student’s name and grade. Books also should be marked clearly as many look alike. Wallets or coin purses should have the student’s name clearly marked on them. Students or parents may claim lost articles by checking with the office. A notice will be placed in the parent bulletin prior to giving away any lost and found items.


District Heights Elementary School recognizes homework as an integral and necessary part of the educational program of each student. The purpose of homework is to reinforce, supplement, and enrich work done in the classroom, to promote competency in skills, and to help students learn to manage time effectively.