Groundwork is leading a partnership of organisations in a bid to bring over £2.5m into the Colne Valley Regional Park and neighbouring areas. The Scheme is called ‘Colne Valley – Landscape on the Edge’ and covers an area of 128km2. Following the completion of a Development Stage, which sought to support the partnership in developing the detail of the projects with the help of a Programme Manager, the bid was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund on 15th March 2018. The partnership will learn whetherithas been successful with the bid in late June 2018. The Delivery Stage will then fully run from October 2018 for a period of three years.

The Vision for the Scheme is as follows:

Colne Valley is a ‘Landscape on the Edge’ of Greater London, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey and Berkshire, with a strong rural character. Through the Scheme residents and visitors will develop more positive perceptions about the area, will have learnt more about the landscape, will feel more confident about exploring it and feel more motivated to take on volunteer roles to maintain it. There will be demonstrable change in wetland habitats and under-managed sites, for the better. A Spatial Vision will provide a unified voice for the future of the area so that it is cared for in perpetuity

Brief details of the 19 projects may be found in the table below.

A1: Preventing Water Voles from Being Extinct Project / This aims to undertake habitat restoration and mink control in targeted locations near Denham Country Park so that threatened existing water vole populations can better colonise the Colne Valley Regional Park. Volunteers will be invited to help with survey work.
A2: Invasive Species Project / This aims to survey for floating pennywort and Himalayan balsam in the canal network and in rivers leading to the canal. Workshops will be run for landowners and contractors to raise awareness of invasive species control measures.
A3: Riverside Enhancement Project / This aims to enhance the ‘riverscape’in the area north of Staines such as through the rejuvenation of pollarded willows, creation of scrapes and clearance of scrub.
A4: Fish Passage Project / This aims to amend 3 weir structures in the Colne catchment to enable better fish passage.
A5: Angling & Nature Conservation Project / This aims to work with lake managers and anglers to develop and implement conservation management plans at around fifteen sites in the Scheme area.
A6: Conservation Grazing Project / This aims to address habitat decline by introducing grazing to three sites.
B1: River Rangers Project / This seeks to recruit, train and support people to act as ‘eyes and ears’ along the river network. Rangers will be encouraged to report pollution incidents, pick up litter, engage with local communities and record wildlife.
B2: Keeping the Rivers Flowing Project / This aims to raise awareness amongst local people of ways in which water usage impacts the local area. Literature will be developed in different languages, community films will be developed, a ‘Drip Drop Summer School’ will be held. Volunteers will be invited to participate in an Ambassador workshop.
B3: Nature Conservation Group Support Project / This aims to build the skills and capacity of local community groups to enable them to better manage small nature reserves, wildlife sites and pocket parks. The project will include the provision of equipment, networking and training. ‘Volunteer Weeks’ will be run.
B4: River Signage Project / This aims to increase awareness of local river courses by installing signage referencing river names or watercourse networks for local people and visitors in key locations.
B5: Positive Management Project / This aims to address neglected, damaged, un-used and under-used land so that it can bring better benefit for local people and biodiversity. Five sites have been selected. Volunteers will be invited to help with conservation work.
C1: Your Place in the Colne Valley Project / This aims to provide local villages and towns with bespoke information about how they connect with local green space through path networks. This project will feature interpretation (signage and guided walks) and practical enhancements on the ground. It will also create a new permissive path between Iver village and Farlowes Lake.
C2: A Bridge to the Country Project / This aims to enhance and promote four gateway sites into Colne Valley Regional Park at Batchworth Canal Centre, Denham Country Park, Lammas Park and Langley Park.
C3: Colne Valley Trail Project / This seeks to install new signage along Section 1 and 2 of the Colne Valley Trail. Some improvement works will be undertaken, including the surfacing of the canal towpath north of Uxbridge. New trail leaflets will be produced.
D1: Ancient Woodlands Interpretation Project / This aims to install interpretation on valuable ancient woodland at Ruislip Woodland Centre and to produce GPS woodland trails using ‘Komoot’.
D2: Events Flowing Through the Colne Valley Project / This aims to provide educational events for the community throughout the Colne Valley which will seek to highlight the special landscape. Three Colne Valley Festivals will also be supported.
D3: Walks Through a Changing Landscape Project / This aims to produce a guide book comprising trails, artwork and photos which highlights the history of the area and how the landscape has changed. Creative writing workshops will be held for teenagers and adults to produce an e-book anthology. School workshops will be held to allow students to express their thoughts about HS2 and Heathrow Airport Expansion. Volunteers will be invited to participate.
D4: Windows to the Valley Project / This aims to open up a selected number of views at locations over the valley, in the valley floor or from bridges to enhance local people’s and visitors’ experiences of the area.
D5: Spatial Vision Project / This aims to produce a map-based vision (5 year and 50 year) for the area which identifies future partnership working, areas requiring protection and areas where there is opportunity for enhancement in the Colne Valley.