/ Annual Unit Plan July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 / Unit: / Recruiting
FKCC Mission Statement:Enriched by its unique island location, Florida KeysCommunity College provides student-centered post-secondary degrees, life-long learning opportunities, and workforce development initiatives which enhance the educational, recreational, economic, and cultural environment of the Florida Keys.
Type of Plan: / Zero based
Budget / Self-Funded / Additional Budget Requests for Personnel,
Supplies, Equipment(attach budget request form) / Additional Budget Request for Renovations/ remodeling (attach budget request)
Division: / Marketing / Unit Director: / Love / Budget Acct No.: / 541000 / Total Amount Requested (Only for Annual Plans requesting new/additional money): / $
Unit Purpose Statement: / The purpose of the recruiting and marketing department is to provide students, staff, faculty and the community with comprehensive information about the college and its programs and services.
Unit Goal: / Enhance the communication processes by adding new electronic campaigns and to evaluate and refine current outreach activities and events
Link to College Goal: / 3
Unit Objective/Project Description
(assign priority - #1 = highest) / Link to Plan / Expected Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
Launch an awareness raising campaign to educate parents and students about early college / 5 /
  • Attend a military indoctrination and TAP class every 6 – 8 weeks
  • Facilitate 5 national out of state college fairs – states where the college has advertised in the NEXT STEP magazine
  • Implement FCAT scores review to connect with in-county students
  • Conduct 100 student campus tours
  • 10 military events
  • 4 out of state fairs
  • 3 in-county fairs
  • 1 in-state fair
  • FCAT score tracking
  • 100 campus tours
  • 10 Military
  • 4 out of state fairs attended:
  • NY - National Association of College Admissions Councilors
  • NJ - National Association of College Admissions Councilors
  • Chicago – Our World Underwater for diving community
  • Philadelphia - National Association of College Admissions Councilors
3 in-county fairs in 11/09 at:
  • Key West High School
  • Marathon High School
  • Coral Shores High School
  • 1 In-State fair in Ft. Lauderdale – 11/10 -National Association of College Admissions Councilors
  • FT. Lauderdale NACAC Prospective Student Inquiries
  • FCAT Score Tracking delayed
  • 128 individual tours
  • 8 group tours
  • 2 campus visitation events:
  • Fall - 10/09 - 50+ attendees
  • Spring –3/10 – 70 attendees
  • On schedule for INDOC (indoctrination) which occurs 4-6 times per year for newly stationed Navy personnel. Recruiter attends to distribute Viewbooks as well as discuss educational opportunities for Military members, spouses and dependents. TAP classes are for military members planning to get out of military within 6-18 months. At TAP recruiter discusses advantages of tuition assistance and educates personnel on advantage of their VA benefits once out of service. Visits have been very successful especially now that Navy gives recruiter a roster of students who attend INDOC so that recruiter can track students that matriculate to FKCC. Previously we have been unable to quantitatively track those students. Fleet and Family services also hosts spouse events that are attended annually (8/10) for all spouses of active duty military.
  • Goal met.Attendance at fairs was successful. Marketing efforts have been targeted in these areas. To follow up on the marketing efforts, recruiter attended the out of state fairs.
  • NY Fair prospective student inquiries
  • 3 in-county fairs were attended at the 3 high schools. Several Florida and out-of-state schools are present at the Fairs. Alumni are the primary presenters at these fairs to hand out information and discuss their institution. Enrollment Management is targeting in-state fairs in attempts to keep high school graduates within Florida and Monroe County to local and gain interest in FKCC. Out of state fairs are more successful than in-state fairs due to the interest in programs and location of Key West as an exotic destination.
  • FCAT information was unable to be uploaded into system for monitoring. For the 10-11 year will now have access to information to be able to track the FCAT scores. FCAT scores can be used in place of CPT (pending FL state decision to come through summer 2010) as well give us information on the students to upload into Banner so the department canfollow up on direct mail pieces, adding to in-county recruitment efforts. FKCC has received permission from Monroe County School District to gain access to senior rosters for marketing to target seniors.
  • 128 individual tours increased 45%. Out of area and out of state tend to be coming in for tours. They leave with greater awareness of FKCC and its offerings. The tours allow for accurate communication with individuals and put them into contact with our recruiter.

Ensure the integrity of the data for the enrollment management process / 7 /
  • Create weekly reports based on the source
  • App to matriculation rate – identify which sources produce the greatest return
  • Reports for app to Matriculation rate were generated automatically
  • Upgraded to Banner 8. Also, Banner Relationship Management has been updatedto 1.4. Enrollment Management committee improved reporting for which sources produce the greatest return. We are currently attaching source codes only to recruit records, but wanting to pull data from actual applicants, therefore the source code data needs to be joined in Cognos reporting.

Expand outreach services, programs, and support to students / 5 /
  • Enhance the services and activities of the New Student Club
  • Create a discussion board for students pursuing housing opportunities
  • Create student mentors
  • 10% increase in membership in other college clubs
  • Housing discussion board
  • New Student Club created with 142 members. 35 club members were active
  • Discussion board not created
  • Student Ambassadors are funded through scholarships. These Ambassadors are typically in their 2nd year at FKCC and they are members in the New Student Club available to help mentor new FKCC students. 8-10 students helped mentor new students. Multiple meetings times were established to accommodate students’ class schedules.
  • Discussion board not created. The discussion board was planned to be located online in our new student portal. However, the usage rates of the portal are not high enough to depend on it for the dissemination of information. . Currently, recruiter sends out all of the information via email to students.