August 10, 2013

A FLASH Interview With:


JONAS BLIXT: It was good. Feels a little weird to be in here, feels like going back to college speech class. I hated that. Now it's even worse.

NO, it was a good day. Kind of relaxed a little more. I drank coffee in the morning and got really jacked up. So the first few holes felt a little different. Luckily it kind of settled and I could start playing my own game.

The first three holes I made some good putts and got the momentum going. Then I played pretty good there for a while. And I got my revenge on the last three, so I'm kind of happy about that.

Q. You said yesterday if you were hitting fairways you called take aggressive lines at the pins. Were you able to do that?

JONAS BLIXT: Yeah, I felt like I hit a couple more fairways today. Fortunately, I hit a couple good shots and take advantage of those birdie opportunities. I felt like I only had one long par putt today and luckily I made it. So it was pretty solid overall.

I hope I can hit some more fairways tomorrow.

Q. (Inaudible)?

JONAS BLIXT: I neveranything like that. Someone hit a friend of my father hit someone in the ass oneday. The first thing that came out of his mouth, Did it plug? So it's kind of where I got the line from. Didn't have to play from there.

It was very fortunate that he was standing where he was so I didn't have to deal with too many trees and stuff like that. Hit a good 5iron. I didn't know how to stop it and I tried to get it as close as possible to the pin. Got a lucky bounce up the hill and trickled to threefeet.

And thank you, hat's off to someone who did that to me.

Q. Were you looking at the leaderboard? Is there a number in mind?

JONAS BLIXT: I never really think about that stuff. We'll see where the leaders are today and I'll adjust to that. Just go out and try to fire.

When I play well, I play aggressive. I get a lot of criticism for that sometimes. If I don't play aggressive then I wouldn't be standing here. So it's going to go out there tomorrow and do my best and play aggressive and try to make as many birdies as possible.

It's a lot nicer to play the last few holes if you're leading with a couple of shots than on the bubble. I don't even know if I'm going to be there tomorrow. So we'll see what happens.

Q. Were you watching the leaderboard at all and seeing what was happening to the leaders early during the round with a lot of bogies?

JONAS BLIXT: I saw it a couple of times. I had a good round going. There was only black numbers up there and I was pretty much the only red one, so that was nice seeing that.

I mean, tomorrow is another day. So we'll see what happens.

Q. What do you think about the opportunity that is ahead of you?

JONAS BLIXT: Try not to think that way. Then you get caught up in stuff that you things that you shouldn't think about. I try to always downplay it. You know, it's a golf tournament, and I know it's a major and it's huge and it's one of my goals to win one. But if I start thinking about that stuff, I can probably pack my bags and go home tonight.

Q. Does it do anything to you or for you when you look up there and see guys at the top getting bogeys?

JONAS BLIXT: No, not really. I mean, I know they are very good players and they are going to come back. At the end of the day a couple of them are going to post some really good scores. You have got to take care of the stuff that you can do something about. I mean, you can't really affect anyone else. It's not ice hockey we're playing here.

Q. What about tomorrow? No coffee tomorrow?

JONAS BLIXT: No coffee tomorrow. No, absolutely not.

Q. (Inaudible)?

JONAS BLIXT: That would be huge. I mean, it's a very small country. There's a lot of golfers from there. You set up your goals high and that's a very high goal for both me and Henrik. To win one would be very, very special.

I mean, try to give it my best shot tomorrow and hopefully I'll be back in the same position if I don't do it.

Q. Do you normally not drink coffee?

JONAS BLIXT: It's a nice little kick in the morning sometimes. Get like a third of a cup and that obviously was a little stronger than I'm usually used to. It doesn't help when you tee it up with Lee Westwood either.

It was kind of nice to calm down there after like the third hole when I made that long putt for par just to keep the momentum going. Nothing weird tomorrow.

Q. Did something go through your heart when you saw how excited Adam was to become the first Aussie to win a Masters?

JONAS BLIXT: Well, Adam doesn't really do it for me. But I would definitely, definitely really would love to win won for Sweden and for myself.

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