Name of Prototype 0.8:Your Daily Dose

Prototype Team Members:Vanessa Boshuizen, Elaine Stageberg, Stephen Nikaido, Natalia Soulages, Chris Wilson, Lara Adedokun, Blake Johnson

Stakeholders who will benefit: This prototype will improve patient safety through a reduction in medication errors, confusion, and communication breakdowns. Patients will benefit from an increased ability to self-manage their medications. Providers, including nurses, IT staff, and administrators, will benefit from having increased opportunity for patient education and communication, reaching “meaningful use” guidelines,and increasing patient satisfaction. Clinics will benefit from a reduction of provider liability, by reducing chances of improper medication usage.

Stakeholders who may be at risk for some loss:There will be a modest investment of IT staff time with the benefit of improved patient care, safety, and satisfaction.

Community Partner: OU Physicians, Bedlam Clinic

Student Champion:Vanessa Boshuizen

Faculty Champion:Dr. David Jelley, Pediatric Endocrinology

Description of Current State: Currently, patients receive a clinical visit summary that can be difficult to read and understand because of the use of medical terminology, including abbreviations for dosing schedule, and other non-patient-centered presentations. Patients are often confused about how and when to take medications. Indicators suggest that patients need assistance with being able to self-manage their health conditions at home, and that their inability to do so leads to unnecessary injuries, healthcare costs, and death. The EMR at OU Physicians currently does not link prescription medications to a problem/diagnosis.

Description of Future State:Patients will receive a clinical visit summary written in plain language that facilitates their ability to self-manage their prescriptions and health at home.

Description of Prototype 0.8 designed to bring the future into being:We envision a clinical visit summary that includes a simplified form that uses a schedule and pictures to help patients understand how and when to take medications. The reason for the medication will be given on the form.

Phase 1: Medication list formatted into categorized lists; Morning, Noon, Evening, Bedtime

Phase 2: Prescription will be associated with illness it is being used to treat

Phase 3: Imaged will be added to indicate time and directions for administration of dosage.

Timeline and Milestones:To implement Phase 1 will require 3 months (100 hours for IT to work on project). After phase 1 has been initiated, the impact can be evaluated before continuing to phases 2 and 3.