CDC Diabetes Translation Conference 2010
“Looking to 2020: Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize of Diabetes Prevention and Control”
April 13-16, 2010
Westin Crown Center Hotel
1 E. Pershing Road
Kansas City, Missouri
Phone: 816-474-4400
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
In partnership with the
The Diabetes Council and the National Association for Chronic Disease Directors
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Diabetes Translation
Strategic Plan
Vision:A world free of the devastation of diabetes.
Mission:To reduce the preventable burden of diabetes through public health leadership, partnership, research, programs and policies that translate science into practice.
Strategic Focus:We concentrate our efforts where we can achieve the greatest impact for populations with the greatest burden or risk.
- Prevent Diabetes
- Prevent complications, disabilities and burden associated with diabetes.
- Eliminate diabetes-related health disparities.
- Maximize organizational capability to achieve DDT goals.
- Increase diabetes preventive behaviors.
- Improve the access to effective lifestyle interventions.
- Enhance and improve community and environmental strategies to prevent diabetes.
- Improve the health behavior and self management practices of people with Diabetes.
- Enhance and improve the access and delivery of effective preventive healthcare services.
- Enhance and improve community and environmental strategies to support people with diabetes.
- Improve the science of health and healthcare disparities related to diabetes.
- Prioritize and disseminate public health strategies to eliminate disparities.
- Build DDT capacity for communication, evaluation, marketing, policy, and partnerships.
Conference Goals
- Explore science, policy, education, program planning, implementation, and evaluation to enhance public health approaches and strategies to prevent and control diabetes.
- Increase knowledge and awareness of successful, cost-effective, public and private diabetes programs.
- Present innovative strategies to increase awareness of diabetes and how to prevent complications, disabilities, and burden associated with diabetes.
- Share and showcase effective strategies toward the elimination of diabetes-related health disparities.
- Provide opportunities for skill-building, information-sharing, and networking.
CDC’s Diabetes Translation Conference 2010 will bring together a wide range of local, state, federal, and territorial governmental agencies and private-sector diabetes partners. Our main constituents are the state-based diabetes prevention and control program (DPCP), their partners, and the following:
- Federal, state, and local public health professionals
- Managers, directors, and executives from affiliated health professional associations
- Health professional associations and consultant partners in prevention and control activities and programs
- Managers, directors, and executives from health management organizations
- Physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians, pharmacists, and health educators
- Health professionals other than government
- Representatives from special interest groups and industry
- Academic and research staff from educational institutions
- Undergraduate and post-graduate students in health-related fields
- Policy and communication staff
Presentation Formats
Plenary Presentation: A general session for all attendees presented by a keynote speaker or panel of presenters.
Symposia: Three concurrent in-depth subject matter presentations pertinent to diabetes prevention and control.
Concurrent Presentation: One of several presentations held during a session period includes oral presentations, workshops, and networking sessions.
Poster Presentation: Subject matter displayed on poster boards Wednesday and Thursday of the conference. Presenters will be available to discuss their posters at scheduled times.
Training Session: These sessions are designed to increase knowledge, skills and abilities in a wide variety of areas of interest to those in health-related fields.
Presentations — Categories
The conference sessions are presented in categories addressing specific programs and issues that contribute to diabetes control and prevention. The presentation categories are as follows:
- Communication, Media, and Technology
- Community Intervention
- Disparities
- Epidemiology, Surveillance and Research
- Evaluation
- Partnership and Collaboration
- Policy and Legislation
- Primary Prevention
- Public Health System Improvement
Special Activities
Sponsored welcoming luncheons will be held on Wednesday, April 14 and Thursday, April 15 in and around the exhibit and poster area. All conference participants are encouraged to visit and to view the exhibits and posters.
A reception will be held at the Midland Theatre, Wednesday, April 14. Final details will be announced.
Join us for physical activity opportunities throughout the conference. The exact location will be in the final agenda.
Computer kiosks will be available for the convenience of participants. A schedule will be posted outside the computer area. Please note that each computer will be set for 15 minutes usage by each participant. After 15 minutes, you will be logged out.
Exhibits and Posters Sessions
Exhibits and poster presentations will be located in and around the Century Ballroom A and B. There will be two luncheons with the exhibits and posters on Wednesday and Thursday. The posters will be judged and winners announced during the Thursday morningplenary session.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Ancillary Meetings
7:30 am – 4:00 pmRegistration InformationGarden Terrace
and Assistance
8:00 am – 5:00 pmHispanic/Latino Initiative UpdatePershing South
9:00 am – 11:00 amOverview and Evaluation of the PlannedPershing West
Care Model – DDTEvaluation Team
9:00 am – 12:00 pmPacific Basin DPCP – Regional MeetingRoanoke
9:30 am – 12:00 pmPresentations on Diabetes and Women’sShawnee
10:00 am – 12:00 pmFiscal/PGO Issues – Basic 101Mission
10:30 am – 12:30 pmAmerican Association of DiabetesPershing East
Educators (AADE)
Public Health Specialty Practice Group
12:30 pm – 2:30 pmState Consultation Team Meeting –Liberty
Training with DPCPs
1:00 pm – 3:00 pmDiabetes Epidemiology/SurveillanceShawnee
2:30 pm – 5:00 pmDiabetes Council MeetingCentury C
5:00 pm – 5:30 pmBreakCentury Foyer
5:30 pm – 7:00 pmThe Frankie AwardsCentury C
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
7:00 am – 8:00 amContinental BreakfastCentury A/B
7:30 am – 4:00 pmRegistration Information and AssistanceGarden
8:00 am -9:30 amCDC Diabetes Translation ConferenceCentury C
Welcoming Remarks and Opening Plenary
Welcome and Announcements
Kate Watson,MA, MPA andGlenn W.
Studebaker, Jr., BS,Co-chairs ofthe Conference
Planning Committee
Ann Albright, PhD, RD, Director, Division
of Diabetes Translation, NCCDPHP, CDC
Welcoming Remarks
Ursula Bauer, PhD, MPH, Director, National
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, CDC
Opening Plenary
Diabetes Prevention: Research to Reality
Moderator: Ann Albright
Presenters: Deneen Vojta, MD, Ann Albright,
PhD, RD, Jonathan Lever, EdM, JD, and
Jay Desai, MPH
9:30 am – 9:45 amBreakFoyer
9:45 am – 10:45 amSymposia
Symposium 1Effective Models of Care: Expanding Your
Mind About Health Care Systems InterventionsLiberty
Moderator:Andrew Lanza
Presenters:David Aron, Janice Zgibor,
RPh,PhD, and Harold Godwin,
Symposium2 The Evolving Health InformationPershing
Technology Landscape and DiabetesNorth/South
Moderator:Jason Bonander
Presenters: Kathy Stroh, MS, RD, CDE,
Rebecca Lagerquist,Jason Bonander, MA,
Michael Klompas, MD, MPH
Symposium3International Diabetes Federation (IDF)Pershing
Serving with Our Caribbean ColleaguesEast/West
Moderator: Dawn Satterfield
Presenter: Gayle E. Reiber, MPH, PhD
10:45 am – 11:00 amBreak Foyer
11:00 am – 12:00pmSymposia
Symposium 4 Integrating Vision and Eye Health intoLiberty
State Public Health Programs
Moderator: Jinan Saaddine
Presenters: Chui-Fang Chou, DrPH,
Kim Kelly, BA, Sana Savadatti, MPH, and
Kim Kronenberg, MPH
Symposium 5Diabetes Surveillance Systems in CanadaPershing
Moderator: Linda GeissNorth/South
Presenters: Jeffrey Johnson, PhD and
Glenn Robbins, MBA
Symposium 6 Appalachia – A Population in NeedPershing
Moderators: Lawrence Barker and
Robert Lieb
Presenters: Sharon Denham, DSN, RN and
Richard Crespo, PhD
12:00 pm – 1:15 pmLunch with Exhibits & PostersCentury A/B
12:40 pm – 1:00 pmStretch BreakCentury C
This break will help you loosen up the
muscles after a full day. In addition to
stretching, we will also go through some
pointers on engaging your core muscles
and improving your posture. No need to
change into workout clothes. This program
is practically designed for you to do in
professional attire.
1:15 pm – 2:45 pmReflectionsCentury C
Team Type 1
Phil Southerland
Built Environments: HealthyCommunities
Moderator: John Crews
Presenters:Carissa Schively Slotterback,
PhD, AICP, James Rimmer, PhD, Gerald (Bo)
Williams, AICP, and John DeBauche, AICP
2:45 pm – 3:00 pmBreakFoyer
3:00 pm – 5:00 pmTraining Sessions
Training Session 1ABCs of Scientific Writing (Part 1)Pershing
Trainer: Lawrence Barker, PhD
Training Session 2Looking Forward to Aging in Place:Roanoke
Stories, Wisdom and Resources
Trainers: Letia Boseman, MPH, CHES,
Larry Alonso, FNP-BC, Michelle Owens-Gary,
PhD, John Crews, DPA
Training Session 3Emergency Response Planning for PeoplePershing
with Diabetes; Communicating RiskEast/West
Trainers: Pam Allweiss, MD, and Marsha
Vanderford, PhD
Training Session 4NDEP Toolkit CaféLiberty
Trainers: Alexis Williams, MPH, CHES, and
Betsy Rodriguez,RN, BSN, MSN, CDE
Training Session 5Using Social Media for DiabetesMission/Prevention and Management Shawnee
Trainers:Dayle Kern, BA, MA and Matthew
Bado, BA, MA
5:15 pm – 5:45 pmJump Start Your HeartCentury C
This 30 minute dynamic cardio workout will
get your heart pumping in a fun environment.
Components of flexibility, balance, coordination,
and agility will be infused throughout the session,
providing a well rounded cardio challenge.
6:00 pm – 10:00 pmReception
Midland Theatre
Thursday, April 15, 2010
7:00 am – 8:00 amContinental BreakfastCentury A/B
7:30 am – 4:00 pmRegistration Information and AssistanceGarden
8:00 am – 9:30 amMorning ReflectionsCentury C
Lawrence Barker, PhD
PlenaryCentury C
New Recommendations from the American
Diabetes Association (ADA): Implications
for Identification and Prevention
Moderator: Edward Gregg
Presenters: David Kendall, MD, Edward
Gregg,PhD, and David Williamson, PhD
9:30 am – 9:45 amBreak Foyer
9:45 am – 11:15 amConcurrent Sessions
Empowering High-Risk Populations for Improved Diabetes
Moderator: Neal Kaufman
Helping “People Like Me:” Reducing Diabetes Health
Disparities Through Culturally and Linguistically
Appropriate Strategies
Presenter: Terri Amano, BA
Strategies to Increase Program Collaboration to
Reduce Pre-Diabetes Risk in African-American
Presenter: Shelly-Ann Bowen, PhD, MS, CT
Neighborhood Health Talkers: Helping Individuals and
Families “Live Diabetes Well” through Community
Presenter: Renee Cadzow, PhD
Living with Diabetes: Challenges and Barriers
Encountered in Diabetes Care and Management Practices
Presenter: Rachel Luckett, MSCN, BS
Increasing Hispanic Enrollment and Adherence in
Diabetes Programs
Presenter: Dirk Schroeder, ScD, MPH
Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Appalachia:North/South
Primary and Secondary Prevention in High-Risk
Moderator:Patricia Thompson-Reid
An Appalachian Community Dissemination and
Evaluation Diabetes Project
Presenter: Sharon Denham, DSN, RN
Diabetes Prevention and Adolescents: Using Faith-based
Organization Partnerships
Presenter: Rolanda Johnson, PhD, MSN, RN
Dissemination of the Chronic Disease Self-Management
Program in Appalachia
Presenter: Richard Crespo, PhD
Partnership Attributes Checklist: Strengths and Weaknesses
of Rural Diabetes Coalitions
Presenter: Richard Crespo, PhD
A3.HEALTH DISPARITIES:Roanoke Assessing Risk and Managing Diabetes in Diverse
Disparate Populations
Moderator: Cindy Kozak
Raising the Bar: Managing Diabetes in the Prison Setting
Presenter: Laura Shea, RN, MA
It’s About Attitude: Understanding Lifestyle Choices
That Affect Diabetes Risk Among Utah Pacific Islander
Presenter: O Fahina Tavake-Pasi, BA
Community-Based Approaches for Racial and Ethnic
Presenter: Mark Rivera, DrPH, MPH
Pounding the Pavement Together: Lessons Learned
From An Environmental Assessment of East Harlem
Presenter: Mischka Garel, MPH
Speak to Me: Effective Health Literacy Strategies in
Promoting Diabetes Awareness to Cambodian Americans
Presenter: Theanvy Kuoch, MA, LPC
Planning for a Community Intervention Through State
Moderator: Cheryl Metheny
Getting DOWN with Amputations in the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Islands
Presenter: Dana Palmer, DPT
Connecting Clinical and Community Partners: Pre-Diabetes
and Risk Reduction in New YorkState
Presenter: Maureen Spence, MS, RD, CDN
Kansas Diabetes Action Council: Improving Strategic
Planning Processes to Develop/Implement the Kansas
Diabetes Plan
Presenter: Kate Watson, MA, MPA
Unfinished Work: Partnership Between West Virginia
University and West Virginia DPCP
Presenter: Cecil Pollard, MA
Advocacy and RelationshipBuilding Strategies for
Policy Changes
Moderator: Marcelle Thurston
Pre-Diabetes Basket of Care and Certifying DPP
Community-Based Programs: A Perfect Story of
Prevention Opportunity
Presenter: Jim McGowan, BA
American Diabetes Association Legislative
Priorities for 2010
Presenter: Tekisha Everette, MPA, and Ivan Lanier,
Texas Legislature Expands State Resources for
Community-Based Diabetes Outreach
Presenter: Carol Filer, MS, RD, LD
Grassroots Organizing: A Blueprint for Effective
Advocacy and Outreach
Presenter: Meghan Kissell, MSW
Exploring Collaborative Opportunities to ImplementEast/West
IOM Recommendations for Hypertension Control and
Presenters: Qaiser Mukhtar, Ph.D., Rashon Lane, MA,
Kathryn Gallagher, MS, ABD, Cindy Winters,
Richard Bullough, PhD,MS, BS
11:15am – 12:30 pmLunch with Exhibits and PostersCentury A/B
11:45 am – 12:15 pmCore TrainingCentury C Focus on your core and improve from
theinside out. This class is designed to
strengthen and tone your core muscle
groups including your abs and your back.
12:30 pm – 1:30 pmSymposia
Symposium 7Practical Implications of the Action toLiberty
Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
(ACCORD) Study Findings for Diabetes
Control: Discord or Accord
Moderator: David F. Williamson
Presenters: David Kendall, MD and
David Goff,
Symposium 8Diabetes Related Health DisparitiesPershing
Moderator: Carl J. Caspersen
Presenters: Arleen F. Brown, MD, PhD,
Carl J. Caspersen, PhD, and Nancy L.
Erckenbrack, MBA
Symposium 9The Essential Public Health ServicesPershing
(EPHS) Assessment: Using a NationalEast/West
Framework to Make a State Difference
Moderator: Wayne Millington
Presenters: Magon Saunders, MS, RD, LD,
Denise Cyzman, MS, RD, Kate Watson,
1:30 pm – 1:45 pmBreakFoyer
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm Concurrent Sessions
Using Technology to Advance Diabetes Preventionand
Moderator: Laura Heinrich
Digital Diabetics: A Qualitative Analysis of Web 2.0Support
Groupsfor Type 2 Diabetes
Presenter: Daniel Swayze, DrPH
“Real World” Implementation of a Cell Phone-Based
Diabetes Management Program in a Community-Based Clinic
Presenter: Richard Katz, MD
Participant Perception of Key Elements in an Online
Lifestyle Intervention
Presenter: Kathleen McTigue, MD, MS, MPH
Social Support Via Peer-to-Peer Text Messagingfor Low-Income
South African Women with Diabetes
Presenter: Neal Kaufman, MD, MPH
Using Technology and Social Media Tools toCommunicate
Your Messages During ToughEconomic Times
Presenter: Laura Pennington, BS
Understanding the Use of State-Level Surveillance DataNorth/South
Moderator:Gloria Beckles
Re-Examining Diabetes Related Deaths in Florida,2000-2007
Presenter: Aruna Surendera Babu, MPH
Changes in Mean Charges and Length of Stay Among
Diabetes Related Hospital Discharges: 2003-2007
Presenter: Reena Oza-Frank, PhD, RD
Predictors of Screening and Pre-Diabetes inMontanaAdults
Presenter: Taryn Hall, MPH
Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME):Does More Matter?
Presenter: Tammie Johnson, DrPH
Screening for Impaired Fasting Glucose orDiabetesin Managed Care
Presenter: Laura McEwen, PhD
Using Data Analysis to Evaluate and Inform
Moderator: Gwen A. Davis
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training–
Cost and Comparative Effectiveness
Presenter: Lana Vukovljak, MA, MS
Participant Satisfaction with the Use of LayHealth
Coaches in a Modified Diabetes Prevention Program
Presenter: Gretchen Piatt, MPH, PhD
Measuring Integration Through Social Network Analysis
Presenter: April Reese, MPH, CPH
Integrated Evaluation System for Diabetes and
Hypertension Components of the Kansas Quality of
Care Project
Presenter: Eric Cook-Wiens, MPH
Beyond an Increase in Knowledge: Assessing the
Impact of Training
Presenter: Melanie Wallentine, MPH
The Internet as a Tool for Public Health
Moderator: Gail Stolz
California Diabetes Prevention Practice Survey
Presenter: Roger Chene, DHS(c), MPH, RD
Capacity of Diabetes Education Programs to Provide Diabetes
Education and Diabetes Prevention Services
Presenter: Marcene Butcher, RD, CDE
Using a Web-Based Survey to Assess Diabetes Task Force
Membership in New YorkState
Presenter: Rachael Ruberto, MPH, CPH
Disparities in Internet Access and Differences in Physical
Activities and Exercise Knowledge
Presenter: Sabrina Harper, MS
The Catalyst Solution: Harnessing the Power of
Disruptive Technology to Integrate and Leverage
Resources in South Dakota
Presenter: Ryan Loo, PhD
Improving the Quality of Diabetes Care
Moderator: Marti Macchi
Program Integration – The Oregon Story
Presenter: Jacqueline Villnave, MPH
Expanding Implementation of the Diabetes Prevention
Program (DPP) Lifestyle Interventions Across Montana
Presenter: Karl Vanderwood, MPH
Coming Together to Improve the Health Status of Underserved
Medicare Beneficiaries with Diabetes
Presenter: Guedy Arniella, LCSW
Quality Improvement Instrument Improves Multidisciplinary
Approach to Self Management in West Virginia Clinics
Presenter: Richard Crespo, PhD
Sustainability Model for Diabetes Care in Rural Arizona
Presenter: Donna Zazworsky, MS, RN, CCM, FAAN
Recent Developments
Moderator: Shelly-Ann Bowen
Looking at Body Image: The Gross Underestimation of Body
Shape Versus Body Shape Perception
Presenter: Rosa Moody, BA, MPH, CHES
Reducing Disparities in Diabetes Incidence in the Mexican
American Population of the South Texas Border Region
Presenter: Adalinda Gaytan, CHW
The Costs of Disparity and Evidence Based Strategies to Reduce
Health Disparities in Diabetes
Presenter: Dennis Scanlon, PhD
Transformation of Acute Diabetes Care: The Journey to