Statutory assessment Update KS1 and KS2 Summer term 2017
General information
- The Department for Education has launched apublic consultation exerciseabout the future of the primary assessment system in England. The consultation sets out wide-ranging proposals for improving the primary assessment system. These include consideration of the best starting point from which to measure pupils' progress, how to ensure the assessment system is proportionate, and how to improve end of key stage assessments. The consultation is open until 22 June 2017.A parallel consultation has also been launched, asking for views on the recommendations of the independent Rochford Review. The recommendations focus on the future of statutory assessment arrangements for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests at the end of key stages 1 and 2.
- Modified versions of the 2016 tests for key stage 1 and key stage 2 have been published. A link to these can be found on Essex Schools Infolink in the Data and Standards Are, end of key stage statutory assessment.
- A reminder that STA have published aKS1 planner and a KS2 planner. These contain important dates and submission deadlines for KS1 tests and teacher assessment, the phonics screening check, and for KS2 tests and teacher assessment.The link to the KS1 planner is the link to the KS2 planner is:
- The exemplification materials that were published last year to support teacher assessment at the end of key stage 1 and key stage2, also apply to the 2017 interim TA frameworks. They show examples of pupils' work at the standards set out in the interim 2017 TA frameworks forKS1 andKS2 respectively. If teachers are confident in their judgements, they don't need to refer to the exemplification materials. They are intended to help teachers make their judgements where they need additional guidance.A link to these can be found on Essex Schools Infolink in the Data and Standards Are, end of key stage statutory assessment.
- STA have produced a new leaflet and 2 videos aimed at parents with children in year 2 and year 6.These provide basic information on the purpose and format of the tests, how parents can best support their child and how the results will be reported. Schools may find these resources useful during discussions about the tests with parents of year 2 and year 6 pupils.
Phonic screening check
- The phonic screening check is to be administered from Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June. Pupils who were absent during the phonic check week can do the screening check from Monday 19th June to Friday 23rd June.
- In accordance with our usual practice an email will be sent to schools during May requesting details of the days and times that the phonic screening check will be carried out so that the LA can carry out their statutory responsibility to monitor the administration of the check in 10% of schools.
Key Stage 1
- The KS1 access arrangements guidanceisavailable now. The link to the guidance can be found on Essex Schools InfolinkInfolink in the Data and Standards Are, end of key stage statutory assessment. Schools don't need to make applications or notifications for access arrangements used in KS1 tests, but they should read the guidance carefully.Some pupils, with specific needs, may need additional arrangements to be put in place so that they can take part in the key stage 1 (KS1) tests. Access arrangements are adjustments that can be made to support pupils. Headteachers and teachers must consider whether any of their pupils will need access arrangements before they administer the tests.Access arrangements should be based primarily on normal classroom practice and they must never provide an unfair advantage. The support given must not change the test questions and the answers must be the pupils’ own.Failure to administer access arrangements appropriately could result in a maladministration investigation.It may be helpful to use KS1 practice materialswith pupils before administering the tests. This will enable you to identify where support is needed and if any adaptations should be made, either to the test materials or to the administration of the tests.Section 5.2 of the 2017 KS1 assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) provides a summary of who access arrangements are for and how they can be used.
- The Key stage 1 tests: test administration guidance (TAG) and Key stage 1 tests: modified test administration guidance (MTAG) have been published and are available on Essex Schools InfolinkInfolink in the Data and Standards Are, end of key stage statutory assessment. These provide guidance for headteachers, teachers and teaching assistants on administering the 2017 key stage 1 national curriculum tests. It is essential that anyone involved in the administration or marking of the tests is familiar with the guidance.
- KS1 test materials should have been received by schools during the week beginning Monday27 March. Test materials cannot be opened until Tuesday 2 May and must be kept secure until the end of May. Additional KS1 materials will be available to download from the 'Test materials' section ofNCA tools from Tuesday 2 May.
Headteachers should read the guidance published by STA about checking their delivery and keeping materials secure.
- Schools will not receive hard copies of the standard version of the KS1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test because it is optional for 2017. Schools opting to administer this test will be able to download it from NCA tools from Tuesday 2 May.
Key Stage 2
- The 'Access arrangements' section ofNCA is openfor applications for early opening, compensatory marks for spelling, additional time and timetable variations in the 2017 KS2 tests. Deadlines for schools to make applications are: additional time - Monday 24 April and timetable variations - Thursday 18 May. Applications should be made by a teacher who has a good knowledge of the relevant pupil's needs and abilities.
- STA have produced KS2 access arrangements guidance and also published a video to support schools. The link to the access arrangements can be found on Essex Schools Infolink in the Data and Standards Are, end of key stage statutory assessment. It provides instructions for completing attendance registers; returning test scripts (test papers containing pupils’ answers) for marking and submitting the headteacher’s declaration form (HDF). Some pupils with specific needs may need additional arrangements to be put in place so that they can take part in the key stage 2 (KS2) tests. Access arrangements are adjustments that can be made to support pupils. Headteachers and teachers must consider whether any of their pupils will need access arrangements before they administer the tests.Access arrangements should be based primarily on normal classroom practice and they must never provide an unfair advantage. The support given must not change the test questions and the answers must be the pupils’ own.Failure to apply for, or administer, access arrangements appropriately could result in a maladministration investigation at the school and the pupil’s results may be annulled. It may be helpful to use KS2 practice materials with pupils before administering the tests. This will enable you to identify where support is needed and if any adaptations will need to be made, to either the test materials or the administration of the tests.Section 5.3 of the 2017 KS2 assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) provides a summary of who access arrangements are for and how they can be used.
- 3 videos, available on theSTA media and training site, which demonstrate how to apply for early opening, additional time and timetable variations.
- Pupils with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an Education Health Care (EHC) plan are allowed up to 25% additional time to complete KS2 tests. Pupils who use braille or modified large print versions can have up to 100% additional time. You don't need to make applications for these pupils. Additional time may also be appropriate for other pupils who are working at the standard of the tests but require additional time to properly demonstrate their abilities under test conditions. Schools can apply for additional time in the 'Access arrangements' section ofNCA toolsuntil Monday 24 April. Applications should be made by a teacher who has a good knowledge of the relevant pupil's needs and abilities.
- In response to feedback from schools and local authorities (LAs) on last year's assessment and moderation arrangements, STA have produced avideo to address some common misconceptions. The video focuses on teacher assessment of key stage 2 writing.
- The 2017 KS2 assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) has been updated to provide clarification to section 4.1. Square grids are provided to support pupils to answer particular questions, in each of the mathematics papers.
- Guidance: Key stage 2 tests: preparing pupils for on-screen marking has been published. This guidance is for teachers to ensure that pupils’ national curriculum test scripts can be scanned and marked on screen.It gives advice to teachers about preparing pupils for tests which will be marked on screen. It is to help them understand where pupils should and should not place their answers to ensure that test scripts can be correctly scanned for on-screen marking. The link to the guidance is:
- Guidance: Key stage 2 tests: demonstrate correct test administration provides advice for headteachers on how to demonstrate correct test administration and avoid allegations of maladministration during KS2 tests.
- Guidance on the security of KS1 and KS2 tests and phonics screening check materials provides practical advice about keeping materials secure.The link to the guidance is:
- STA have published theattendance register and test script dispatch instructions online, for ease of access to all staff involved in test administration. Schools will receive one hard copy with the test materials. It includes guidance for schools completing KS2 test attendance registers, sending test scripts for marking and submitting the headteacher's declaration form. You can also watch ourvideo about returning test scripts.
- STA have published information for schools about special consideration. This may be applied if a pupil's performance in a KS2 test has been affected by extremely distressing circumstances that occurred at the time of the tests. Schools can submit applications in the 'Access arrangements' section ofNCA tools from Thursday 11 May until Friday 19 May.
- The key stage 2 tests: test administration guidance (TAG) and Key stage 2 tests: modified test administration guidance (MTAG) have been published and are available on Essex Schools InfolinkInfolink in the Data and Standards Are, end of key stage statutory assessment. These provide guidance for headteachers, teachers and teaching assistants on administering the 2017 key stage 2 national curriculum tests. It is essential that anyone involved in the administration of the test is familiar with the guidance.
- The Key Stage 2 test materials will be delivered to schools during the week beginning Monday 24 April. Headteachers must check their school's delivery against the delivery note to ensure they have the correct number and type of test materials. The test materials must be kept secure and treated as confidential until Friday 19 May. If the test materials have not been received by Friday 28 April, please contact the national curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013.
- Schools will administer the tests during the week beginning 8th May in accordance with the timetable published in the 2017 Assessment and Reporting Arrangements. 10% of schools and academies will receive an unannouncedmonitoring visit from either STA or a LA representative. These can take place before, during and after the KS2 tests.