GCE AS / A Level January 2012
Abu Dhabi /
Name______Surname Name______
(Please write your full name in capitals as it appears on your Passport.)
Date of Birth: .…/……/…… Gender: M/F (Please circle as appropriate)
Passport Expiry Date: ______(Please attach copy)
Mobile number: ______Landline telephone number: ______
Email address: ______
Past UCI number (if available): ______
Please include a copy of your past Statement of Results
Please turn overleaf to choose subjects for which you would like to register.
Declaration by candidate:
1. I certify that the information on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have referred to the syllabus to ensure that I am registering for the correct subject and option.
2. I understand that I am liable to pay fees for any entry/amendment made after the initial registration.
3. I have not and will not make an entry for chosen subject/s or different subject/s at any Centre/School/Exam Board which may result in a timetable clash. The British Council will not facilitate for clash between subjects/ boards, as separate venues will be used during this session.
4. I confirm that, in order to qualify for registration as a private candidate: (Tick as applicable)
¨a) I am not currently registered at a school in the UAE recognized by the Ministry of Education
¨b) I am at a school recognized by the Ministry of Education but have provided a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the school with this application which states that the subject(s) I am entering for is/are not being offered by my school.
I understand that:
5. I will be allowed to sit only for those subjects and papers for which I have entered on this form.
6. Fees mentioned within the form are neither refundable nor carried forward to next examination session under any circumstances.
7. I should produce my original receipt of payment and original passport/ UAE National ID when collecting my Statement of Entry (2 weeks before the examination session begins) and my original Statement of Entry and original passport / UAE National ID when collecting the results (2 months after the exams). If you would like your parent/guardian to collect your statement of entry on your behalf please provide them with an authorisation letter along with the original receipt and your original valid passport.
8. The British Council reserves the right to disallow me to take the examination if they are not satisfied with the identification produced at the time of collection of Statement of Entry or during the examination.
9. I am aware that as a private candidate, my certificate will not be endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Youth (MoEY) and I may not be able to continue my studies in U.A.E.
The British Council prides itself on providing quality service and will take all reasonable steps to make sure that the examinations take place on time and are properly conducted. To help us do this, please ensure that you are familiar with the arrangements and any relevant regulations concerning your examination. The British Council can not, however, be held responsible for events or circumstances, which are outside its control or for any error, fault or omission by an examining board or any other third party.
Signature of candidate: ______Date: ______
Statement of Entry
· Please ensure that the 'statement of entry' is collected 14 days before the start of your exam. Please visit www.edexcel.org.uk to access the timetable for the session.
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/ Edexcel International ExaminationsGCE AS / A Level
May / June 2014 - Abu Dhabi
GCE A and AS Level Exam Entry Details
Candidates must tick (ü) the subject code/s and option code for which they want to register.
# / Subject title / Component information / Options – Must tick on A/ AS boxes if you require a Certificate (all units must be complete)1 / Arabic / o 6AR01 Understanding and Written Response in Arabic
o 6AR02 Understanding, Written Response and Research in Arabic
Unit: AED. 655 + venue charges Total fee: ______ / o AS 8AR01 : (6AR01)
o A 9AR01: (6AR01, 6AR02)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module ______
2 / Biology / GCE syllabus
o 6BI01: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health
o 6BI02: Development, Plants and the Environment
o 6BI04: The Natural Environment and Species Survival
o 6BI05: Energy, Exercise and Co-ordination
Unit: AED. 415 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / Biology
(GCE syllabus)
o AS 8BI01: (6BI01, 6BI02, 6BI03)
o A 9BI01: (6BI01, 6BI02, 6BI03, 6BI04, 6BI05, 6BI06)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
3 / Business Studies / GCE syllabus
o 6BS01: Developing New Business Ideas
o 6BS02: Managing the Business
o 6BS03: International Business
o 6BS04: Making Business Decisions
Unit: AED. 560 + Venue charges Total fee: ____
6EB01 (Economics and Business) and 6BS01 (Business Studies) is a common paper for both specifications and candidates may enter under
either entry code. / Business Studies
(GCE syllabus)
o AS 8BS01: (6BS01, (or 6EB01) and 6BS02)
o A 9BS01: (6BS01, (or 6EB01) and 6BS02, 6BS03, 6BS04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
4 / Chemistry / GCE syllabus
o 6CH01: The Core Principles of Chemistry
o 6CH02: Application of Core Principles of Chemistry
o 6CH04: General Principles of Chemistry I: Rates, Equilibria and Further Organic Chemistry
o 6CH05: General Principles of Chemistry II : Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen Chemistry
Unit: AED. 415 + Venue charges Total fee: ____ / Chemistry
(GCE syllabus)
o AS 8CH01: (6CH01, 6CH02, 6CH03)
o A 9CH01: (6CH01, 6CH02, 6CH03, 6CH04, 6CH05 and 6CH06)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
5 / Economics / GCE syllabus
o 6EC01: Competitive Markets- How they work & why they fail
o 6EC02: Managing the Economy
o 6EC03: Business Economics and Economic Efficiency
o 6EC04: The Global Economy
Unit: AED.560 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / Economics
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8EC01: (6EC01, 6EC02)
o A: 9EC01: (6EC01, 6EC02, 6EC03 and 6EC04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
6 / Economics and Business
Studies / GCE syllabus
o 6EB01: Developing New Business Ideas
o 6EB02: Business Economics
o 6EB03: International Business
o 6EB04: The Wider Economic Environment and Business
Unit: AED. 560 + Venue charges Total fee: ______
NOTE: 6BS01 and 6EB01 is a common paper to both specifications and students may enter under either entry code. / Economics and Business Studies (GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8EB01: (6EB01 (or 6BS01) and 6EB02)
o A: 9EB01: (6EB01 (or 6BS01), 6EB02, 6EB03 and 6EB04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
7 / English Language / o 6EN01: Language Today
o 6EN03: Language Diversity and Children’s Language Development
Unit: AED. 560+ Venue charges Total fee: ______ / English Language
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8EN01: (6EN01 and 6EN02)
o A: 9EN01: (6EN01,6EN02, 6EN03,6EN04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
8 / English Language and Literature / GCE syllabus
o 6EL01: Exploring Voices in Speech and Writing
o 6EL03: English Language And Literature Unit
Unit: AED. 560+ Venue charges Total fee: ______ / English Language and Literature
(GCE syllabus)
o AS 8EL01: (6EL01 and 6EL02)
o A 9EL01: (6EL01,6EL02,6EL03 and 6EL04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
9 / English Literature / GCE syllabus
o 6ET01: Explorations in Prose and Poetry
o 6ET03: Interpretations of Prose and Poetry
Unit: AED. 560+ Venue charges Total fee: ______ / English Literature
(GCE syllabus)
o AS 8ET01: (6ET01 and 6ET02)
o A 9ET01: (6ET01, 6ET02, 6ET03 and 6ET04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
10 / General Studies / GCE syllabus
o 6GS01: Challenges for Society
o 6GS02: The Individual in Society
o 6GS03: Change and Progress
o 6GS04: Beliefs, Values and Responsibilities
Unit: AED. 560 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / General Studies
(GCE syllabus)
o AS 8GS01: (6GS01 and 6GS02)
o A 9GS01: (6GS01 and 6GS02, 6GS03 and 6GS04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
11 / Geography / GCE syllabus
o 6GE01: Global Challenges
o 6GE02: Geographical Investigations
o 6GE03: Contested Planet
o 6GE04: Geographical Research
Unit: AED. 560 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / Geography
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8GE01: (6GE01, 6GE02)
o A : 9GE01: (6GE01, 6GE02, 6GE03 and 6GE04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
12 / Global Development / o 6GL01 : Understanding Global Development
o 6GL02 : Global Development Challenges
Unit: AED. 645 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / Global Development
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8GL01: (6GL01, 6GL02)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
13 / Government and Politics / GCE syllabus
o 6GP01 : People and Politics
o 6GP02 : Governing the UK
o 6GP03A: Key Themes : UK Political Issues
o 6GP03B: Key Themes : Political Ideologies
o 6GP03C: Key Themes : Representative processes in USA
o 6GP03D: Key Themes : Structures of Global Politics
o 6GP04A: Extended Themes : EU Political Issues
o 6GP04B: Extended Themes : Other Ideological Traditions
o 6GP04C: Extended Themes : Governing the USA
o 6GP04D: Extended Themes : Global Political Issues
Unit: AED. 560+ Venue charges Total fee: ______
Note : There is no requirement for candidates to follow the same option code in both 6GP03 and 6GP04 / Government and Politics
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8GP01: (6GP01, 6GP02)
o A : 9GP01: (6GP01, 6GP02, 6GP03 and 6GP04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
14 / History / GCE syllabus
o 6HI01 A England in the Middle Ages and Transition to the Early Modern World
o 6HI01 B Power, Belief and Conflict in Early Modern Europe
o 6HI01 C The British Empire: Colonisation and Decolonisation
o 6HI01 D A World Divided: Communism and Democracy in the 20th Century
o 6HI01 E The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism
o 6HI01 F The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism (Prohibited Combination with 6HI03 Topic D1)
o 6HI02 A Early Modern British History: Crown and Authority
o 6HI02 B British Political History in the 19th Century
o 6HI02 C Conflict and Change in 19th and 20th Century Britain
o 6HI02 D The British Empire Challenged
o 6HI02 E Britain in the Later 20th Century: Responding to Change
o 6HI03 A Revolution and Conflict in England
o 6HI03 B Politics, Protest and Revolution
o 6HI03 C The United States : Challenged and Transformed
o 6HI03 D The Challenge of Fascism
o 6HI03 E War and Peace : 20th Century International Relations
Unit: AED. 560+ Venue charges Total fee: ______
Note: Unit 6HI01 Options E and F are identical, except that Option F includes an additional topic (F7 From Second Reich to Third Reich: Germany 1918-45). Centres wishing to offer topic F7 should enter their candidates for Option F. Unit 6HI01 Option F is a prohibited Combination with A2 Unit 6HI03 Option D1 From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-45 (June only examination). Centres wishing to enter
Candidates for A2 Unit 6HI03 Option D1 in the June examination series may not therefore enter candidates for AS Unit 6HI01 Option F, however they may enter candidates for AS Unit 6HI01 Option E. / History
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8HI01: (6HI01, 6HI02)
o A: 9HI01: (6HI01, 6HI02, 6HI03, 6HI04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
15 / Mathematics / GCE syllabus
o 6663 Core Mathematics 1: C1. AS
o 6664 Core Mathematics 2: C2. AS
o 6665 Core Mathematics 3: C3. A2
o 6666 Core Mathematics 4: C4. A2
o 6667 Further Pure Mathematics FP1. AS
o 6668 Further Pure Mathematics FP2 A2
o 6669 Further Pure Mathematics FP3 A2
o 6677 Mechanics 1: M1. AS
o 6678 Mechanics 2: M2. A2
o 6679 Mechanics 3: M3. A2
o 6680 Mechanics 4: M4. A2
o 6681 Mechanics 5: M5. A2
o 6683 Statistics 1: S1. AS
o 6684 Statistics 2: S2. A2
o 6691 Statistics 3: S3. A2
o 6686 Statistics 4: S4. A2
o 6689 Decision Mathematics 1: D1. AS
o 6690 Decision Mathematics 2: D2. AS
Unit: AED. 415 venue charges Total fee: ______ / Mathematics
(GCE syllabus)
AS Levels
o AS 8371: (6663, 6664, _____ (6677, 6683 or 6689))
o AS 8372: 6667, _____, _____,excluding 6663,6664,6665,6666
o AS 8373: (6663,6664,6665)
o AS 8374: (Any three units not used for previous qualification)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
A Levels
o A 9371: (6663,6664,6665,6666, _____, _____ (6677&6678/ 6683&6684/ 6689&6690/ 6677&6683/ 6677&6689/6683 &6689))
o A 9372: 6667 and either 6668 or 6669) _____, _____, _____ , _____
(Excluding: 6663,6664,6665,6666)
Or: 6667,6668,6669 _____, _____, _____ , plus three other units excluding 6663,6664,6665,6666
o A 9373: 6663,6664,6665,6666, 6667, ______(6668,or 6669).
o A 9374: (Any six units not used for a previous qualification)
_____, _____ , _____ , _____,_____, _____
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
16 / Psychology / GCE syllabus
o 6PS01: Social and Cognitive Psychology
o 6PS02: Understanding the Individual
o 6PS03: Applications of Psychology
o 6PS04: How Psychology Works
Unit: AED. 570 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / Psychology
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8PS01: (6PS01, 6PS02)
o A: 9PS01: (6PS01, 6PS02,6PS03 and 6PS04)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
17 / Physics / GCE syllabus
o 6PH01: Physics on the go
o 6PH02: Physics at work
o 6PH04: Physics on the Move
o 6PH05: Physics from Creation to Collapse
Unit: AED. 415 + Venue charges Total fee: ______ / Physics
(GCE syllabus)
o AS: 8PH01: (6PH01, 6PH02, 6PH03)
o A : 9PH01: (6PH01, 6PH02, 6PH03, 6PH04, 6PH05, 6PH06)
UCI Mandatory for subject award, all units must be attempted
o Module______
Please note that if your previous Statement of Result or Statement of Entry is not attached UCI numbers cannot be verified