Governing Council Meeting

March 21, 2017 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.

Santa Fe Community College – Fine Arts Center Conference Room 754

Santa Fe, New Mexico


I.  Roll Call 5:10 p.m.

Governing Council members attending: Prakash Bhakta, John Bishop (Founder, non-voting), Scott Hauenstein (Faculty Rep), Anne Salzmann (Head of School), Jennifer Sanchez, Ken Scoggins, Kelly Smith (Parent Rep), Jonathan Talavera (Student Rep)

Governing Council members and staff not attending: Monique Anair, Bernadette Jacobs

Guests, Faculty, and Staff: Lisa Lucas (Business Manager)

Recording Secretary: Carol Witter

II.  Discuss and vote to approve this agenda

Motion to approve by Prakash Bhakta, second by Jennifer Sanchez, passed unanimously.

III.  Discuss and vote to approve February 21, 2017 GC meeting minutes

Motion to approve by Prakash Bhakta, second by Ken Scoggins, passed unanimously.

IV.  Public Comments (Up to 2 minutes per person)


V.  Report of the Head of School

Anne Salzmann reported that Christopher Cretella has been hired for math and interviews are in process for Zach's position. We are taking resumes for English.We might consider focusing on “innovation” as a theme to inspire students, given the basics are pretty well covered at TMP. In response to Ken Scoggins request for background of the Friday projects: “happiness comes more from giving than taking, and service to community is part of TMP’s original mission.” Conversation included brainstorming ideas for expanding the scope of Friday projects. We need to solve the transportation issues.

VI.  Report of the Faculty Representative

Scott Hauenstein reported that faculty are preparing for parent conferences and are gearing up for PAARC state testing for 10th and 11th grades.

VII. Report of the Student Representative

Jonathan Talavera reported that students are ready to wrap up the year. The Friday project policy regarding not being able to switch projects mid-semester is not popular and it negatively affects students’ motivation. Jonathan believes eight weeks would be a better guideline that would also help get students more dispersed into the community. Parent Rep Kelly Smith also supportsencouraging studentsto try projects outside their comfort zones. Scott Hauenstein reminded that seniors have the option to create their own projects (they can choose whatever they want.)

VIII.  Report of the STEM Committee

Jennifer Sanchez reported they are meeting with faculty this week.

IX.  Report of the Finance Committee

a.  review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of February 2017 disbursements

Ken Scoggins reported the committee met in a work session earlier today. Based on the committee’s recommendation, Ken moved to approve disbursements as presented, second by Prakash Bhakta, passed unanimously.

b.  review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of BARs

Based on the committee’s recommendation, Kelly Smith moved to approve as presented BAR 519-000-1617-0025-I: $15,000 from Rotary Club Pancake Grant; second by Jennifer Sanchez, passed unanimously.

X.  Report of the Business Manager

Lisa Lucas reported she has a draft of the FY2018 budget, which is due May 12. A public input meeting will be held at 4:30 April18, just before the regular GC meeting. The April agenda will include a vote to approve next year’s school calendar, which includes GC meetings being moved to the second Tuesday each month for 2017/18 calendar year. Lisa will provide a preview and Q&A for the budget at the public input meeting and GC members are encouraged to attend.

XI.  Open discussion of additional topics or issuesfrom GC members

·  John Bishop: please get students to sign-up for July 4th Pancakes on the Plaza event; this would be a good service opportunity as direct response to Rotary Club’s sponsorship, especially for those students who receive meal cards.

·  John Bishop: formalize relationship with CIR (Council of International Relations); ambassadors from several Latin American countries will be visiting; connection with Brent Soloway.

·  Ken Scoggins: Amber Trujillo is a new potential GC member to be voted in the April meeting.

·  Ken Scoggins and Bernadette Jacobs are distributing the same information as last year for the upcoming Head of School evaluation; paper copies will be available this Friday for parents to complete as they are waiting for their conferences; students will complete evaluations next week.

XII. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 6:21 p.m.

2016/17 Meeting Dates

·  July - no meeting
·  8/16
·  9/20
·  10/18
·  11/15
·  12/13 / ·  1/17/2017
·  2/21
·  3/21
·  4/18
·  5/16
·  6/20

3-21-2017 TMP GC Meeting Minutes