Lutheran High School Westland Updated 9/12/2016

Course Outline

I.  Course Title: Biology

II.  Course Description

This course will use a lecture/discussion and laboratory approach to study life from the microscopic level of a cell to the inter-relationship of different organisms. Topics include the biochemistry of a cell, reproduction and heredity, growth and development, anatomy, life processes, and ecology.

A.  Credits: 1.0

B.  Prerequisite: None

C.  Place in curriculum: Grade 9,10

III.  Outline / Listing of Units

A.  Quarter 1 (40 days)

1.  The Study of Life

2.  Principles of Ecology

3.  Communities, Biomes and Ecosystems

4. Biodiversity and Conservation

5. Chemistry in Biology

B.  Quarter 2 (40 days)

1.  Cellular Structure and Function

2.  Cellular Energy

3.  Cellular Reproduction

4.  Sexual Reproduction and Genetics

5.  Human Heredity

6. Molecular Genetics

C.  Quarter 3 (40 days)

1.  Bacteria and Viruses

2.  Protists

3. Fungi

4. Introduction to Plants

5. Plant Structure and Function

6. Reproduction in plants

D.  Quarter 4 (40 days)

1.  Intro. to Animals

2. Worms and Mollusks

3. Arthropods

4. Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates

5. Fishes and Amphibians

6.  Reptiles and Birds

7. Mammals

Materials needed daily:

Students are to report to class with proper materials on a daily basis. Students who do not have the necessary materials (writing implements, homework, textbooks, etc.) will receive a tardy for class that day if they need to go to their locker to get any items. See the student handbook for more information on the severity of tardies.

Science Book:

All students will be issued a Biology book which must be brought to class each day. It is the responsibility of the student to keep their assigned biology book throughout the year. Textbooks should covered by the end of the second week of class. Paper bag covers are fun, provide added protection and are environmentally friendly! Plus they are old school which is even better!


Students are allowed their choice of a pen or a pencil, although work that is done in red pen will not be accepted.


A spiral bound notebook or a binder with loose leaf paper is required of all students. Students will be expected to take notes in class, turn in assignments during class time and will be used for brainstorming.

3 Ring binder:

A 1.5” or larger 3 ring binder is required for each student. This binder will be used to keep students organized throughout the school year. Students will be given worksheets for experiments and other lessons – these worksheet, lab sheets, handouts and tests should be kept in the student’s binder for the duration of the semester.


Student will be required to do projects and other assignments throughout the year. I will do my best to provide the students with these items when needed but I have found that some students would rather use their own or if work is completed at home these resources will need to be available.

Other items:

All students have a Moodle account and should access their E-Mail account that was created by LHSA. Students can have a mobile learning device (tablet or laptop). I have also set up a Remind account for each class. This allows students to receive important reminders from me regarding class ie.: necessary lab materials, test reminders, changes in the assignment due dates, etc.

General expectations:

What you can expect from me:

·  You can expect me to treat all of my students with respect, a firm leadership role, a fair attitude, a friendly environment, a flexible approach, and faithful mindset.

·  You can expect me to grade assignments in a timely manner and have them updated in PowerSchool in the same timely manner.

·  You can expect me to be a partner in learning. I cannot make a student learn, I can only provide them the necessary information to make learning possible.

·  You can expect me to work hard and try my best.

·  You can expect me to provide multiple ways of learning and assessment.

·  You can expect me to speak frankly regarding any issues that might arise.

What I expect from my students:

·  I expect that my students will treat me with respect, with an attitude that prepares them for learning and to treat others with respect and with a loving Christian attitude.

·  I expect my students to work hard in class, be prepared, complete assignments well and on time and be willing to try new things.

·  I expect my students to abide by the LHWL student handbook in its entirety as well as any classroom rules.

·  I expect my students to be honest with me in all aspects and to speak to me at any time if I have offended them or wronged them.

Class work and Practice work:

Students will be busy during class time. Class time will consist of lecture, cooperative and collaborative learning, labs, and discussions. Depending on student use of time and ability to stay on task, class time may be provided to complete assignments. Any work not finished in class will be taken home for homework. Students will be given specific practice assignments to be completed at home on occasion. Class work and practice work is expected to be finished by the due date. Due to the nature of collaborative learning, these due dates will be very vital to all members of class.

If a student does not turn in their work on time they will receive a 15% deduction in their grade when it is turned in one day late. After that, the highest grade possible is 50%. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to find out what work was missed, meet with me if help is needed and turn in missing work on time. Students have one day for each day absent to complete missing work. Homework and assignments are typically turned in at the beginning of class and are expected to be

turned in on time.

Class work, practice work and any other daily assignments will be graded on a straight percentage scale, points earned and points possible.

Quizzes, tests and projects:

Quizzes may be given throughout each unit of study. Tests will be given at the completion of each chapter. Tests may be composed of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, short answer, data interpretation, and essay type questions. All quizzes and tests are closed book. (an open book option is available. Students who choose to utilize the open book option will receive a maximum score of 75%)

Students will have a variety of projects they will be working on for the topics covered this year. Most projects are done in pairs or groups, and will be given class time to work on the project, although some time outside of class may be required. Projects will generally be worth as many points as a test and will be weighted as such. If one does not test well, he/she should try to do well on the assigned projects.

Homework assignments will constitute 40% of the quarter grade. Tests, quizzes and projects will constitute 60% of the quarter grade. A semester exam is also given. Semester exams are worth 20% of the semester grade with each quarter grade constituting 40% of the semester grade.


I work diligently to grade assignments, tests and projects as promptly as possible. In addition to grading items quickly, I also attempt to update grades every few days in Powerschool. It has happened on occasion that assignments are graded and feedback has been given but the grades are not up to date. Please feel free to gently and kindly remind me to update grades in Powerschool. I will not be offended that you remind me but would like to ask for your understanding should there be a reason that grades have not been entered.

Lab safety:

Students will be expected to follow all of the lab safety rules. In addition to the posted rules and those outlined in the Safety Contract, the following apply:

·  Due to the nature of the science lab uses, students are not permitted at any time to touch lab materials that are out on any lab station upon entering or leaving the classroom.

·  Students are not permitted to conduct or begin experiments or labs without express permission from the teacher.

·  Students are expected to treat the science lab as a working (and potentially hazardous) environment and as such, food and drink will NOT be permitted at any time unless permission has been granted.

·  Students will refrain from using lab tables for anything other than conducting lab experiments. These are not to be used to store materials, sit on, eat at or work on unless instructed otherwise.

Students who do not abide by the general safety rules or those stated above will receive an immediate detention and call home.


If a student is absent from class for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to get the work they have missed. Students will be given the number of days they were absent to make up their work. Anything past the allotted days will not be accepted at full value and will be marked down according to the late homework policy.


A student will be considered tardy to class if they are not in the room when class begins. If you must use the bathroom or have some other need that will make you late to class, see me at the start of the hour. Students that have not checked with me first will be marked tardy. See the student handbook for more information on the severity of tardies. Students run the risk of missing important information or the beginning of an activity and will need to get the information on their own and be able to assimilate back into class without disturbing others or lecture.

Academic Integrity/Honesty:

It is not only important from a citizenship perspective but also God-pleasing for students to demonstrate integrity and honesty as Christians. It is important for students to do their own work. My definition of cheating includes but is not limited to the following ways:

• The inappropriate use of other people’s work.

• Using cheat sheets, body parts, or clothing for writing answers.

• Copying someone else’s work during a test or copying homework.

• Plagiarism. (See definition below)

• Allowing family members or others to do projects/homework for you.

• Using someone else’s old (Previous years) test or work for study.

• Providing other students with unauthorized test or quiz information.

• Using the Internet or other technology inappropriately.

• Intentionally or knowingly giving inappropriate academic assistance to another student.

Definition of Plagiarism
“Plagiarism involves two kinds of wrong. Using another person’s ideas, information, or
expressions without acknowledging that person’s work constituted intellectual theft.
Passing off another person’s ideas, information, or expressions as your own to get a better
grade or gain some other advantage constitutes fraud” (Gibaldi 66).
Source: Joseph Gibaldi. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York:
MLA 2003.

Should a student be caught cheating, they should expect to receive a grade of “0”, be issued a detention and have their parents notified by the teacher when the teacher has determined cheating has taken place.


Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact me as soon as any issue relating to student success arises. My email address is or you can call the school at any time. I will do my best to return your e-mail or phone calls as quickly as possible. If, for some reason, you do not receive any response from me within 24 hours, please contact me again. Technology is both a friend and an enemy, sometimes messages and e-mails do get lost. When teachers and parents/guardians work together, students are bound to reach the highest level of academic achievement.