Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, August 30, 2010

GSB 110

Start Time: 6:36

I. Roll Call

A. Members Present

i. Amelia Lopez President

ii. T Gage Vice President & Diversity Chair iii. Alexis Redeemer Academic Chair iv. Isabel Cortes Judicial Chair v. Aya Fawakhiri Internal Affair vi. Lakshmi Poti Accountant vii. Jasmine Abele Historian viii. Courtney Young-Law Advisor ix. Sarah Lombardo Prospective Member

II. Approval of Agenda -Approved by Isabel 2nd by Alexis III. Open Forum V. New Business

A. Welcome/Icebreaker

B. Community - ASMC’s theme will focus on building community on the Mills Campus

i. Aspects of community

Creating a purpose for ASMC beyond funding student events

ii. Interests in service to community- We will do 2 service projects per semester

iii. Attending events- all departments, promoting student led events and supporting events/tabling

Having a cause/reason to table events

iv. Outreach- Networking outside of Mills

National Organizations that connect student governments (networking)

v. Logo-Creating visibility for ASMC

Buying a Large ASMC Banner

C. Committees

i. First Meeting- September 20th

ii. Sign-ups during full board retreat (September 17th)

D. Special funding supplement fundraising for event?

i. BWC/Mujeres/Mouthing Off-surplus $1000

Some clubs have a surplus of cash in their accounts and are not using it on a year to year basis. How should ASMC respond to their special

funding request? Develop a loan plan where ASMC loan clubs money for events, which would have to paid back after the completion of the

event if a profit is made; Make judgement on a case by case basis.

E. Elections- Recruiting (Fill in all available positions)

i. Tabling and speeches (Packets are due Friday, September 3)

Tabling for Elections are September 8th & 9th

September 8, Alexis, Jasmine, Lakshmi

September 9- T and Amelia

Speeches are September 7th 12:15 -1

Aya, Isabelle, and Amelia will table

F. Retreat- September 17th 3pm - Executive Retreat, 4pm - Full Board Retreat

i. Executive Packets are due

ii. Pictures-Group Picture

iii. Karaoke- Off campus location

Estimated time 3pm - 10pm

G. ASMC Office

i. Hours- Establish times for office hours (Due 2 Mondays from now)

Email Jasmine (Historian) Office Hours

ii. Keys- Every executive board members have keys for office

iii. Decorations/supplies

Create a list of supplies and decorations that are needed for the office. Supplies should help create a warm inviting space for the Mills community.

H. Calendar for the Year

Community meeting will be held on October 25th

Last Full Board Meeting will be on the 6th of December

I. Block Party (Thursday, September 2 11:30 -1:00)

i. Tabling- Jasmine (12:30 - 1)

Alexis (12:20 -12:45)

T (Most of 11:30 - 1:00)

Amelia and Isabel will be there (11:30 - 1:00)

Lakshmi (12:25- 1:50)

Aya will make a poster , and copies of Election Packets; Alexis and Isabelle will buy Candy; T will set-up the table prior to start

ii. T-Shirts- Should be in ASMC office by Thursday

J. Online Community- Name needs to be more specific, because of conflicts with Alumni title; We may change our name to Student Online Community

VI. Advisor’s Report

A. Stipends- We will receive 1 stipend for each semester of each year and Courtney will distribute forms B. Encourage students to join ASMC (Recruit) C. T, Amelia, Alexis need to finish the Board of Trusties Report D. Use the ASMC email server to communicate with one another

VI. Announcements

Mujeres Unidas Heritage Month and we should show support T’s birthday is September 19th Fem Dems starts tomorrow

VII. Adjournment 7:50