Memo to the University Community
Subject: Faculty Assessment of Administrators
April 12,, 2005
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TO: Faculty and Chairs
FROM:Mark Rosenberg, Provost & Executive Vice President
SUBJECT:Instructions for Using the on-line Faculty Assessment for Administrators for 2004-2005
DATE:April 12, 2005
As you know, the Faculty Administrator Assessment System (FAAS) is anonline computer software system designed to conduct your annualadministrator assessments. The system provides a list of administratorswhom you may assess (for most, that will be your College Dean andDepartment Chairperson), collects assessment responses/comments,summarizes, and reports assessment results while maintaining theparticipant's anonymity.
The following Colleges and Schools should/may participate in the2004-2005 assessment. If you do not have a registered Universitycomputer user account prior to Jan. 31, you will not be able to participate in the 2004-2005 assessment. Faculty assigned to thePresident's Office, Academic Affairs and HonorsCollege will notuse FAAS.
- College of Arts & Sciences
- College of Business Administration
- College of Education
- College of Engineering
- College of Health and Urban Affairs
- College of Law
- School of Architecture
- School of Hospitality
- School of Journalism & Mass Communication
- University Library
You can conduct assessments starting on April 11 at noon through May 11 at noon, using your Internet-connected home or office computer. To log in, please use your University computer user accountname and the last four digits of your social security number as thepassword.
We reiterate that security is a top priority and no one will beallowed to have access to any individual assessment.
On the website, you will find a sample assessment form and otherinformation to assist you. The FAAS website to use for bothreviewing the questionnaire and for entering your assessment is:
As provided in the Faculty Senate motion, all results will bereported to the Provost. Unit results will be reported to the Deans. Faculty in the units will receive the results of their chair/director'sassessment and of their dean's assessment. Please note that this is anassessment, not an evaluation. Evaluations of administrators areconducted by the Provost and the Deans. The assessments can, of course,be used in making the evaluations along with other pertinent material.
Office of the Provost
University Park.Miami, FL 33199 .Tel 305-348-2151 . Fax 305-348-2994 .
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