From: Valerie M Casey

To:Hall, Wayne

CC:Bradley, Dhiane

Date: 11/26/2007 11:56 AM

Subject: Fwd: Re: Questionnaire for Staff Senate

Hi Wayne, Yes, I had a wonderful Holiday. I hope you did as well!

Thanks for the information I'll pass this on to the Chair of the Credentials and Nominations Committee Dhiane Bradley. I'll get back to you if we need any more information! We appreciate your help!


Valerie M. Casey

University of Louisville

Women's Center

Administrative Annex

Louisville, KY 40292

852- 7715(p)

852-4389 (f)

> Wayne Hall 11/26/2007 10:54 AM >


I hope you had a nice restful Thanksgiving. The response to the survey is below.

1. University Police Advisory Committee.

2. To serve as an advisory capacity to the University Police.

3. The Committee reports to the Director of Public Safety.

4. The Committee has goals, mission statement, rules for membership, rules regarding meetings and agenda.

5. The committee does not have an independent website. The committee is on the University Police Website.

6. The Director of Public Safety is the chair.

7. The role of chair is permanently filled by the Director of Public Safety. The Vice Chair has been selected by

volunteer and appointment by the chair in the past.

8. The Director of Public Safety oversees the roster. The Committee does have administrative help available

through University Police Staff.

9. The original committee consisted of 15 member. However, no one asking to serve on the committee has

been denied. The number of the committee fluctuates from year to year. Presently the committee consist

of Wayne Hall (DPS), James Brown (Career Center), Becky Clark (VP Student Affairs), Karl Cooley (Physical

Plant), Rudy Spencer (SGA), Jill Suttles (Professor), Mark Paul (Ekstrom Library), Anita Sturgill-Block

(Shelby Campus), Mordean Taylor-Archer (Provost Office), Deborah Wilson (Justice Administration),

Vice Chair Ed Laster (Minority Affairs), Libby Davis (V.P. Research), Harvey Johnson (HR),

Valerie Casey (Staff Senate), Jessica Smith (CommonGround), Gregg Shirk (HSC), John Drees

(Communications and Marketing), Lamont Johnson (RLC).

10. Mordean Archer is an ex-officio. All others have full voting rights.

11. The Staff Senate decides who represents them.

12. Members serve for 2 years. The terms are from July to June. Re-appoint after a term has expired has

been approved. There is no limit to terms a member can serve. I believe the present staff senate

representatives' term expires July 1st of 2008.

13. There are no special conditions. Anyone is welcome to serve on the committee.

14. Meetings are held monthly at 11:30 a.m. The meetings generally end at 1:30 p.m. There are

sub-committees that meet periodically to develop projects. The time spent is generally determined by the


If I can be of further service please let me know.


> Valerie M Casey 11/14/2007 2:01 PM >

Hi Wayne,

Hope everything is going well for you! I have a request for you from the Staff Senate. The Credentials and Nominations Committee for the Staff Senate has asked me to have the DPS complete the attached survey. The committee monitors the terms of the senators and is in charge of elections and filling committee appointments. One of the goals of the committee this year is to get a complete list of all committees which have representation from the Staff Senate and prepare a handbook which lists how the positions are to be filled and the expectations of the senators who will be serving in those slots.

Would you be so kind as to fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to me by the end of the month?

Thanks so much!


Valerie M. Casey

University of Louisville

Women's Center

Administrative Annex

Louisville, KY 40292

852- 7715(p)

852-4389 (f)