Name graduate student
Date of birth
MSc in
at the University of
Starting date of contract
RegistrationGraduateSchool / d.d.
Title, topic and description of the graduate research
The research will be carried out within the research school
Activities concerning the graduate research per year (work plan with planning and phasing of research
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
Requirements that the graduate student has to fulfill for the progress reports (evaluation criteria)
Education Planning
Enumeration of the education programs that will be offered / organized by / Institute / research school / graduate school
What (theoretical) knowledge and which (practical) skills need to be acquired in the contract period
What specific knowledge, skills and results need to be acquired at the end of the first year of appointment (SMART). Which criteria will be handled within the framework of the Performance and Development evaluation of the progress
Which specific results need to be acquired in the second, third and fourth year of appointment (SMART)
In what way will the knowledge and skills be gained?
Which education topicswill be valued with a grade?
Conference attendance / study abroad
Courses (e.g. presentation / writing skills)
Didactics for PhD students ICLON
Supervision Planning
Time schedule of evaluations / progress reports (at least once a year) by promotor and supervisor
Minimal number of hours of personal attention by the research supervisor / promotor per Month
Teaching Duties
Type of duties and number of hours per activity
In the yearly Performance and Development Talks the teaching duties will be judged on a.o.
Didactic qualities
Safety during practical courses
Evaluations of students concerning teaching capabilities (1st and 2nd year)
Supervision of students in research projects
This education and supervision Plan will be used as a reference at the evaluation discussions within the framework of the Performance and Development Talks which take place at the end of each year. After evaluation this form may need adjustment or requires additional information to reflect any new agreements.
Function / Name / Signed / Date
Graduate Student
Teaching Director
Scientific Director
Copy of the signed Education and Supervision Plan to be sent to Graduate Student and the Human Resources Department d.d.
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