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Student course evaluations are extremely important to instructors in planning future courses, and the results are taken very seriously by instructors and department chairs. Please consider your responses carefully, answer as thoughfully as you can, and complete all sections before submitting your survey. Note: Your feedback will be kept confidential, and no information linking your identity to your responses can be accessed by your instructor or campus administrators.
You may complete only one evaluation form for this course using this tool. If you choose not to fill out the survey, please scroll to the bottom and click the Decline button. Click the Submit Evaluation button at the bottom of the page to save your responses. YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR RESPONSES AFTER COMPLETING OR DECLINING THE SURVEY.
Thanks for contributing your feedback.
Course/Instructor Characteristics
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
This course challenged me to think deeply about the subject matter.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor clearly communicated what was expected of me in this class.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
I was able to get individual help when I needed it.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The course materials (e.g., coursepack, website, texts) helped me better understand the subject matter.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The course assignments helped me better understand the subject matter.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor evaluated my work fairly.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor showed concern about whether students learned the material.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor expressed ideas clearly.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor showed enthusiasm for the subject matter.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor showed enthusiasm for teaching this class.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor treated all students with respect.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructional techniques engaged me with the subject matter.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor provided me with helpful feedback on my performance.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
This course was very exciting to me intellectually.
Overall Course Assessment
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
Overall, this course was excellent.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
Overall, this instructor was an effective teacher.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
Overall, I learned a great deal from this course.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor held class meetings consistent with the official schedule published for this course.
Please estimate the average number of hours per week that you spent outside of class on work related to this course.
About how many times this semester have you met with the instructor outside of class?
Comments on overall assessment of this course.
Teaching Award Recommendation
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor was one of the best I have had at Carolina, fully deserving of a teaching award.
Feedback to Students
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor handled questions well.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor used examples that had relevance for me.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor used class time well.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The instructor encouraged students to participate in this class.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
This course was designed to keep me engaged in learning.
Not Applicable / 1:Strongly Disagree / 2:Disagree / 3:Neither Disagree Nor Agree / 4:Agree / 5:Strongly Agree
The workload was appropriate for what I gained from this class.
Other Information
Fail / Pass / F or D / C- or C / C+ or B- / B or B+ / A- or A / L / P / H
What grade do you think you will get in this course?
No / Yes
Is this a required course for you?
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Course/Instructor Characteristics