Renewal of Marriage Vows:
Celebrant: / Dear friends, you have committed yourselves to each other, and your families, through love and prayer; you have deepened your knowledge of yourselves and of each other; you have learnt skills to help you live and enrich your relationships and married lives. Do you now wish to re-new those vows you made before God and others to each other?Couples: / We do
Celebrant: / At your marriage you declared your intention of entering into the sacrament before God and his Church. Do you commit to living to that declaration now?
Couples: / We do
Celebrant: / Do you commit yourselves to helping each other continue to learn to relate?
Couples: / We do
Celebrant: / Do you commit yourselves to the family that you have, and those you have become part of?
Couples: / We do
Celebrant: / Do you commit yourselves to enriching your relationship, and other relationships in your community?
Couples: / We do
Celebrant: / Do you commit yourselves to sustaining yourselves in the difficulties you encounter in your marriage, seeking just and prayerful solutions and help when needed?
Couples: / We do
Celebrant: / You have declared your commitment before God. May He in his goodness strengthen your commitment and fill you with his blessings.
In baptism, we received the light of Christ. May you carry this light in your marriage to bring light, life and healing to each other, and those in your family and community.
Receive now the light of Christ to burn brightly in your ministry.
(Each couple comes to the altar and receives a lighted candle)
Renewal of Marriage Vows (2)
Celebrant:My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord Jesus called you to bear witness to him and to his love for the Church in the loving union of marriage.
You have come together today to renew your marriage vows in the presence of this community.
Couples are invited to face each other.
Will you continue to give yourselves to each other in marriage?
Response: We will
Priest:Will you love and honour each other as husband and wife for the rest of your lives?
Response: We will
Priest:Will you love and care for your children, according to the law of Christ and His Church?
Response: We will
Couples are invited to join hands.
Couples: We promise to be true to each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. We will love and honour each other all the days of our lives.
Couples: (repeat alternately) “I, in the presence of God, reaffirm my commitment to you. I give thanks that you have shared my life. All that I am and all that I have I continue to share with you. Whatever the future holds I will love you and stand by you as long as we both shall live”.
Priest: You have declared your commitment before God. May He in his goodness strengthen you in this and fill you with his blessings
Priest: Lord, in their struggles help them to rejoice that you are near to them; in their needs let them know that you are there to rescue them; in their joys let them see that you are the source and completion of every happiness.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord
All. Amen.
Renewal of Marriage Vows (3)
I call upon these persons here present,
To witness that I renew the gift of myself to you
which I first made when Christ our Lord bound us together on our wedding day.
I renew my loving commitment to you,
to have and to hold,
for better for worse,
for richer for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do us part.
I promise, to give myself in love to you,
trusting in Christ our Lord,
who lives with us in our home.
Renewal of Marriage Vows (4)
Dear Lord,
We kneel before you now, as a sign of our commitment to you and to each other.
This sign is a renewal of our promise to be people, who love as you loved.
We ask now for the power of your Holy Spirit to fill us, so that from today we will have a greater desire and power to serve you in our lives.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Renewal of Marriage Vows
I call upon these persons here present,
to witness that I renew the gift of myself to you,
which I first made when Christ Our Lord bound us
together on our wedding day.
I renew my loving commitment to you,
to have and to hold,
for better for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish, till death do us part.
I promise to give myself in love to you,
trusting in Christ Our Lord,
who lives with us in our home.