Web Page Evaluation Checklist

Title of Page you re evaluating
1. Look at the URL: /
Personal page or site? Site /  - or %, of users, members, or people 248,889
What type of domain is it? Stormfront Inc.
Appropriate for the content? No / Com org/netedu gov/mil/us
non-US ______
Published by entity that makes sense? No
Does it correspond to the name of the site? No / Publisher of Domain Name entity
Stormfront Inc.

Scan the perimeter of page, looking for answers to these questions

Who wrote the page? Stormfront Inc / E-mailName:
Dated? No / Date ____None______Current enough
Credentials on this subject? None
(Truncate back the URL is not useful links) / Evidence?
Communist view on the subject of Martin Luther King Jr.

Look for these indicators of quality

Source well documented? / No
Complete? If 2nd hand information, is it not altered or forged? / 2nd hand information that is altered
Links to more resources? Do they work? / Some work, others don’t
Other viewpoints? Bias? / Very Bias

What do others say?

Who links to it? Wikipedia, Free Republic, etc.
Hint: in Google search. Link:all.or.part.of.url / Many or few? 173
Opinions of it? Biased, not very good reviews, communist view on Martin Luther King Jr.
Is the page rated well in a directory?
or or / No, not at all in fact it isn’t even rated
Look up the author in Google
Does it all add up? / It all adds up I mean the author is a communist group
Why was the page put on the Web? /  Inform, facts, data Explain Persuade Sell EnticeShare/disclose
 Other:
Possibly ironic? Satire or parody? / Mostly Satire

BOTTOM LINE: Is the web page as good as (or better than) what you could find in journal articles or other published literature that is not on the free, general web?

This page is a perfect example of biased information and what not to use when trying to find facts on a certain subject. After going through the website it was easy to tell just by how it was set up and the fact that certain links didn’t work that it wasn’t a reliable source at all. This website was meant to share a communist view on the subject of Martin Luther King Jr. and that is it.

The Teaching Library, University of California, Berkeley

Web Page Evaluation Checklist

Title of Page you re evaluating
1. Look at the URL: /
Personal page or site? Site /  - or %, of users, members, or people 44%
What type of domain is it? News Source
Appropriate for the content? Yes / Comorg/net edu gov/mil/us
non-US ______
Published by entity that makes sense? Yes
Does it correspond to the name of the site? Yes / Publisher of Domain Name entity
Seattle Times

Scan the perimeter of page, looking for answers to these questions

Who wrote the page? / E-mail Name: Seattle Times Company
Dated? 2007 / Date ______2007______Current enough Yes
Credentials on this subject? Yes
(Truncate back the URL is not useful links) / Evidence?
lii.org ranks this site very high

Look for these indicators of quality

Source well documented? / Yes
Complete? If 2nd hand information, is it not altered or forged? / Good information, seems very reliable
Links to more resources? Do they work? / Yes, and they all work
Other viewpoints? Bias? / Mainly just facts, no viewpoints

What do others say?

Who links to it? Flickr, Google, Wikipedia, ask, etc.
Hint: in Google search. Link:all.or.part.of.url / Many or few? 14,638
Opinions of it? Very well laid out, with a lot of good information and ranked very well in lii.org
Is the page rated well in a directory?
or or / Rated very well, one of the top 10
Look up the author in Google
Does it all add up? / Yes
Why was the page put on the Web? /  Inform, facts, data Explain Persuade Sell Entice Share/disclose
 Other:
Possibly ironic? Satire or parody? / Mainly Just Facts

BOTTOM LINE: Is the web page as good as (or better than) what you could find in journal articles or other published literature that is not on the free, general web?

This website is a great example of what to look for when you need facts to back up your opinions or just need to learn about a certain subject. It is also ranked very well on reliable sources that rank pages and it has links that work and the layout is very professional all pointing the way to a good source!

The Teaching Library, University of California, Berkeley