T.U.S.C. Handbook:
The TUSC program is an awesomelanguage arts program designed to improve your listening, speaking, and writing skills! It will also teach you how to run a meeting, act as a secretary, answer questions politely, and deliver speeches confidently.
In order for the TUSC program to be a successful experience for you, you must be prepared for whatever job is assigned to you.
1) Be creative and use your full effort. Do MORE than asked…NOT less!
2) Use time wisely, and work independently
3) 2-3 minute speech (time yourself and practice!)
4) don’t procrastinate- Be fully prepared!
5) hand in your digital files to Mr. N. ahead of time!
6) Prepare a full 1-2 page speech with a grabby creative opening, and conclusion that wraps things up. (Practise speech with your parents ahead of time!!)
7) prepare “speech cheat notes” as I’ll explain to you.
8) speak clearly, loudly and expressively (don’t read and take ONLY cheat notes to present)
9) Have FUN and remember that YOU’RE awesome and UNIQUE so make your presentation the same!!!
10) accept pointers and assistance from peers, parents and teacher before AND after presenting!
11) IF you are using technology…PRACTICE WITH your helper (who will RUN the slides, start music, etc.)
12) IF using Powerpoint, DON’T put many (or any) words onto the slides.
The following pages outline the duties of every participant in the TUSC program. Be familiar with these duties. This TUSC handbook can be referred to when you have forgotten what you need to do to complete your job.
Don’t forget to look at the website and find the TUSC link. (if you are reading this on paper format)
Schedule for this year!! (Highlight YOUR name wherever you find it!!)
Jobs: / Nov.12pm / Nov.20pm / Nov.27pm / Dec.4am / Dec.11am1 / Chairperson / Willow / Claire / Ashton / Devon / Anna / Ericko / Job
2 / Secretary / Claire / Willow / Sarah / Ayesha / Gracie / Zsarina / Sarah
3 / Complimenter / Ashton / Anna / Devon / Calysta / Willow / Claire / Ayesha
4 / Media Critic (Book,game,movie) / Ethan / Jaden / Calysta / Ericko / Devon / Gracie / Claire
5 / Country Spy (use cia site) / Naemie / Ericko / Erik / Job / Theoren / Revekka / Gracie
6 / Speaker’s Corner(contrav.issues) / Ericko / Gracie / Jaden / Ashton / Job / Anna / Devon
7 / Famous Person (Tel. interview) / Job / Devon / Naemie / Jaden / Ayesha / Rovic / Conner
8 / Steinbach (local) News / Archie / Naemie / Anna / Erik / Ethan / Conner / Ashton
9 / International (world) News / Rovic / Sarah / Ayesha / Willow / Zsarina / Elias / Anika
10 / Commercial #1 / Theoren / Ashton / Rovic / Archie / Ericko / Devon / Elias
11 / Favorite Kids Website / Jaden / Elias / Conner / Ethan / Rovic / Ashton / Naemie
12 / Animal Talk / Revekka / Conner / Makayla / Anika / Jaden / Naemie / Ethan
13 / Canadian or World Travel Talk / Conner / Anika / Ericko / Sarah / Makayla / Ethan / Willow
14 / Demonstration / Devon / Rovic / Anika / Makayla / Conner / Erik / Archie
15 / Artifact Talk (collector’s item) / Erik / Revekka / Theoren / Zsarina / Anika / Sarah / Jaden
16 / Commercial #2 / Anika / Zsarina / Willow / Naemie / Claire / Calysta / Anna
17 / Artist's Presentation / Gracie / Makayla / Revekka / Claire / Elias / Archie / Erik
18 / Survey and computer Graph / Ayesha / Ethan / Elias / Conner / Naemie / Jaden / Makayla
19 / Teacher Interview / Makayala / Ayesha / Zsarina / Theoren / Sarah / Job / Rovic
20 / Jokester / Elias / Archie / Ethan / Rovic / Erik / Willow / Zsarina
21 / New Product (technol.) Report / Anna / Theoren / Archie / Gracie / Ashton / Ayesha / Calysta
22 / Take the Stuffie / Calysta / Job / Claire / Revekka / Archie / Makayla / Ericko
23 / Healthy Snack / Zsarina / Erik / Gracie / Elias / Calysta / Theoren / Revekka
24 / Awards Presenter / Sarah / Calysta / Job / Anna / Revekka / Anika / Theoren
Chairperson's Duties (use agenda form provided)
The chairperson must:
1) be familiar with the agenda prior to the meeting, and fill in all details ahead of time.
2) adapt form as necessary (different jobs or order)
3) keep the meeting running smoothly.
4) introduce each speaker/ report in complete sentences.
5) tolerate no interruptions or noise.
Secretary's Duties (use secretary's form provided)
The secretary must:
1) have the minutes from the last TUSC meeting & read them over in preparation
2) be prepared with a pen and "secretary's report form"
3) read over the form ahead of time.
4) fill in all important information. (some ahead of time as you are able)
5) be ready to read the minutes (secretary form from last time) aloud to the class
Complimenter’s Duties:
A 'complimenter' must:
1) address and thank the speaker by name.
2) make compliment slips to record compliments for each speaker to receive later.
3) quickly make a meaningful comment, or tell which part you enjoyed, after each report.
4) make sure NOT to make repeated or super-general compliments/comments.
Media Critic (Movie/TV, game or book Review)(use form provided)
To do a review, a student must:
1) critique a movie, game or book you have watched/ read/ played.
2) choose an appropriate gr.5 book, game or movie.
3) briefly identify the content of the “mgb”, but not give away the plot.
4) Explain their opinions of the “mgb”. (what was good, bad, name highlights, where can the “mgb” be seen...)
5) Identify who you would recommend this “mgb” for and why.
6) consider bringing the book/game/movie cover in to show the class, or make a powerpoint with a few slides.
7) consider showing part of the trailer if it is a movie.
8) consider giving other peoples’ opinions as well. (from those who know)
Country Spy(instructions on form provided)
1) choose a country to research
2) Report on many exciting and interesting facts.
3) don’t go on and on about country facts that are boring to you, bc they’ll be boring to others too!
4) make sure facts can be understood and are not plagiarized.
5) consider making a PowerPoint, poster…
Speaker’s Corner(instructions on form provided)
1) Choose a controversial issue (google “kids controversial issues” or “debate topics for kids”)
2) Research both or several sides on the issue
3) Survey peer opinions on the topic
4) Choose a side and try to convince your audience!
5) make sure to be thorough…don’t JUST say one or two things about topic!
Telephone interview (Famous person!)(instructions on form provided)
1) Pretend you are a famous person of your choice.
2) Research that person so that you are VERY comfortable talking about “yourself”… or
3) consider choosing 10 questions to have a friend ask “you” (as you’re acting like the famous person)
4) Memorize your answers (facts about the famous person)
5) Consider dressing up as your famous person, using a creative voice etc.
6) consider using PowerPoint images on the screen behind you as you talk (to support what you say)
Steinbach (local) News Reporter:
The news reporter must report on interesting news from Steinbach. They can find information from Steinbach Online, the Carillon, news etc. They must:
1) be prepared with an interesting summary of a news story written in their own words.
2) NOT choose a topic that doesn’t have much to say…choose a more interesting one then if info is limited!
3) be ready to present the report in front of the class. (try to report, not just read!)
4) try to have a picture to show and pass around, or use the projection unit.
5) be creative with your voice, make a pretend microphone etc.
International (world) News
The news reporter must report on interesting news from another country. They must:
1) be prepared with an interesting summary of a news story written in their own words.
2) be able to locate the country where the event took place on a map, globe or google map image put onto PowerPoint.
3) be ready to present the report in front of the class. (try to report, not just read!)
4) Try to have a picture to show and pass around, or use the projection unit.
Commercial #1 & 2
This student must:
1) Think of a problem you might have (too much homework, an annoying sister, not enough money, poor math skills, not enough time, you don’t like vegetables, etc.)
2) Invent some kind of machine or creation that solves one of those issues, and give it an outrageously creative name.
3) prepare an interesting "commercial break"
4) be prepared with everything needed. (props, pretend invention, helpers etc.)
5) try to convince others that your creation must be purchased. (make your commercial sound like an infomercial)
Favorite Kids Website
The job is to:
1) find an educational Website that is designed for kids your age and tell us why you chose the site.
2) mention a few things that you really liked about it.
3) Tell what you learn while you play the game or use the site
4) demonstrate what the site does. (Talk while a helper displays the site’s best parts)
Animal Talk
1) Choose an unusual animal that you don’t know too much about. (check with Mr. N. about it before starting)
2) Research that animal and find out 10 or more interesting things about it.
3) Make a powerpoint or a poster that has several pictures
4) Share that information during your speech
World or Canadian Travel Talk
The World or Canadian "Travel Talker" must:
1) choose and research their location choice. (An Awesome spot) , (ie. West Edmonton Mall, Water Park, Dinosaur Museum, tower, waterfalls, etc...)
2) write an interesting report, and include pictures.
3) introduce their choice, and present their report to the class. and....
4) include several reasons why this location would be a blast to visit!
The person demonstrating must:
1) show, or demonstrate, how to do or make something. (tell Mr.N. as soon as you decide!!)
2) take no more than 4 minutes
3) show the steps from beginning to end.
4) TALK WHILE you show the steps…no LONG silent times where the class just watches you!!
4) practice doing the demonstration many times for others ahead of time.
5) consider using the document camera with a helper so that the class can see something “done” on the big screen in front of them.
6) consider using youtube for inspiration. (ask parents first) There are tons of great instructional Youtube videos you can learn both the good and the bad from!
Artifact Talk
The person responsible for this job must:
1) bring a small antique or other interesting object from home (or your grandparents etc.), or a souvenir from a holiday. (something old or meaningful, a collection etc.)
2) tell the class about the artifact using complete sentences. (ie) Where did it come from, what is it used for, why is it special to you, and what memories does it hold for you or others?
3) consider having a large picture of it displayed on the projector while you speak so that people aren’t just concentrating on a small item being passed around.
Artist's Presentation
The artist must:
1) prepare a work of art during the week. (using anything...plasticene, wood, pencil, pencil crayons, paint etc.)
2) ask Mr. N. well ahead of time if any materials will be needed.
3) present their work of art to the class.
4) describe the work of art.
5) tell the class any other details about the project. (ie) Did you enjoy it? How long did it take? Did you need help? ...
6) consider showing some good websites that you can get great art ideas from.
Survey and computer Graph (ask for a class list to record whom you've asked)
The person surveying the class must:
1) Come up with a CREATIVE and EXCITING question to ask the class. (show Mr. N. first!)
2) Make a survey sheet that you can use to ask the class your question and record their responses.
(Don’t ask a boring question with responses that our class won’t be interested in…like “favorite color” etc.)
3) tally peer responses
4) graph the results on a suitable graph style using Microsoft Excel
5) Display the graph using the projector so it’s large enough for the class to see during your speech.
6) write one or two good comparative math question to ask the class based on information from the survey. (ie) Which flavour of ice cream was the most popular? How many more people liked vanilla than tiger tiger?
Teacher Interview
1) Think of 10 creative thought-provoking questions to ask a teacher
2) DON’T ask boring questions like “favourite color”…)
3) ask questions that will generate exciting responses that are not “yes” or “no” etc.
(examples: What is the most embarrassing thing…tell me about a time when you were in trouble in school or at home as a kid, what is your idea of a really fun time? Etc. etc. etc.)
4) Show Mr. Neufeld your questions before interviewing the teacher.
5) Set up a time to interview your teacher (Don’t procrastinate or catch your teacher at a bad time!!)
6) Compile your findings INTO a 2-3 minute speech…don’t just say question, answer, question, answer…)
Jokester Duties
The person presenting jokes and riddles must:
1) find a few jokes for the class. (3-4 if longer ones, 5+ if shorter ones)
2) rehearse the jokes ahead of time. (know how to use expression to make them sound as funny as possible!)
3) consider practising in front of a mirror to see if you look expressive!
4) find funny and appropriate jokes (ask your family if they’ll be funny & understood by your audience!!)
5) consider using powerpoint for including a background image to go with each joke.
Wear a jokester hat (etc.) if you like!
New Product Report
1) Choose a new product that you have at home or would like to have (ipod, game system, watch, camera, laptop, radio, mp3 player…)
2) research what it can do, and how it works
3) Tell the class all about the product- (how much it costs, where you can get it, what are it’s positive and negative points, what it compares with, etc.)
4) Bring the item or a picture of it with you to show everyone.
Using a PowerPoint presentation for this speech works really well sometimes!
Take the Stuffie
1) Choose a stuffed animal of yours
2) write a speech from the point of view of your stuffie
3) Invent 5-10 situations or activities that your stuffie will “do”
4) take a picture of the stuffie in each location and creatively describe it’s thoughts and comments for each one.
5) put these pictures into Powerpoint slides so that we can see them as your stuffie “gives it’s speech” or as you tell which exciting activities you’ve done with your stuffie that week.
Healthy Snack
The student must:
1) plan and prepare a snack for the class TUSC meeting. (bring along paper plates, forks, cups, etc. or ask for the teacher to help with that ahead of time)
2) present the recipe with the class and discuss how it is healthy.
3) Tell the class how you were involved in making the snack.
4) consider taking digital pictures at home while making the snack. (several stages/steps). Put photos into PowerPoint slides.
5) have enough snacks to share with the class. (ie) home-made granola mix, banana chocolate chip muffins, chips and home-made salsa, oatmeal cookies, fruit salad, home-made bread etc.)
NOTE-NO peanut butter products please!
Awards Presenter (use evaluation form provided during meeting)
The Presenter must:
1) Read the entire TUSC handbook to yourself a couple of times to make sure you are familiar with the job expectations.
1) carefully listen to all the speakers.
2) mark each presenter using the form provided.
3) choose which were the 3 best reports given. (must be at least one boy and one girl)
4) use Ms Publisher (or make some with class construction paper etc.) and make 3 creative and personalized awards (don’t JUST keep the template)
5) present the awards and trophies in front of the class after the Healthy Snack.
6) validate their choices to the class (give specificreasons why you chose them) in full sentences.
7) Your presentation is a SPEECH too, NOT just saying “first ____ second _____ third ______.”
* You are NOT allowed to pick JUST your best friends…you MUST choose the 3 presenters that are MOST deserving!
You have A LOT of choice…so be creative!!
ASK me if you have any new ideas that you’re not sure about. We can make changes!