Ways to Encourage Children to Read & Write
- Encourage children to attend to the pictures in stories
- Print the child’s name and talk about the letters in his or her name
- Use print throughout the day so that children are exposed to it in different situations.
- Encourage children to look at environmental print that they are familiar with (i.e. stop signs, product labels) as these things hold meaning to the children
- The Ottawa Public Library
- First Words
- Parent Resource Centre
- The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program
Be a Role Model
- Let Children See You Using & Enjoying Books & Writing Tools
- Use the Reading and Writing Areas in the room yourself
Promoting Emergent Literacy
Use pillows, cushions and natural lighting so children can relax and enjoy their experiences in this area
The Ottawa Public Library has a program called “Every Child Ready to Read”. The program is research based and used throughout North America to develop literacy and build the six pre-reading skills children need to be successful readers. More information on the program and who to contact if you are interested in it can be found at.
Ways to Encourage Children to Read & Write
- Ask children about the drawings they create and encourage them to tell you about what they have created.
- Use books that are relevant to children. Help children make connections & meaning by providing learning opportunities that extend beyond the book area. Create games and activities based off of the children’s favorite books
Ways to Encourage Children to Read & Write
- Use rhymes and finger plays to create interest in speech sounds and storytelling
- Go for trips to the library often
- Make sure there are plenty of writing tools available at all times. Children learn to write by drawing, copying print, remembering word forms that hold meaning to them (child’s name), and inventing and creating new word forms.
Ways to Encourage Children to Read & Write
- Provide props for storytelling
Masks, toys, puppets, flannel boards and characters
- Read aloud and talk about the story
Read, ask questions and let the children ask questions, listen and talk about the relevance of the story to the children. This will create meaning for the children.