Lake Bel Air Property Owners Association
Board of Directors
North Adams Library
6:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes October 17, 2017
Present: Karl R. Hermann, Pres., Terry Skelley, Vice Pres., Lynnea Bendixen, Secretary, Linda Snoes, Treas., Sue Rausch, Dir., John Mancini, Dir., Pat Giese, Dir.
Guests: 3 guests. Walt Surducan, Steve Sczytko, Marine Hoykyo
Quorum established.
The first 30 minutes were spent in discussion regarding the Nov. 11, 2017 5K Christmas box fund-raiser event.
6:30 pm Meeting called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance recited
17-13 Voted to approve the minutes of September 11 meeting with one correction.
17-14 Voted to accept the treasure’s report as follows:
Bank Checking Account -$16,573.49
Bank Savings Account - $25,211.27
17-15Voted to amend the 2017/2018 Budget to better delineate the spending plans for the Island Restoration and silt reduction plan.
17-16 Voted to apply assessment charges for multiple lots = 80% per 2nd lot. Quick review of those over-charged.
Communications: Received a message that Lot #2 Shannon Cove 4590 Julie Court has sold.
Committee Reports:
Posting minutes on website outcome of legal consultation: Yes, we can.
Regarding the listing of Board & Committee Chair names, everyone is agreeable.
Renaming Silt Dam to Silt Sediment Reduction Committee
Cost for renewing the web-site and what about making it password secure?
➢Weed Control:
New PLM contract? - We would like to renew with a 5 year contract with PLM. This would provide considerable savings with regards to permit fees.
Do we want/need other companies to bid? – Very satisfied with PLM and they are familiar with our lake and our situation.
Mapping/assessment of lake depth by PLM est. cost $1,500.00 within budget. – On October 18th PLM will be conducting our current depth study. This will include water and also silt depth.
They will also provide a mineral and organic residue analysis. Old lake maps will be provided to PLM to compare to the current findings.
➢Sediment Reduction: Committee chair gave detailed report andadditional information update will be sent.
➢Newsletter: A Fall newsletter was sent out. Before the end of October an e-mail/mail and flyers will be delivered for the upcoming 5K fund raiser for our Christmas box giving program.
➢Lake Directory: Pat Chase
➢Island Restoration Project: Committee has checked into A + A Landscaping about bringing in soil and top soil for the Island project. Estimating the 20 to 30 cubic feet cost to be around $780.00. There is also free sand at a current building site. This project has been given a budget of $5,500. So far $1,468.22 has been spent.
17-17 Voted to allow the remaining funds of $4,041.78 to be carried forward to the 2018 budget
➢Social Events: 5-K Walk/Run
17-18 Voted to donate $300.00 to cover expenses for the 5K fund-raising event.
Unfinished Business:
1.Overdue yearly assessments, procedures for liens. Liens for 2017 have been placed in the usual way
2.Old liens at County Registrar. Investigation still to be done.
3.Publishing important Board decisions/regulations. Where? Who? Postpone to next month.
4.Grates for dam. - Chairperson shared that the drain commissioner doesn’t have a problem with the grates to help hold in the fish from flowing over the dam. The dam chairperson will take on the responsibility to inspect and keep the grates clear of debris and to remove the grates in the Fall. The grates will be placed next Spring.
17-19 Voted to approve the cost of grates at $85.00 per grate (needing 5 grates) plus chains to hold grates in place for the dam.
5.Lot 77. Pays the assessment. Need to check into lake access &/or rights.
Future New Business:
Financial Situation: What are our reserves? : With regards to our savings and checking accounts and considering current project expenses, do we have our future plans &/or unforeseen expense allocation monies in order? Do we have a 5 year plan in place?
Financial Situation: What other commitments do we have? What’s our plan should something happen to the dam, or any other unexpected expense arise?
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynnea Bendixen