What is income management?
Income management is a way for the Government to help people manage their Centrelink money and ensure they are getting the things they need such as food and clothing.
Income management doesn’t change the amount of Centrelink money a person receives, just the way it is paid to them. Part of the Centrelink payment can be put onto a BasicsCard or paid directly to stores and businesses.
When will income management be available in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands and Laverton?
Income management started in Ngaanyatjarraku Shire, Laverton Shire and Kiwirrkurra Community on 15 April 2013 to help families to manage their money and make sure that children have what they need to grow up healthy and strong.
Who will be on income management?
Income management will not be for everyone. Most people will be able to choose whether they want income management to help them manage their Centrelink payment.
- Some people will volunteer for income management.
- State child protection workers may arrange for some people to go onto income management when their children are at risk.
- Centrelink social workers may arrange for some people to go onto income management because they are struggling with managing their money.
If you want to sign up for income management, talk to Centrelink.
If someone is chosen to be on income management and they are not happy with the decision, they can talk about it with Centrelink or their state child protection worker to find out why the decision was made, or try to change the arrangement.
How does income management work?
If you sign up for income management or are referred for income management, Centrelink will meet with you to talk about the best way to manage your money, which could be to put aside money on a BasicsCard or to pay money directly to stores or businesses for important basics like:
- food / school food
- clothes
- rent / housing
- medication / hospital bills
- bills (water, phone, electricity)
- travel and holidays.
You do not have to have a BasicsCard. If you do not want a BasicsCard, Centrelink can pay your income management money direct to stores and businesses.
People who volunteer, or are referred by a Centrelink social worker, have half (50 per cent) of their Centrelink money and family assistance payments put onto the BasicsCard or paid directly to stores or businesses for basic needs.People who volunteer for income management can come off it after the first 13 weeks.
People who are referred by state child protection workers have more than half (up to 70 per cent) of their Centrelink money and family assistance payments put on the BasicsCard or paid directly to stores or businesses for basic.
The rest of the Centrelink payment—the balance—is paid in the normal way, usually into a bank account. This money can be withdrawn as cash.
Where can you use the BasicsCard?
The BasicsCard works the same way as other EFTPOS cards and you put in a PIN to use it.
The BasicsCard can be used in a number of community stores in the Ngannyatjarra Lands and Lavertonand many large and small stores across Australia. The BasicsCard can be used for many things, including food, clothing, fuel, health items, travel and things for the home.
Details of approved BasicsCard Merchants are available at humanservices.gov.au.
How can income management help you save?
People who volunteer for income management get $250 every 26 consecutive weeks that they remain on income management. This money goes into their income management account.
People who are referred by a child protection worker or Centrelink social worker may be eligible for the Matched Savings Payment. Eligible people can receive $1 for every dollar they save, up to a maximum of $500. To be eligible for the Matched Savings Payment, people must complete an approved money management course.
What other support is available?
Income management is one way to help people manage their money. There are other ways the Government is working to help people manage their money, with financial counselling and training that is already happening in the community.
More information
To find out more talk with a Centrelink social worker. People can also call the Income Management Line on 1800 132 594 or Indigenous services on 1800 136 380.
Calls to ‘1800’ numbers from your home phone are free. Calls from public and mobile phones may be timed and charged at a higher rate.